1000 Watt Grow Question (Pics Included)

These clones are barneys critical kush and been vegging for about 40 days in sunshine mix #4 with GH nutes. Now the question is lets say I have 9 plants that vegged for 45 Days no topping or LST, Just natural growing and wanted to throw them under a 1000W HPS, Would I get a better yield if grew 9 plants in a 4x4 tent under a 1000w HPS or 9 plants in a 5x5 tent under a 1000W HPS???



Well-Known Member
1000w in a 4x4 is waay overkill.

And i bet in a 5x5 you'd yield the same either growing 4 plants or 9.

But this is something you have to find out on your own:)

Good luck


Well-Known Member
A 1000w in a 4x4 is not overkill, IF you can keep your temps in check:wink:

you have the luxury to use it over a 5x5, I would definitely do it for the more favorable working conditions alone.


Well-Known Member
topping and LST are important for plant canopy management. If you dont, you are going to have some taller then others making you have to lift your light higher , then the shorter ones arnt getting the best light they can. top now, pop later once you get a feel for the shape the plant wants to grow
topping and LST are important for plant canopy management. If you dont, you are going to have some taller then others making you have to lift your light higher , then the shorter ones arnt getting the best light they can. top now, pop later once you get a feel for the shape the plant wants to grow
Even if all plants are clones from the same mother do u think they still will grow uneven ? I topped before but its hard to support the buds and sometimes the stems bend over and break.


Well-Known Member
Yes they can grow uneven . I have 5 diesels in my grow right now...one decided to stretch, now it sits on the outskirts of the canopy. They dont all act the same even from the same mom. You have to tie em up when they start to flop. I live in Colorado, its windy here.....my plants are strong. I mimick that same windyness in my veg incase I want to utilize the sun


Well-Known Member
Yes they can grow uneven . I have 5 diesels in my grow right now...one decided to stretch, now it sits on the outskirts of the canopy. They dont all act the same even from the same mom. You have to tie em up when they start to flop. I live in Colorado, its windy here.....my plants are strong. I mimick that same windyness in my veg incase I want to utilize the sun
Do you run into bug problems going out and in from the sun?


Well-Known Member
I spray the shit out of my yard, garden and grow room alternating 3 diff pesticides, bout due for a house and grow room bombing. Bugs been a bitch this year with all the rain, garden isnt too bad tho, couple hopper munches


Well-Known Member
9 plants in a 4x4 or a 5x5 is too many unless you plan on un growing them a bit (assuming they are the size in the pic)

if they are the size in the pic you might get lucky and be able to fit them into the 5x5 if you flip to flower now.

go with the 5x5 as a 1k is plenty of light and cramming all them plants in a 4x4 is just silly when you have a 1k light. '

you really need to understand pre flower stretch before you know what im talking about but to be honest you can yeild the same from one plant as you can 9 so growing all them is kinda a waste....imo. 1 plant can be trained and fill up that 5x5 nicely and have a really nice yeild.


Well-Known Member
Fill your shit as much as you can. No such thing as too many or too much. I've ran 6x6 canopy per 1k watt and didn't notice any difference expect more nug. More area= more nug.