Daddy issues...


Well-Known Member
I will see you one Florida politician that nobody has ever heard of and raise you one president.

An attorney for the FEC campaigned for Obama in 2012, while on duty. Note to skylard: The FEC is the Federal Election Commission, the agency responsible for overseeing impartial elections. There is no irony too large for our emperor.

Ms. Sands hard drive was lost... of course.

The Crips are in control at the white house.

Republicans are investigating another Obama administration official who played politics on the job but escaped prosecution when the Federal Election Commission recycled her hard drive before evidence could be recovered.

April J. Sands resigned her position as an FEC attorney in April 2014 after investigators confronted her with tweets she sent and a video interview she conducted during work hours, advocating for the election of President Barack Obama and other Democratic candidates – and asking people to contribute to their campaigns.

When the FEC's Office of Inspector General began the process of filing criminal charges, however, it found that the agency had destroyed her computer's hard drive before it could be seized.
Reign of April!!!! LOL
I hope she was hit by a trolley, and cloven in twain, before someone fucking elects her for something.


Well-Known Member
What adjective do you think is appropriate for a group of men who set upon a peaceful, private citizen and beat him into a coma that required six weeks of hospitalization and left him with permanent brain damage?

Would you prefer that the whole incident be swept under the rug and never mentioned?
uncle benis already let us all know what you racist assholes mean when you say "thugs".


Well-Known Member
Is it off limits to talk about thugs based on race?
you guys assign the title thug to any black person whatsoever whether or not they have any history of violence at all.

that's how we know what you're doing here.

not everyone is as dumb as you, white supremacist snitch.


Well-Known Member
you guys assign the title thug to any black person whatsoever whether or not they have any history of violence at all.

that's how we know what you're doing here.

not everyone is as dumb as you, white supremacist snitch.
so you're saying it means "nigger" now.
like the politician in Philly, who dared to use the word niggardly, in an appropriate manner, or the Cambodian Temple student dragged into court for calling loud women "buffaloes," for bellowing outside his apartment window at three in the morning.........we are going to have Language Supposition Police.

no. if someone behaves as though they are a follower of Kali Ma; a Tugee, and go around behaving violently towards others, no matter of ethnicity, I'll call that person "thug." even if that person is black, not because of it.


Well-Known Member
I think you were actually calling me a nigger, when you said......."I don't agree."
that's what all this madness will come to. S'Qyuyler can sit in state, and decide what people REALLY mean by their words.
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Well-Known Member
so you're saying it means "nigger" now.
nope. uncle benis said that.

ahhhhhhhhh, feel the race baiting coming on. For the record, this morning I was threatened with a ban for not being politically correct by using the "thug" word. You see, it's OK for a black to use it but if a white does, noooooooooo. So, if I go, it's now public record as to why.

Political correctness is alive and well in RIU, as is censorship and hypocrisy.
i'm just going by the racist dogwhistle lexicon that you racists have carved out for yourselves.

way to respond to every single post, whether addressed to you or not donvega.

meth is probably a better idea for when you get to that worthless piece of land in the desert. your winnebago will be spotless, you thieving POS.


Well-Known Member
nope. uncle benis said that.

i'm just going by the racist dogwhistle lexicon that you racists have carved out for yourselves.

way to respond to every single post, whether addressed to you or not donvega.

meth is probably a better idea for when you get to that worthless piece of land in the desert. your winnebago will be spotless, you thieving POS.
this is an open forum, nigger-boy.
