Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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How you gonna pull the "Jew hating" card when the post directly above yours shows Hasidic Jews in opposition to Israel?


"Excerpt from 160-page secret DIA report, first disclosed and reproduced in Rowan Scarborough, Rumsfeld's War(Regnery, 2004), pp. 194-223."
when Jews use religious identity to oppose a man-made Jewish accept that......LOL.
Hasidim do indeed believe in a Jewish state of Israel. they want Yahweh to establish it. you are sad. not just your politics, but your logic.

300 nukes. 85 delivery systems. many are MIRV'd. you'd be surprised at some of the targets :)
so, you have ZERO evidence of an israeli nuclear weapons program.

your links talked of suspicions and beliefs NOT FACTS.

if you think those links were about facts then you need to take remedial reading lessons.

ohh so your antisemitism is so subtle you think it cant be detected?
lemme clue you in :
it stinks on ice.
nobody is fooled by your "anti-zionism, not anti-semitism" bullshit.

ha ha ha ha ha

lotta people criticise israel. but idiots like you believe every lie pallywood churns out.

you gulp down ever stinking turd they excrete and eagerly beg for more.

more veiled antisemitism, argumentum ad populum and ad hominem

you are a miserable stinking failure.

you seem to have your finger on the pulse of Das Juden whenever some dipshit puts on a yamulke and denounces israel, yet you forget who started the fight (moslems) and who keeps rejecting avery peace deal proffered (moslems) and who puts bombs in retarded kid's backpacks (the pallies) machineguns french preschools (the pallies) and assassinates US presidential candidates (more pallies)

you are so eager to blame Das Juden that you are blind to the evil of those you are supporting


Who starts fights? Israel. see "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" by Pappé

Who keeps rejecting peace? Israel. see settlements or military order 101 from aug '67.

Who wants the US to bomb Iran? Israel. see Netanyahus statements

Who flouts obvious double standards? Israel. see its nuclear weapons, its chemical weapons use and human rights violations.

Who kills more kids than terrorists? Israel. see death tolls

Here's some more anti-Semites recounting their experiences in the IDF.

I await your unusually long and pointless reply filled with bullshit we've come to expect, i mean we can't all see Palestinians as dog shit on Israels porch...
I provided proof in post #145. It's a link to the same graphic cited above. With all the pages of well versed garbage you type and expect us to read, i'll provide the link again.

If you're stupid enough to believe Israel on the issue go ahead. They cancelled they're attendance at Obamas nuclear summit in 2010 to avoid pressure in regards to signing the NPT, which would pave the way for inspections.,7340,L-3873755,00.html

There was no vague allusion to "das juden" only a strong criticism of right wing douchebaggery that is so prevalent in the bible belt. Selectivity and distortion are exulted when it comes to the Israel First crowd. Citing the overly biased sources you do only makes you look the fool, but what does the world expect from those who can't understand the phrase "conflict of interest"...

If you see criticism of Israel as anti-semetic you are probably dumber than you look.

Look at all the anti-semites in new york...


I know you won't read it, but how about you write a manifesto as to why you thing the above article is anti-semitic...

*probably go a ways to explaining your ignorance

LOL......14 Jewish commies. let's back that shot out, to see the scope of this Dozen Jew March.

they seek the 3% of Jews that oppose the state of Israel, and call the rest Khazars. I'd love some of that my face.

we'll kill all of you, "hip and thigh." and it will be just :)
Who starts fights? Israel. see "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" by Pappé

Who keeps rejecting peace? Israel. see settlements or military order 101 from aug '67.

Who wants the US to bomb Iran? Israel. see Netanyahus statements

Who flouts obvious double standards? Israel. see its nuclear weapons, its chemical weapons use and human rights violations.

Who kills more kids than terrorists? Israel. see death tolls

Here's some more anti-Semites recounting their experiences in the IDF.

I await your unusually long and pointless reply filled with bullshit we've come to expect, i mean we can't all see Palestinians as dog shit on Israels porch...

LOL........they STARTEDDD I'm gonna shoot rockets at your in-bred offspring. we can have "talks" over it.
Who starts fights? Israel. see "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" by Pappé

Who keeps rejecting peace? Israel. see settlements or military order 101 from aug '67.

