Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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vitriol? yes. my Sephardic people have suffered terribly under Arab aggression. as have the Zoroastrians, the Bahai, the Ahmadi, the Hindus...............

you don't give a shit about the "Phoneystinians." an anti-Semite, that's all. I've played this game before.

like I said, this its electronic much different from the one that would happen in person.
Tough guy, huh? 20 years ago for fun I would drive to that shithole called Philly, and let you try to knock my chicklets out. Now I will just sit here, take a hit, and feel sad about your useless anger, that apparently is tearing you apart. You also express your emotions electronically, so if you ever can make it to CT, PM me, and I probably could take some time out to show you the light at the end of the tunnel.
You gotta move up to the NE son! It's like a safe haven in an apocalypse movie. We're broadcasting on 5223 mhz every half hour with coordinates.
For serious though, about the middle east...
Obviously the Palestinians are fucked up. I'm not going to list all of the horrible reason why (using my phone). The one issue i have with Israel is they continue to support permanent settlements in the west bank.
there is no West Bank. only JEW-dea and Samaria.
Tough guy,huh? 20 years ago for fun I would drive to that shithole called Philly, and let you try to knock my chicklets out. Now I will just sit here, take a hit, and feel sad about your useless anger, that apparently is tearing you apart. You also express your emotions electronically, so if you ever can make it to CT, PM me, and I probably could take some time out to show you the light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm also a silverback. we can do an 40+

its not be tough, smashing someone in the mouth for calling you a Nazi. its normal.
if you were referring to a can say that shit to my face. I will foot your transportation costs. that's all.

wow getting alittle frustrated you can't deal with it any other way, well if you want to look me up here's some help I'm in my mid 50's in los angeles you can find me at Kali Academy of Martial Arts is Located at 14108 Lambert Rd. everyday after work, I'm an old school Kali Acedemy Guy from the Normandie school ( the good old days) you better work on that wooden dummy before HA HA
this is going to be fun looking forward to it. Just ask Bud to point me out
Israel can't give back what they never "owned", and by any surrounding Arab country accepting Israel's proposals for a land exchange, it would legitimize the claim by Israel that the land was truly theirs to barter with. Your statement that the Arab world rejects "Palestinians", is pure drivel by the way. The surrounding Arab nations have always accepted the refugee's CREATED by Israel, hoping for the day they can return to their birthplace, just like Palestinians hope that the Jews in Israel return to their birthplace, which until 1948 was Europe, not Palestine. Also, Palestine by the way is what every map in the world called that area until 1948. There was no such place called Israel.
israel DOES own their territory. arguing otherwise requires refusal to accept the existence of the Nation State as an entitity.

egypt and jordan are not refusing to EXCHANGE land, they are refusing to take back their territory now that they have deliberately radicalized the pallies into lunatic militants

egypt jordan syria lebanon et al ALL REFUSE "palestinians" entry. every last one of them. this is a fact. the "refugees" are trapped in the occupied territories because the arab world will not let them out, not because the israelis have them penned in.

"palestine" is the name the romans gave it to deliberately insult and dispossess the jews. (before that it was called judea, and before that it was called israel) "palestine" is a fictional name applied in malice, and there is NO "palestinian people" if you try to argue otherwise, you are a liar.
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You gotta move up to the NE son! It's like a safe haven in an apocalypse movie. We're broadcasting on 5223 mhz every half hour with coordinates.
For serious though, about the middle east...
Obviously the Palestinians are fucked up. I'm not going to list all of the horrible reason why (using my phone). The one issue i have with Israel is they continue to support permanent settlements in the west bank.
i used to be opposed to west bank settlements too, but the pallies and the jordanians have proved they have ZERO interst in making the west bank jordanian again unless it involves all the jews being driven into the sea, so after 60 years of de facto ownership, why not settle it and drive out the squatters?

it was israeli land in the first place, they onyl gave it to jordan in exchange ofr a promise of peace in 1948, when jordan broke the deal they dont get to keep their door prize.
i used to be opposed to west bank settlements too, but the pallies and the jordanians have proved they have ZERO interst in making the west bank jordanian again unless it involves all the jews being driven into the sea, so after 60 years of de facto ownership, why not settle it and drive out the squatters?

it was israeli land in the first place, they onyl gave it to jordan in exchange ofr a promise of peace in 1948, when jordan broke the deal they dont get to keep their door prize.

There is no way that politically it would be feasible for Israel to forcibly evict them though. The UN would go apeshit!!
the israelis seem to be reaching the point where they dont give a fuck what the UN says.

I wonder if they already know what is going to happen when they take out the Iran nuclear capability and are being proactive and using events to make them as protected as possible when it happens.

I do not think that Iran will take 2 more years to develop a nuclear weapon and I do not think the Israelis are expecting any backing from Obama. Seems pretty clear what is going to happen.
I wonder if they already know what is going to happen when they take out the Iran nuclear capability and are being proactive and using events to make them as protected as possible when it happens.

I do not think that Iran will take 2 more years to develop a nuclear weapon and I do not think the Israelis are expecting any backing from Obama. Seems pretty clear what is going to happen.
Israel posses bunker busters GBU-28 that could do it, but, they don't posses long range bombers like the B2 to deliver the payload. F15i can only carry one and youre looking at a 3000km round trip w/in air refueling. tthey don't have enough planes to hit every site in Iran. Stuxnet set it back but didn't stop it.

If they could've done it they would've by now.
UN res 194 After the war, Bernadotte was unanimously chosen to be the United Nations Security Council mediator in the Arab–Israeli conflict of 1947–1948. He was assassinated in Jerusalem in 1948 by the militant Zionist group Lehi while pursuing his official duties

How many other crimes have these monsters committed

How can americans support these gangster terrorists


the real terrorist criminals are Zionist jews
wow getting alittle frustrated you can't deal with it any other way, well if you want to look me up here's some help I'm in my mid 50's in los angeles you can find me at Kali Academy of Martial Arts is Located at 14108 Lambert Rd. everyday after work, I'm an old school Kali Acedemy Guy from the Normandie school ( the good old days) you better work on that wooden dummy before HA HA
this is going to be fun looking forward to it. Just ask Bud to point me out

Nice. Hey Buck. Let's go down there.

Be there or be square. Actually we will meet you behind the closest gay hair salon at midnight.

Wait. Do you mean Whittier or El Monte?

No Lambert Road in LA.

Lambert Drive?