Because of the
massive amount of spam on the thread I made which consist of gay pornography and insults I have decided to make a quick recap of certain key events to spare
you the reader from the obscene post of a few select individuals who stalk this thread.
The first thing I will discuss is the leaked footage from N.A.S.A which completely validates THE HOLY BIBLE and dismisses all thoughts of the promoted lack of idea and answers commonly mentioned by people who do deny THE GREATNESS and GLORY of GOD
If you skip to the hour mark and around six minutes the leaked film will begin, even a little sooner actually.. Watch it while sitting down...
These are warnings from GOD to us, that have never happened before, and proven not faked.
This is what we are currently going through the first Sign of the Blood Moon has already happened these events will continue into next year. Here is a video description of these events which include the dates falling on Holy Biblical days, and when they have happened before along with what happened when these events last appeared. Each time majored changes happened to Israel, which brings us to the War with Hamas. Also because these events fall onto Holy Day's it's apparent these Tetrads witch include a solar eclipse have the most significant value. Furthermore it mentions "young men having visions" this
did happen to me while this thread was up. To read about what I briefly, very briefly saw go to page39 post767
This is a video of the Pope claiming a One World Religion and to remove "doctrine" (THE HOLY BIBLE) from this New Religion.
All major denominations have apparently agreed.
This video includes Blaspheme statements claim he is the "spirit" of a dead Prophet who is in Heaven, Pastor Ken Coplan talking in "tongues" a fake Jibberish langue made up and accepted when THE HOLY BIBLE mentions speaking in tongues it was talking about the 12 Apostles who LORD JESUS CHRIST gave the ability to speak a different real langue such as Latin just for a example for purposes for teaching the Gospel. Also this Ken Coplan has weird snake eyes while speaking in his fake langue ( or maybe it's demonic )
Now if you read Revelations you hear about the horrible things happening to World especially Babylon (the strongest Nation so America). Revelations talks about the dominance of the complete World, the "leader" of this massive Army will control everything.
There will be absolute chaos and pure genocide of Christians and Billions of others. Sadly this is what's happening before our eyes.
They have killed your relatives and mocked you in front of your face without you ever knowing. It literally pains me to tell the American people this. The rest of the Nation all ready knows far more then the common American citizen. This is other Country's proving to you that this is the Case, this is a
real video clip of Japanese Political Conference with Prime Minister proving that 911 was a inside attack on it's own people by a "Shadow Government" Commonly called "Illuminati" which has connections with the "Club of Rome"
This first hand video of witnesses proves not just planes took down the World Trade Centers (now called One World)
This is the Satanic Ritual they did on Ground Zero (where the World Trade Towers were) on public television.
There are more like Sandy Hook page 79 and 83 and . Watch for the upcoming random shooting sprees the Government will be planning them, to push the objective or removing guns.
These attacks on Americans are designed for us to give up our rights as a Nation. Rights like right to bear arms which has been taken from Americans.
This is just one of the many
civil rights which have been taken from Americans without them knowing about it. Make no mistake just because a few states haven't initiated this doesn't mean it's going to be different in the long run. I know some states you can still buy guns but, be aware
preparation are being made to change that. Like the billions of hollow point ammunition purchased. When it's against the Geneva Convention war Laws to use hollow point ammunition in War. Also shooting ranges don't allow hollow points because the shatter and ricochet. Most states these Laws are in action like Massachusetts, in order to buy a firearm you would have to be given direct authority from the Police Chief and he can deny
anyone he wants. Unless of course you want to buy 1800 Century Black Powder Musket. (less lethal then a Bow and arrow) Even pepper spray requires a license in Massachusetts. So we see this has already begun in almost all states Massachusetts is just one for a example. A ironic one at that seeing as how the license plate read "Live free or die"
And all other civil rights have been removed too. I have merely mentioned the gun ban first because it's beyond suspicious the Government begun to remove and stop arming the public. Here is a brief description of the 900 page Bill which was passed by the United Nations although it was never passed by Congress is was Executive Order Signed by President Obama (President Override possible thanks to
Patriot Act from 911) initiating Agenda/Smart Growth. Which he has done. Along with other Presidents before him (
These Laws are being implemented in our society now. They are in effect now.
"Agenda 21 envisions a global scheme for healthcare, education, nutrition, agriculture, labor, production, and consumption. A summary version titled AGENDA 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet (Earthpress, 1993), calls for “…a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced—a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources.” The report emphasizes that “This shift will demand a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level.”---I.C.E.I Website states International Council for Local environmental Initiative their Website.
I have included the Map which was presented in the U.N meeting.
USA Government can legal kill or detain you forever without submitting a reason because of these Executive Orders by this President and the past (search skull and bones) and growing bills being passed to make Agenda 21 and Smart Growth be completed ( aka New World Order). While you do research to see what's inside these Bills you will see how it's been kept from the public on purpose, it's not easy to find. Because the U.N didn't label it a treaty or legally binding it remains completely off the Radar from mainstream public they labeled it a "Blue Print" well if you plain to do something and act spending millions of dollars on this cause I guess it can be label a Blue Print.... And gives the loop hole to change the Constitution! What a complete insult to peoples intelligence.
I have a lot more to address the Border Crisis, F.E.M.A Concentration Camps, RFID, Chips. And other issue that is beyond shocking. But I have to stay in the 1,500 characters per post.
Do your own research get out there and get away from the television and video games. Embrace GOD and HIS SON JESUS CHRIST your savior and GOD over you. Before the coming of the horrible events and the return of THE SON OF GOD.
Day by day your rights and resources are disappearing around you, and the battle for your mind about American Citizens right to defend themselves with guns is placed in your mind as evil by staged events, and reinforced by paid or threatened Political figures as well as defended by those who have bought the lies.
As you the Reader should know by now this is One World Order made by the U.N so many Nations are ahead of us on Agenda 21 and Smart growth. Australia already has it firearms taken away. See for yourself and see what happens to "crime" the reason why the U.N said it's removing guns. The real reason? To remove your rights and to begin finish Agenda 21 and Smart growth
All of the information is leaked and open to the public now. The gloves are off watch the wheels turn. One world One Leader absolute corruption One religion the removed THE HOLY BIBLE. Like I said I have more to tell stay tuned.