illegal immigration is destroying america!


Well-Known Member
you are a retard.

you are an idiot.

you are a complete blithering fucktard.
Way to take one line from two posts, provide no context, and make a judgment.

I guess in a way you got me. I'll just clarify by saying that I think gays should have full equality (me promoting) but I'm not going to go out on a limb and picket my employers place of business because they fired someone for being gay. That's me not being a promoter.

I might start looking for a new place to work if that happened. But I do not see it as my duty to make sacrifice for someone else's cause.

Sorry gays, I'm not going to lose my job for you without assurances that I can replace it instantly with one that takes care of me just as well.


Well-Known Member
Come to think of it, are you even a supporter of gay rights? Or minority rights?

Other than blabbering your mouth on here and probably to some extent in the real world, what do you do to support their struggles?

You're probably just like those rednecks I used to argue with a few years ago that would put signs on their businesses that said "we support our troops."

I'd go in and ask them, how do you guys support the troops?

Their, and likely your view of support is just saying it. "I love the troops" or "gay people have my love and wish for equality."

But I'm willing to bet you've never donated one red cent, spent one day in any protest over a case of discrimination, or anything productiv at all that involved any actual support.

Blathering on like a malignant ape on the interwebz is not support. Its being a troll.

You asked about KKK gatherings in another thread. I've attended one. I was on the other side of the courthouse with the people making so much noise that no one could hear their hateful message.

They've got a right to get out in public and make their noise, and I've got a right to help others make enough noise to drown theirs out.

I've probably done more to actually support minorities than you. Although I'm sure the black guy sitting in jail for crimes he didn't commit is glad there is an alcoholic retard blathering on the Internet about how much he hates it for him.


Well-Known Member
in come the racists to defend their racist buddy caught dead to rights in a blatant lie.

you know you guys don't need to defend obvious lies, right?

if someone is being an idiot you can just let them be an idiot.


Well-Known Member
in come the racists to defend their racist buddy caught dead to rights in a blatant lie.

you know you guys don't need to defend obvious lies, right?

if someone is being an idiot you can just let them be an idiot.

Speaking of idiots. I noticed you had to edit my quote in your signature in order for it to suit your agenda. Your campaign is weak.

You are back on my ignore list.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of idiots. I noticed you had to edit my quote in your signature in order for it to suit your agenda. Your campaign is weak.

You are back on my ignore list.
you earned your spot on the list of racist righties who have wished prison on me. deal with it, fatso.


Well-Known Member
you earned your spot on the list of racist righties who have wished prison on me. deal with it, fatso.

Show me exactly where I wished prison on you. You can't, because you are a liar.

I said Karma would get you(the part you so conveniently left out) . That means your cat might get hit by a car, your wife may leave you, you might catch AIDS. NOWHERE did I ever "wish" prison on you. You simply made that up because you are paranoid and delusional. You know exactly what I meant. It is pretty obviously since you edited my comment.


Well-Known Member
"deal with it"

As if your postings have ANY impact upon me. You're a monkey I use to entertain myself with. Keep on dancing little guy.


Well-Known Member
I've seen 6 year old children argue better than this.

so my cat is gonna get hit by a car because sheskunk is a snitch?

that makes no sense.

you should probably stop buying into the lies of your racist buddies.
You are a complete joke dude. Seriously. And you probably think you are doing 'the lords work', too, don't ya?


Well-Known Member
I've seen 6 year old children argue better than this.

You are a complete joke dude. Seriously. And you probably think you are doing 'the lords work', too, don't ya?

not doing the lord's work, just making racists so angry that they wish prison time on me for growing cannabis.

on a cannabis site no less.

the trollability of racists is a beautiful thing.


Well-Known Member

not doing the lord's work, just making racists so angry that they wish prison time on me for growing cannabis.

on a cannabis site no less.

the trollability of racists is a beautiful thing.
Ok, now that I have your attention!!!!!!!

What is all this racist blather about? Someone calls YOU a racist, then you call someone else a racist back???

From an outsiders perspective (which I am - thanks for not tearing me a new one for posting, people do that) I have no idea what the fuck everyone is talking about.

It's just like hearing a CAT FIGHT! I hear the noises, I just don't have a clue why they're fighting...

Everyone hates racism right? I assume? Same page?

I'm just all high and confused over here - and you kids are the only ones awake! hahaha