Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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A Google search for “1948 refugees” produces about 6 million results. All but a few (at least through page six) are about the Palestinian Arab refugees, as if they were the only refugees of 1948. But it is estimated that from the beginning of the 1948 Arab–Israeli War through the early 1970s, up to 1,000,000 Jews fled or were expelled from their ancestral homes in Muslim countries. 260,000 of those refugees reached Israel between 1948 and 1951 and comprised 56% of all immigration to the fledgling state. By 1972, their numbers had reached 600,000.

In 1948, Middle East and North African countries had considerable Jewish populations: Morocco (250,000), Algeria (140,000), Iraq (140,000), Iran (120,000), Egypt (75,000), Tunisia (50,000), Yemen (50,000), Libya (35,000), and Syria (20,000). Today, the indigenous Jews of those countries are virtually extinct (although Morocco and Iran each still has under 10,000 Jews). In most cases, the Jewish population had lived there for millennia.
In 1948, five Arab armies tried to choke the Israeli state in embryo form. Days before the invasion, Azzam Pasha, the General Secretary of the Arab League, announced, "This will be a war of extermination, a momentous massacre, which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades." In 1967, Egypt's Nasser declared, a few days before the war, "Our main task is to destroy Israel." Syria's Assad echoed, "It is time to embark on a war of annihilation." The same sentiments were voiced in 1973
And to clarify, the canada comment was the part of the post that i fo
A Google search for “1948 refugees” produces about 6 million results. All but a few (at least through page six) are about the Palestinian Arab refugees, as if they were the only refugees of 1948. But it is estimated that from the beginning of the 1948 Arab–Israeli War through the early 1970s, up to 1,000,000 Jews fled or were expelled from their ancestral homes in Muslim countries. 260,000 of those refugees reached Israel between 1948 and 1951 and comprised 56% of all immigration to the fledgling state. By 1972, their numbers had reached 600,000.

In 1948, Middle East and North African countries had considerable Jewish populations: Morocco (250,000), Algeria (140,000), Iraq (140,000), Iran (120,000), Egypt (75,000), Tunisia (50,000), Yemen (50,000), Libya (35,000), and Syria (20,000). Today, the indigenous Jews of those countries are virtually extinct (although Morocco and Iran each still has under 10,000 Jews). In most cases, the Jewish population had lived there for millennia.
I would think that given the events preceeding 1948n perhaps those numbers could be a bit skewed due to relocation.

Afterall that crazy asshole Hitler started committing mass genocide just a few years before those statistics were taken eh?
wild claims from one who thinks unsupported accusations are evidence of wrongdoing

i thought these "children" were playing soccer on the beach, now they were fleeing from the IDF, which was it? or will you gin up a third scenario in which they were fleeing from the IDF using brazillian style ball handling techniques, cuz you know... training for world cup 2016...

wild speculation based on the munchhausian claims of two douchebags (one hollywood "producer" and one swinging disco stud) and a shitload of NON-Evidence.

sounds like youre describing yourself.

you have made ZERO substantive arguments, and instead have simply repeated the pallie talking points, made wild accusations of israeli "war crimes", and trotted out ad hominems as if they prove anything.

your inability to comprehend clear and unambiguous statements, your fervent belief that what you INFER from others' statements somehow negates those statements, and your repeated use of mischracterizations and outright lies in response to simple statements marks you as a fool.

perhaps you can craft some bald faced lie which will "correct" what you imagine to be an error in this post too.

I,m the one who said they were playing soccer on the beach that's what I read , but anyway it does'nt matter what they were doing on the beach they were innocent children murdered by israel, why when it comes to israel murdering innocent children you become a complete jerk not cool DUDE

Haha, dunno what that means.

If you havent already, you should check out a book called Twin towers and the road to Alqueda. Its an incredibly inciteful book[/QUOTE]
you referred to yourself as "us."
I,m the one who said they were playing soccer on the beach that's what I read , but anyway it does'nt matter what they were doing on the beach they were innocent children murdered by israel, why when it comes to israel murdering innocent children you become a complete jerk not cool DUDE
aww duzzums feel ways about thing cuz im such a meanie?

duzzums want biddy?
duzzums need a nap?

i dont give a squirt of piss about "innocent children" who catch a missile in sandland, cuz dollars to doughnuts those "innocent children" were the same sort of "innocent children" that got their ride to paradise with al alawaki jr in his immaculate Incineration.

you bleeding heart lefties ALWAYS call any member of your chosen victim class "innocent children" and call their death "brutal and vicious murder" even when they are 25 year old gangbangers who die in a shootout with the cops in LA.

al alawaki wasnt an "innocent child" nor were his carpool buddies, hamas junior trainee jihadjis who die in a shootout with the IDF dont become "innocent children" if their buddies scurry away with their AK's before the news crews get to the scene, and would-be suicide bombers arent "innocent children right up to the point they shout allahu ackbar, push the button and receive their 72 virgins and 18 smooth young boys.

i dont know who those "children" are, and i frankly dont care.
considering the track record of the IDF at snuffing real bad guys without scuffing up the passers by, i suspect the israelis had a darn good reason to drop some ordinance in their vicinity.

when compared to the pallies' track record for lying, murdering their own and blaming the jews, announcing the deaths of persons still living, and manufacturing fake funeral processions with live hadjis under the sheets, it's a good bet that whatever the pallies CLAIM happened, the opposite is true.

but if you really want to rend your garments, tear your hair and wail in anguish, you go right ahead.

funny how when it comes to hadjis murdering ACTUAL innocent children in a preschool in france for "the cause" you are silent.
amazing how the kidnapping and murder of three israeli children goes unremarked by you, since youre too busy blaming Das Juden for all the unrest in the region (cuz the middle east was so peaceful, democratic, and liberal and shit before the jews started coming back... )

i really could not care less about what you think is "cool" or not.

you are less important to my world than the "children" who got blowed up by israel, for what was likely a damned good reason.

edited for grammar...
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so you cant provide any evidence for your outrageous claims.

you could have just said that, but instead you tried to be clever and crafted a thinly veiled insult which implies it is I who am unable to support my assertions.

