Someguys cabinet grows CA MMJ


I harvested and did not really take pictures... so I am sorry. I did find these I took shortly prior to cutting so that will have to do this time around.

I plant on changing things up in fall to LED. I think I could ditch the AC and save a grip on my bill each month so I am pursuing that path. woot.. LOL. enough chit chat here are the pics:

Here the head-stash for about 6 months and some qwiso i made that got all waxy. :-)

The stash has dwindled. the big jar got used in butter/caps as well as some other buds. Plus I will be making more "rso" with some of it. Still plenty. LOL.

I should also mention that I made a 100w led fixture from some par38 21w led bulbs. Its to keep all my veggers going in the tent while Im on vacation. I will snap some pictures this week as I clean up the tent and set it all up with the veggers and auto-feed system.

I am working on the capsules and candies for the trip and have already made quite a bit of oil for the vape pen also. This way I am not really carrying very much buds with me on the road trip. :-)
Hey guys!

for those of you still watching...

I am back from vacation and feeling refreshed!

All thirteen plants in the tent survived the 3weeks without any care from anyone except the auto feed. Actually.... they flourished. I have some big plants now and they were small when I left.

DTG: I missed this before leaving... I used 5 par 38 sylvania 21w leds and removed the lenses. so there are bulb recepticals attached to a board and wired up then just screw in the led bulb. so far it looks to be a great veg light for being only 105w worth of led.
3 weeks away and the plants have been fine, that's pretty sweet man.

when i looked at them LED's it was buying individual ones and making a board. looks like a good alternative those screw in bulb type deals.
I assume the vacation went nice :). Glad the hear the garden did well, I'm sure it was a relief when you saw that!

vacation was much needed. At the end my wife arranged for me to ride the rubicon trail with my buddy for a few days. Came back refreshed. reminded me I should do it more often than once every 7 years.
3 weeks away and the plants have been fine, that's pretty sweet man.

when i looked at them LED's it was buying individual ones and making a board. looks like a good alternative those screw in bulb type deals.

I am going to build a high powered DIY COB fixture soon. But this seems to work good for veg. The 105 watts seems to be a good replacement for the 225watts of CFL I was using. Maybe even a little better as far as plant growth. I need to take a picture. Just been so busy with work and the yin teething... :-)
oh the joys of teething bairns!

I've been looking at alternatives for my big bulky cfl too. it's slow and hot to boot... I keep thinking about a baby MH bulb but that's only solving the slow problem. it's still going to be bulky and hot, if you get a chance and don;t mind i'd like to see a pic of the home made board setup man!
Ok Here it is guys.

100 watts of LED for veg and 13 plants.

DGT... Here is a better shot of the lighting board:

Chaka! Hey man.... Here are the two shark shock plants. They look awesome. LOL


Pretty soon I will be building a COB LED fixture to flower some of these with!

HYROOT! If you are watching let me know what you want cuts of.... I think I am ready to get trading going.

Chaka. I def want a cut of that chemdog. :-)
Lookin good GUY! What size LED bulbs are those?? ive been lookin for a good brand for lighting my basement skate spot thing. I have some 8w bulbs in there now but my camera needs a lil more light. Ive been lookin for some LED spotlights but so many fail after a short amount of time if theyre out of the 10 dollar range.

EDIT: Read up the thread and found the sylvania ones you posted a link to. Very pricey but they probably throw a ton of light.
Lookin good GUY! What size LED bulbs are those?? ive been lookin for a good brand for lighting my basement skate spot thing. I have some 8w bulbs in there now but my camera needs a lil more light. Ive been lookin for some LED spotlights but so many fail after a short amount of time if theyre out of the 10 dollar range.

EDIT: Read up the thread and found the sylvania ones you posted a link to. Very pricey but they probably throw a ton of light.

Once you remove the lens and expose the raw cob it is extremely bright. I am impressed with it being just 100w of led. its vegging as good as 225w of CFL does for me. I put that together just to keep things alive while I was gone and it seems it did better than expected.

Not sure what I am going to be able to afford to throw together but I will get something going to flower with in a bit here. :-) Probably between 6-8 42w diy cob setups and 80w of the sylvania bulbs in there. so 332-416w of led to flower the tent is my thought. vero 18 3000k (80cri) w meanwell 1.4amp drivers.
How the hell have I missed this the whole time SG? Jesus!

Hope ya had a good vacation buddy!

Im kinda under the radar and low key in here.... LOL. Just doing my thing ya know.. ;-)

Thanks man! It was good. Hope your problems are sorted, saw a bit of that but 3wks is alot to catch up on.
Alrighty then... I sucked it up and ordered some parts. Here is what I got coming:

6 vero 18:

6 fastech 50w drivers:

6 fan and heatsink combos:

I will pick up some thermal paste, thermal tape, and some wire. I have all the other stuff necessary to rock this out besides a "fixture" of sorts.

Here is what I am thinking for the "housing"

I will post more as I get into it and have all the parts ready etc... :-)

each will dissipate about 42w. So my idea is 2 fixtures with 3 cobs each. ...about 252watts. Plus I will use the 4 21 watt sylvania bulbs I am currently using. Should put me up to about 330w of led to flower the tent with. If that works I will swap the cabinet over too.