
Well-Known Member
I purchased a DWC system (with 4 net pots and clay pellet grow medium)

It has:
  • Provides a 4 gallon reservoir of nutrient solution. The tight lid houses four strong and flexible 4 in net pots.
  • A durable air pump and ceramic airstone infuse the nutrient solution with tiny life giving bubbles.
I have a couple questions:

1. the 4 small net pots, will they be enough for a full sized grow?
2. What are some important things i need to know / watch for while growing on hydroponics?
3. Will i need to buy anything else to go with what i have (picture is going to be included for review)
4. How often do i need to flush the reservoir?
5. Any extra info you feel i should know

heres everything i have. im a bit confused on setting the air pump and ceramic airstone up :|

UPDATE: I've got 4 soil grows under my belt, starting my 5th (5 plants under a scrog) currently. i wanna get used to growing hydroponically as i have seen some amazing results from hydro. any help you can give is much much much appreciated. Thanks for reading :)

Mr moonshine.

Well-Known Member
I purchased a DWC system (with 4 net pots and clay pellet grow medium)

It has:
  • Provides a 4 gallon reservoir of nutrient solution. The tight lid houses four strong and flexible 4 in net pots.
  • A durable air pump and ceramic airstone infuse the nutrient solution with tiny life giving bubbles.
I have a couple questions:

1. the 4 small net pots, will they be enough for a full sized grow?
2. What are some important things i need to know / watch for while growing on hydroponics?
3. Will i need to buy anything else to go with what i have (picture is going to be included for review)
4. How often do i need to flush the reservoir?
5. Any extra info you feel i should know

heres everything i have. im a bit confused on setting the air pump and ceramic airstone up :|

UPDATE: I've got 4 soil grows under my belt, starting my 5th (5 plants under a scrog) currently. i wanna get used to growing hydroponically as i have seen some amazing results from hydro. any help you can give is much much much appreciated. Thanks for reading :)
Don't grow them to big your going to run out of space! !


Well-Known Member
my tent is 6 foot 8 inches tall, and my smaller tent (the one i will be using for hydro) is 5 foot 5 inches tall. i highly doubt i will be running out of space, but i have 3 rooms cut off for if i need more space so if you could answer one of the questions that's great, if not whatevs. lol.


Well-Known Member
this literally didnt help.. like... at all.
Well, he's right. That's a tiny rez for 4 plants.

1. the 4 small net pots, will they be enough for a full sized grow? Yes
2. What are some important things i need to know / watch for while growing on hydroponics? Monitor pH
3. Will i need to buy anything else to go with what i have (picture is going to be included for review) Something to monitor pH with.
4. How often do i need to flush the reservoir? In a rez that small, change the reservoir at least once a week once the plants get established
5. Any extra info you feel i should know Don't come on RIU and act like a dick just cause someone doesn't spoon feed you the information you were looking for. Don't grow them too big, you're going to run out of space.


Well-Known Member
I have a pH kit, (Up and down with tester vial and pH test liquid). And i wasn't being a dick you took me the wrong way, but out of all the questions i asked he didnt answer a single one and was rather vague about what the fuck he was talking about. but if u want a dick i can easily be that guy. Don't get rude on my thread. answer the questions properly and dont be a fucking idiot and i wont tell u u arent helping. I've been researching for weeks to try and learn about hydro, i admitted my inexperience in the beginning. i have a LOT of equipment setup currently, i simply need to know the difference between what i have and this bucket system. Wouldnt the bucket system work better, More roots more fruits, right? any advice is appreciated (stupidity not welcome here)


Well-Known Member
in the DWC system u get 4 plants in one reservoir in the bucket you have a 5 gallon reservoir for one plant, im a little confused on some of the details, i just need to brush up and perfect my area of expertise and experience, i wasnt meaning to offend anyone.


Well-Known Member
Your main issue, is that you have a reservoir for 4 plants. DWC is great for growing huge plants, but when I ran RDWC I ran one plant per 5 gallon bucket. If you try to cram 4 in that 4 gallon reservoir, they're going to just crowd each other. You might have been better off buying some buckets from home depot, then heading to the hydro store, picking up a couple net pots, some hydroton, some airstones, and a couple air pumps..


Well-Known Member
Your main issue, is that you have a reservoir for 4 plants. DWC is great for growing huge plants, but when I ran RDWC I ran one plant per 5 gallon bucket. If you try to cram 4 in that 4 gallon reservoir, they're going to just crowd each other. You might have been better off buying some buckets from home depot, then heading to the hydro store, picking up a couple net pots, some hydroton, some airstones, and a couple air pumps..
would u recommend using the 5 gallon bucket system > the DWC system. Also would the Bucket system require a net pot inside the bucket or nah? as i said before im confused on some of the details and any information is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
PS: where would the air pump / air stone go in the 5 gallon bucket system? and if u have 3 - 4 five gallon bucket DWC systems going would u need more than one air pump?


Well-Known Member
do you not receive much light in that area? stretching out some
curious on what you meant here, haha but basically i've figured most of it out no thanks to anyone yet, From what i can see you run the hose through the top from the air pump to the air stone, each pump has 2 spots for hoses so 1 pump = 2 buckets, and basically thats it, the net pot is included you run hydroton down the pot and the roots soak in the nutrient reservoir rather than soil w/ nutes poured in. what im gonna do is DIY method cause it seems cheaper to go buy buckets, and pots and make this shit myself.

The only question i have now is , can i use clones from a clone - dome with rockwool cubes for my hydro AND soil, or do i have to buy/make a "Cloning Station" where the roots droop to the water to clone, or can i pull them from a clone dome "With roots" and put them into the hydroton / 5 gallon DWC etc etc. (hope my question makes sense, basically i dont wanna invest in a 6 site cloning station but clones are very important at this stage i dont want to and WONT grow from seeds everytime i want to grow a new plant.)


Well-Known Member
Nevermind i figured everything out, hydroponics is more simple than i thought. good day.


thats my bad got carried away and sucked into stupidity and childish arguments
Im sure ....But still besides all that other shit up top....I run nothing but those buckets ....with awesome results.....I change my water once a 5.5-5,8.......And my two cents would be to watch your nutes .....Plants seem to burn really easy in em....JME