I am woman

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Well-Known Member
My understanding of property rights is the owner decides how said property will be used as long as the use does not create an actionable harm against anothers right to the same.

My understanding of self ownership is that the self gets to decide what and with whom they will engage their body.

Which of those things do you disagree with Mrs. Kravitz?
as a father you should want more from your child...fuck property rights
Your type would let your child become a junkie ...its her body right

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Trust me anything I say online I'm man enough to say to the face. but anyhoot

this is all hypothetical.. Rob Roy has no daughters..but what if

Oh no, I'm going to get an internet ass kicking. I think I'll go hide under my bed.


Well-Known Member
My understanding of property rights is the owner decides how said property will be used as long as the use does not create an actionable harm against anothers right to the same.

My understanding of self ownership is that the self gets to decide what and with whom they will engage their body.

Which of those things do you disagree with Mrs. Kravitz?
1964 called, they want their failed understanding of how "rights" work and their unfettered, unapologetic racism back.


Well-Known Member
1964.............over 90% of black families have the father in the home........................
which has absolutely nothing to do with being able to get a sandwich or a gallon of gas, you fucking retard.

take your 176 IQ (god bless online IQ tests) and try to make a coherent point for once.

or just make another four post.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
as a father you should want more from your child...fuck property rights
Your type would let your child become a junkie ...its her body right
That's an asinine statement and has no basis in fact. If you have to make shit up....you're not refuting the other persons position.

No, I would not let a child become a junkie anymore than I would tell a grown daughter who she can associate with.


Well-Known Member
That's an asinine statement and has no basis in fact. If you have to make shit up....you're not refuting the other persons position.

No, I would not let a child become a junkie anymore than I would tell a grown daughter who she can associate with.
Actually it refutes you position on

"My understanding of self ownership is that the self gets to decide what and with whom they will engage their body."

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
"denial of service never caused anyone no harm! hee haw!"

Please explain how failing to associate with somebody creates an actionable harm.

Then explain how invading somebodies property and forcing them to serve you doesn't cause harm.

You can't. Even your gerbil is laughing at you.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Actually it refutes you position on

"My understanding of self ownership is that the self gets to decide what and with whom they will engage their body."
I make a distinction between a child that is young and a dependent and a child of mine that is grown and independent...don't you?


Well-Known Member
Please explain how failing to associate with somebody creates an actionable harm.
tell me how being restricted to a smaller and inferior set of goods and services because of your skin color does not cause harm.

Then explain how invading somebodies property and forcing them to serve you doesn't cause harm.
if you're selling gas and some black guy comes in to buy gas, there is no harm you fucking racist white trash stooge.


Well-Known Member
You implied that in person you'd give me shit...I sarcastically responded that I am trembling and in great fear. Now go spy on your daughters okay?
I implied in person we would have the same conversation online that we have off. I never threaten you
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