The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Because you asked so nicery....hahahaha

Wankers - like there aren't enough tits on the interweb anyways.

This one doesn't matter - my parents already got this christmas card...


Well-Known Member
I dunno man could be a her but this thread brings out the paranoid android in us all...I'll chat away but im treating her like she's a cop... A sexy,sexy cop


Well-Known Member
Heres a list, pick a reason any reason

I woke up in a bad mood
Its monday
Its sunny
Its cloudy
Your annoying
Your not from the UK
Your canadian
You invaded this thread
You didnt show your tits
I just enjoy being a cunt
etc etc etc
OOOOOOOOOh - you're just kinda a deck in general? I can roll with that. I like deck! hahahaha


Well-Known Member
I know you wanna talk about manly stuff like titrations and electronics, and light cycles, and flux capacitors and blaaaaar.

Anyone make weed butter? It's my favourite way to ingest marijuana. Seriously - it's awesome!


Well-Known Member
no not normally but you are particularly annoying so ive decided to make a concerted effort to be a cunt to you
It's working!!!!! I was kinda mad for a sec. Then I though - hmmmm....this person is FUN TO BUG!!!!!

You sound like you need to get laid REAL bad. Go do that!!!


Well-Known Member
Can we introduce her to shitfaggy or something?He likes playing on his brothers death an you like telling everyone you used to be a self harmer n shit you may get on quite well an then you can both happily fuck off,create your own thread an annoy massive amounts of ppl all at once talking about building a bitcoin town full of shitty internet pictures lmao