I'm not against religion, I don't believe ANY of its propaganda, it BS. One of my best friends is muslim, doesn't matter, he's an awesome human.
Everything is taken out of context like horoscopes. If that's what your doing, and looking for, then your not using your brain. Like trump said...eventually covid will go away, magically...he's not wrong, it will...at the expense of unemployment, mental issues, long term effects, deaths, suffering. dont forget the very extensive scientific intelligence, which will vaccinate us all. The spread of covid is not convenient for political or financial gain in his favour, so he ambiguously makes these statements to trick the "title readers". Its like reading a news headline. I have plenty of religious relatives who are religious and it offers them comfort. I'm ok with that, just don't throw context in my face when its convenient. Its classic fear, which kept the masses in line from overthrowing small groups.
Be a good human. I am, and don't need a book to tell me how to do that. The morals I was raised with, do it for me.