Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

You can always just fit the old pot into place in the new pot soil and cut the sides off the old pot and remove the bottom careful and then backfill and water in. -1 pot, but rootball still intact.
You can do it! I would let it dry out a day or so (no watering) so that you can lift it out of the bucket and into the pot and then backfill the fabric pot until you cover up the old soil, rootball, and some of the stem. :)

ABM... I love your encouragement. ;-)
It will be dry as a bone in the morning. She must be so root bound because she's been needing a drink in the afternoons for droopiness. This is a very vigorous specimen. :-)
ABM... I love your encouragement. ;-)
It will be dry as a bone in the morning. She must be so root bound because she's been needing a drink in the afternoons for droopiness. This is a very vigorous specimen. :-)

No problem! Once she's dried out you can tilt the bucket at a 45 degree angle and tap the sides till she loosens up. I usually hold the main stem while I do this so I can wiggle the plant around. Once you know you have the rootball loosened you should be able to pick up the plant at the base of the stem just above the soil and pull it out intact. Put that in the middle of your half filled fabric pot then backfill, water, watch her take off!!!! :D
No problem! Once she's dried out you can tilt the bucket at a 45 degree angle and tap the sides till she loosens up. I usually hold the main stem while I do this so I can wiggle the plant around. Once you know you have the rootball loosened you should be able to pick up the plant at the base of the stem just above the soil and pull it out intact. Put that in the middle of your half filled fabric pot then backfill, water, watch her take off!!!! :D

I'm gonna do it. In the morning.
I feel like a lot of my girls are starting to hit the stretch. Anyone else?
You know 757 that Marion Berry, which I know nothing about, kind of has that "staggered look" to it I noticed last night. I'll get a picture in the morning. I'm usually seeing that look in early August. I would love to have an earlier finisher in the bunch. I may be taking clones after all.
I'm off to the Indian casino to go get me some "all you can eat seafood buffet" tonight. Your only allowed 1 lobster though, I know I could eat half dozen of those bugs.

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Damn man. So I see the Damn signs ... Something came to eat , I see the shit droppings too. Man they smell so good too that's why. I skipped one week of spray and they come and Fuck shit up. Spraying tonight. Fuckin it , I didn't want to because I have early blooming but the hell with it. I'm not loosing these plants. IMAG2655.jpg
