I,m the one who said they were playing soccer on the beach that's what I read , but anyway it does'nt matter what they were doing on the beach they were innocent children murdered by israel, why when it comes to israel murdering innocent children you become a complete jerk not cool DUDE
aww duzzums feel ways about thing cuz im such a meanie?
duzzums want biddy?
duzzums need a nap?
i dont give a squirt of piss about "innocent children" who catch a missile in sandland, cuz dollars to doughnuts those "innocent children" were the same sort of "innocent children" that got their ride to paradise with al alawaki jr in his immaculate Incineration.
you bleeding heart lefties ALWAYS call any member of your chosen victim class "innocent children" and call their death "brutal and vicious murder" even when they are 25 year old gangbangers who die in a shootout with the cops in LA.
al alawaki wasnt an "innocent child" nor were his carpool buddies, hamas junior trainee jihadjis who die in a shootout with the IDF dont become "innocent children" if their buddies scurry away with their AK's before the news crews get to the scene, and would-be suicide bombers arent "innocent children right up to the point they shout allahu ackbar, push the button and receive their 72 virgins and 18 smooth young boys.
i dont know who those "children" are, and i frankly dont care.
considering the track record of the IDF at snuffing real bad guys without scuffing up the passers by, i suspect the israelis had a darn good reason to drop some ordinance in their vicinity.
when compared to the pallies' track record for lying, murdering their own and blaming the jews, announcing the deaths of persons still living, and manufacturing fake funeral processions with live hadjis under the sheets, it's a good bet that whatever the pallies CLAIM happened, the opposite is true.
but if you really want to rend your garments, tear your hair and wail in anguish, you go right ahead.
funny how when it comes to hadjis murdering ACTUAL innocent children in a preschool in france for "the cause" you are silent.
amazing how the kidnapping and murder of three israeli children goes unremarked by you, since youre too busy blaming Das Juden for all the unrest in the region (cuz the middle east was so peaceful, democratic, and liberal and shit before the jews started coming back... )
i really could not care less about what you think is "cool" or not.
you are less important to my world than the "children" who got blowed up by israel, for what was likely a damned good reason.
edited for grammar...