Hey people. I just made an account so I could post on this thread. I have the slime.

Anyway, this is my first attempt at hydroponics (DWC) and so far I've had problems from day one. I believe it all started because I added Floralicious Plus, ever since I removed it I've had slime only on the roots, none on the side of the buckets and my ph rapidly climbing has stopped and now remains stable. However I'm not entirely sure about this because I have been using Great White so maybe if I stop it could come back. I do know that a stable ph is a good thing and my problem seems to be only growing on my roots.
My res temps are unfortunately always around 75-80 ever since I added an air pump (this will go down in a few months since I live in Canada and it only gets hot here for a short time.) Air temps around the plant can range from 70-90. Also, I am growing just a single tomato plant which is the only plant that is doing anything at all. I think it's growing nicely but the leaves seem to be cupping up almost everywhere, maybe this is due to heat. Or perhaps it's due to the slime messing with the roots? I don't know if this is bad for the plant so if someone could help me out with this I'd appreciate it. My other plant is a strawberry plant which is now dead I think. Lastly the plant I really want to grow into a big huge monster is a Goji Berry plant. This plant has a long taproot and ever since I moved it from soil to hydro it was growing at first but then got slimed very badly and stopped growing at all. Even after I cleared up this bs problem it would not grow..it just sat there and the leaves slowly fell away. I really hope it's not dead.
I recently purchased a product called Roots Excelurator which I used in hopes of bringing my Goji Berry plant back to life. All it did was slime everything up really badly (used at half strength.) I used Great White and things have since cleared up but there is still slime on my tomato plant roots. I am thinking of moving the Goji Berry to soil now since it was growing fine there. (If it's not dead.)
I have brewed a 2 gallon tea with 2 handfuls of EWC, half a scoop of Great White, 2.5ml of Roots Excelurator (I don't know if this will do anything since it supposedly contains anaerobic bacteria.) Also, instead of using molasses I used 2tbps of the Floralicious Plus. It's been almost 24 hours and the tea is foaming very nicely.
This is the second time I'm brewing this tea. I did brew it once before with ZHO powder, Bacillus Subtilis, EWC, Rapid Start, and Floralicious Plus. It did foam but a lot later than the one I am brewing right now. I also poured the first tea through the net pot of the Goji Berry plant but it did not seem to do anything. I am worried that the plant is dead.
I can take pics of anything that you guys need to help me out and if anyone wants to see this foam I can take pics of that too.

I am now going to vape a massive bowl, thanks for taking the time to read and for your help. Peace.