Club 600


Well-Known Member
Congrats to your lady nyc. It's always satisfying as anything to win/ place in a competition. All that work rewarded. I can't imagine how hard those ladies work.


Well-Known Member
it's a shipping container painted white and fitted out as an office, it's been a pretty bad day but seeing as it's nearly 4 though i think i can manage, i'll be smoking at 4:20 put it that way


Well-Known Member
Enjoy the 420, I had mine a bit early - 3:45 so sitting here like a nodding dog waiting for my boy to wake up....just made some banana bread which came out the oven not 5 minutes ago......time for some banana energy, haha.


Well-Known Member
Enjoy the 420, I had mine a bit early - 3:45 so sitting here like a nodding dog waiting for my boy to wake up....just made some banana bread which came out the oven not 5 minutes ago......time for some banana energy, haha.
stop it...warm banana bread.....mmmmmmm

have you try banana pancakes/crêpe/crapes?.


Well-Known Member
Did yea move far doc?
I moved 20 minutes from my old place. I am on vacation in Orlando till Saturday. All i brought a cheep vape and some oil for my one hitter, and i dropped the pipe down the vent in the car yesterday. So i am about to go find a head shop i guess. I like the little vape but i made this first batch weaker than i would like, but i was making it at the last minute.


Well-Known Member
lol ok i'll let you off, i think it would be better with the cream too, how many in your house by the way!?? that would feed an army