
Active Member
Knowing what I do about carbon dioxide and its behavioral changes as it sweeps through temperatures had caused me to warn my gf about getting that can of mz12x out of her car. I told her the can would fail around 120F, but maybe even lower than that. She put the can in direct sunlight w out my knowledge and it decappatated the can clean off, the top hasn't yet be found. The stuff works well, and the fact it can create a red oil is highly desired. The can proportions if in excess creates a dark oil. So caution not to use to much. I like this stuff!


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I question everything about your post..

So was the can in the car? Or it was put outside in thesun? Must have been really hot? Never experienced something like that..
Why does it create a red oil?
Knowing what I do about carbon dioxide and its behavioral changes as it sweeps through temperatures had caused me to warn my gf about getting that can of mz12x out of her car. I told her the can would fail around 120F, but maybe even lower than that. She put the can in direct sunlight w out my knowledge and it decappatated the can clean off, the top hasn't yet be found. The stuff works well, and the fact it can create a red oil is highly desired. The can proportions if in excess creates a dark oil. So caution not to use to much. I like this stuff!

Red oil? That is not red oil. Red oil is from the water soluble part of the plant. There is no THC in it. At least from my experience.

Here is a picture of water soluble red oil. This was extracted with water from the waste after making RSO

Frozen, before purging

After purging
When the particles in suspension become very small the way that they interact with the light changes, and the color that we would assign to it on the macroscopic scale can be different from the color it would be when very small. Below in the picture are gold nano particles of differing sizes in water. In fact that's how stained glass is made. So why is the oil red? I have no idea, but for all we know it could be something like small clumps of chlorophyll which we would think should make it green.

Gold nano particles of differing sizes in water. The point I'm trying to make is that the size of the particle changes the color.
I was talking about oilmkr's pic

As to your point. Why would we have differing sizes of particles that all went into solution? And only with this solvent
True. But that's not what they claimed, I believe they said no purge even required. That's a no go for me. I'll stick to my bho, iso, and soon etoh.
Seems kinda ok I think..? I'm not going to lie, the MSDS just says abunch of words to me :) I did read it though and from what I read of it, it actually seems ok? Basically to be treated as if butane and such, being flammable and cold when sprayed. Pretty interesting stuff.. Makes me wonder if that is all that is in there.