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I provided links to reputable sources minus wiki. You've provided nada to back up your dubious, at best, claims. Your pith and vinegar approach to discussion is entertaining though...
I provided links to reputable sources minus wiki. You've provided nada to back up your dubious, at best, claims. Your pith and vinegar approach to discussion is entertaining though...
you provided no reputable sources

you cited one meaningless "report" submitted to the un based on a 1972 hippie drum circle with bertie russel and jean paul sartre, about the US IN VIETNAM, which simply tried to cross out every instance of "America" and replace it with "Israel", and it ammounted to a big fat NOTHING. even the UN didnt bother to dignify that bullshit with a response.

you cited one weepy news story that didnt say what you claimed at all, and finished off by describing the hamas response to a cease fire proposal:

a wave of rocket attacks.

and that is all.

i told you to read the Hope Simpson Commission report, and the Peele commission report, and the Balfour Declaration, but you dont even know what those words mean.

i ddint bother to include links cuz i have provided those links so many times in the past, im tired of posting shit you clowns wont bother to read.

your assertions were all based on Feels and your hatred for "zionism" (which is totally not antisemitic...), and NONE of your claims are subbstantive.

i dont even care enough about you to despise you, i NOTHING you.

Edit: and it's PISS and vinegar you dolt.
you cant even get antiquated aphorisms right, no wonder complex issues in foreign lands leave you perplexed.
you provided no reputable sources

you cited one meaningless "report" submitted to the un based on a 1972 hippie drum circle with bertie russel and jean paul sartre, about the US IN VIETNAM, which simply tried to cross out every instance of "America" and replace it with "Israel", and it ammounted to a big fat NOTHING. even the UN didnt bother to dignify that bullshit with a response.

you cited one weepy news story that didnt say what you claimed at all, and finished off by describing the hamas response to a cease fire proposal:

a wave of rocket attacks.

and that is all.

i told you to read the Hope Simpson Commission report, and the Peele commission report, and the Balfour Declaration, but you dont even know what those words mean.

i ddint bother to include links cuz i have provided those links so many times in the past, im tired of posting shit you clowns wont bother to read.

your assertions were all based on Feels and your hatred for "zionism" (which is totally not antisemitic...), and NONE of your claims are subbstantive.

i dont even care enough about you to despise you, i NOTHING you.

Tell us more about how killing kids is justified grandwizard... Or how there are no Palestinian refugees or about your rabid support for the JDL. You squeeze your vitriol between worthless paragraphs of "filler" and expect people not to notice what a bigoted, racist and dumb redneck you are. I'm glad backward pricks like you will die off soon i'm positive you cant afford healthcare so it's is just a matter of time...
I,m the one who said they were playing soccer on the beach that's what I read , but anyway it does'nt matter what they were doing on the beach they were innocent children murdered by israel, why when it comes to israel murdering innocent children you become a complete jerk not cool DUDE

I only wish I could strafe them in a P-51 Mustang, while listening to the Chemical Brothers.

more of MY fucking people lost there homes in '48 than those Jihadi.
were you a member of irgun, the jews were the original terrorist in the middle east

1. King David Hotel, July 22, 1946.
2. Sharafat, Feb. 7, 1951.
3. Deir Yassin, April 10, 1948.
4. Falameh, April 2, 1951.
5. Naseruddine, April 14, 1948.
6. Quibya, Oct. 14, 1953.
7. Carmel, April 20, 1948.
8. Nahalin, March, 28, 1954.
9. Al-Qabu, May 1, 1948.
10. Gaza, Feb. 28, 1955.
11. Beit Kiras, May 3, 1948.
12. Khan Yunis, May 31, 1955.
13. Beitkhoury, May 5, 1948.
14. Khan Yunis Again, Aug. 31, 1955
15. Az-Zaytoun, May 6, 1948.
16. Tiberia, Dec. 11, 1955.
17. Wadi Araba, May 13, 1950.
18. As-Sabha, Nov. 2, 1955.
19. Gaza Again, April 5, 1956.
20. Houssan, Sept. 25, 1956.
21. Rafa, Aug. 16, 1956.
22. Qalqilyah, Oct. 10, 1956.
23. Ar-Rahwa, Sept. 12, 1956.
24. Kahr Kassem, Oct. 29, 1956.
25. Gharandal, Sept. 13, 1956.
26. Gaza Strip, Nov. 1956.
26. Gaza Strip, Nov. 1956.
you zionazi's are some sick puppy's

April 9, 1948: A combined force of Irgun and Stern Gangs committed a brutal massacre of 260 Arab residents of the village of Deir Yassin. Most of whom were women and children. The Israeli hordes even attacked the dead to satisfy their bestial tendencies. In April, 1954, during Holy Week, and on the eve of Easter, The Christian cemeteries in Haifa were invaded, crosses broken down and trampled under the feet of these miscreants, and the tombs desecrated. The Israeli military conquest, therefore was made against a defenseless people, who had been softened up by such earlier massacres as Deir Yasin (where 250 Arabs; men, women and children were massacred).

The Jew, Weizman, referred to the massacre as this "miraculous simplification of our task," and Ben Gurion said that "without Deir Yasin there would be no Israel." Americans are not told that ten percent of the Arabs killed by the Israelis in 1948 were Christian, and that ten percent of the Arab property confiscated belonged to Christians. Nor are they told that Israel's massacres and military actions forced 100,000 Christians to become refugees.