Best Nutrient Line???

Ive heard about using raw mineral salts in place of name brand bottled nutrients multiple times on here, does anyone have some links to some full grows that were done this way? The one time that I saw someone attempt it, it didnt work out well.

Considering there's a lot more factors involved than choosing certain salts or a brand of the typical rocket fuels, you can only take cherry picked photos with a grain of salt.

Easiest solution is Dyna-Gro foods. Cheap, high quality, all in one and contain 16 of the essential elements required for good plant performance.

Although Dyna-Gro comes pretty close to it, there is no "best nutrient line", especially when it comes to the hokey game of cannabis specific foods. If I think a product line comes even close to targeting cannabis growers, I stay away from it.
I can't seem to get the oxygen to mix with the hydrogen.....It just keeps floating away??
Do I need a zero gravity chamber?
I tried to shake it real well.
Somebody help!
This is not rocket science, is it??
and already you are proving to be quite the douche.... damn near record timing! almost every one of your posts is about nutrient lines and laughing at someone else. surely a "head grower" could put their knowledge to better use here
Yeah I agree.......what a bell end, come on here to help and do nothin but take the piss.......I see no industry is free of wankers :cry:
People will be people. Myself, I use Fox Farm nutrients as well as Fox Farm Ocean Forrest. The whole list of products and the whole feeding schedule at 100 percent per 1000w +/- depending on lighting from there! I seem to have no issues, as some would describe on this forum. But I will say, that CalMag should be used at feedings or Dolomite Lime and Epsom salt should be worked into the soil prior to transplanting. If you do this you should be pleasantly surprised by the results. But as with all things in life, Do what thou wilt! :twisted: By the way I just noticed the thread was really old that we are posting on!
Freetheworld may I ask what water source you are using and it EC or stats?

I am trying to dial in the fox farm trio now with ocean forest and the missing mag and calcium in the grow big puzzles me.

I mix in tiger bloom as needed but I think the Big bloom used at or above 2 teaspoons per gallon (like the directions on the bottle of course) is balancing the micronutrients.

I will know in time bit it seems you already have the experience.
Freetheworld may I ask what water source you are using and it EC or stats?

I am trying to dial in the fox farm trio now with ocean forest and the missing mag and calcium in the grow big puzzles me.

I mix in tiger bloom as needed but I think the Big bloom used at or above 2 teaspoons per gallon (like the directions on the bottle of course) is balancing the micronutrients.

I will know in time bit it seems you already have the experience.

Actually, I am just using a 10 stage filter running from my tap. The water comes out at 6.8 PH, never checked the PPM but with the 10 stage filter, I would imagine it is top flight. My first run with the full FF nute line with FFOF, I ran into the CALmag problem, I found a thread on here and do not remember which one, that said essentially, that FF lacks Calmag, so I bought CaliMagic. I add the directed amount of Calimagic per gallon and add my FF nutes full strength per 1000w's. So if you are using a 250HPS use 25% strength and a 400HPS use 40%, 600HPS use 60%, etc etc.... But use the Calimagic or whatever brand you prefer at full strength.. I run LED's and have had no complaints.

I do not have any experience with just the FF Trio... I use the FF Dirty Dozen plus the FF KelpmeKelpyou and FF Wholly Mackerel. Personally, for the money its top notch! Hope that helps, let me know if I can help with anything else!
Actually, I am just using a 10 stage filter running from my tap. The water comes out at 6.8 PH, never checked the PPM but with the 10 stage filter, I would imagine it is top flight. My first run with the full FF nute line with FFOF, I ran into the CALmag problem, I found a thread on here and do not remember which one, that said essentially, that FF lacks Calmag, so I bought CaliMagic. I add the directed amount of Calimagic per gallon and add my FF nutes full strength per 1000w's. So if you are using a 250HPS use 25% strength and a 400HPS use 40%, 600HPS use 60%, etc etc.... But use the Calimagic or whatever brand you prefer at full strength.. I run LED's and have had no complaints.

I do not have any experience with just the FF Trio... I use the FF Dirty Dozen plus the FF KelpmeKelpyou and FF Wholly Mackerel. Personally, for the money its top notch! Hope that helps, let me know if I can help with anything else!

Thanks for the info.

I have been wondering since they use tap water at fox farm if ro was needed.

I am trying to match my nutes to my well water. I get potassium and magnesium lockouts verging on calcium when I feed a decent amount. Even if my soil has been depleted for weeks.

I am going to try the grow big only next feed to see if I really need the cal and mag anyway. Then if I do I can supplement the plants that need it.

But I want the opposite of many bottles. My best results were from pure blend pro grow all the way through. I have to mix nutes separately for all my plants are different stages for perpetual harvest.

I am also going to up the dosage on a plant to see if I am just underfeeding. I am running 1200 ways now in flower so your wattage advise may be the ticket.

Real good tip on the wattage vs. feed strength. Thanks again. I have much work to do. These are the only nutes I have not been able to dial in quickly.

The fact that you like them so much means I have not worked it out for my room yet. They couldn't sell so much soil and nutes if they were bad like people say sometimes. It is almost always our error.
not a big AN fan I take it?
you do no the owner of advanced nutes fucks kids right convicted pedo anywho after a few nute runs and a ferm beleaver in house and garden i have been taken to the other side and hands down hygen aka(hydroponic genarations) wins hands down you use the whole line of hygen you will not look back
Thanks for the info.

I have been wondering since they use tap water at fox farm if ro was needed.

I am trying to match my nutes to my well water. I get potassium and magnesium lockouts verging on calcium when I feed a decent amount. Even if my soil has been depleted for weeks.

I am going to try the grow big only next feed to see if I really need the cal and mag anyway. Then if I do I can supplement the plants that need it.

But I want the opposite of many bottles. My best results were from pure blend pro grow all the way through. I have to mix nutes separately for all my plants are different stages for perpetual harvest.

I am also going to up the dosage on a plant to see if I am just underfeeding. I am running 1200 ways now in flower so your wattage advise may be the ticket.

Real good tip on the wattage vs. feed strength. Thanks again. I have much work to do. These are the only nutes I have not been able to dial in quickly.

The fact that you like them so much means I have not worked it out for my room yet. They couldn't sell so much soil and nutes if they were bad like people say sometimes. It is almost always our error.

With the 1200w in flower, I would be at 120% of nutes per gallon. More light means more nutes, to me anyways... Of course, I only use the nutes one feeding per week as scheduled and then use my filtered tap water with Calimagic for the fill in watering's.

Yeah, I never got the hate for FoxFarm... I have been a fan since early 2000's. Either way, hope that works out your problem. If not message me and I will see if I can be of more help.
Thanks again man. I bet I am way underfeeding and reading potassium and mag deficiency as burns.

Funny it was my problem when I got started and I am repeating it I think.