Who wants the US to bomb Iran? Israel. see Netanyahus statements

Who flouts obvious double standards? Israel. see its nuclear weapons, its chemical weapons use and human rights violations.

Who kills more kids than terrorists? Israel. see death tolls

Here's some more anti-Semites recounting their experiences in the IDF.

I await your unusually long and pointless reply filled with bullshit we've come to expect, i mean we can't all see Palestinians as dog shit on Israels porch... owl.
LOL......14 Jewish commies. let's back that shot out, to see the scope of this Dozen Jew March.

they seek the 3% of Jews that oppose the state of Israel, and call the rest Khazars. I'd love some of that my face.

we'll kill all of you, "hip and thigh." and it will be just :)
They would call you "poor and uneducated" to your face and refuse your citizenship. You ain't sabra enough
when Jews use religious identity to oppose a man-made Jewish accept that......LOL.
Hasidim do indeed believe in a Jewish state of Israel. they want Yahweh to establish it. you are sad. not just your politics, but your logic.

300 nukes. 85 delivery systems. many are MIRV'd. you'd be surprised at some of the targets :)


when Jews use religious identity to oppose a man-made Jewish accept that......LOL.
Hasidim do indeed believe in a Jewish state of Israel. they want Yahweh to establish it. you are sad. not just your politics, but your logic.

300 nukes. 85 delivery systems. many are MIRV'd. you'd be surprised at some of the targets :)

that's a self-identified group........not a race. and the WORST.............stewards of children.

queens creating convicts..............

Fuck you're a dumbass
If you didn't like the boycott before just wait and see how isolated Israel becomes now

cut all aid to Israel
it is Illegal to aid war criminals, these guys are the scum of the earth

Greetings citizens from around the world, we are anonymous.
Today, we claim victory against the fascist state of Israel.
A strong faction within anonymous has taken down over one thousand Israeli sites.
Attacks are still continuing, and are growing rampant
by the day, and the cyber aggression against the Zionist state are
stronger than ever before. We are calling upon the entire anonymous
collective, and its hidden factions, to keep attacking Israel’s
cyberspace, and to always be cautious on the sites you attack, and the
tools and equipment you use to leak or disrupt.
We need to show Gazans and Palestinians that they are not alone against this horrific evil.
To Israel: We will keep attacking you, and exposing
your lies and crimes against humanity until you propose peace for once.
Until then, anonymous and other groups will keep attacking your pathetic
wall of a cyber-security. We will be forced to unleash our entire
legion against your servers, thus banishing you from the internet.
Yet, we must stress, heavily, that this is not an
attack on Jews, or the religion of Judaism, in fact, many Jews from
around the world are siding themselves with Palestine, and not, Israel.
This is an all out attack against Zionists, and their
corrupt ideology, and the systematic killing apparatus they use to
suppress an under-developed location.
Operation Save Gaza, engaged.
We are anonymous.
We are legion.
We will never forgive.
We will never forget.
Expect us.

On Humanity’s side:…

Official site containing the latest attacks on Israel:


Those of you spewing lies/propaganda (Hamas using civilians as shields)
do some research and learn how Hamas was created. We highly doubt Hamas
would use its people as shields. Its just a justification for the IDF
to attack and kill anywhere & everyone (hospitals, homes, schools



Greetings citizens from around the world, we are anonymous.
Today, we claim victory against the fascist state of Israel.
A strong faction within anonymous has taken down over one thousand Israeli sites.
Attacks are still continuing, and are growing rampant
by the day, and the cyber aggression against the Zionist state are
stronger than ever before. We are calling upon the entire anonymous
collective, and its hidden factions, to keep attacking Israel’s
cyberspace, and to always be cautious on the sites you attack, and the
tools and equipment you use to leak or disrupt.
We need to show Gazans and Palestinians that they are not alone against this horrific evil.
To Israel: We will keep attacking you, and exposing
your lies and crimes against humanity until you propose peace for once.
Until then, anonymous and other groups will keep attacking your pathetic
wall of a cyber-security. We will be forced to unleash our entire
legion against your servers, thus banishing you from the internet.
Yet, we must stress, heavily, that this is not an
attack on Jews, or the religion of Judaism, in fact, many Jews from
around the world are siding themselves with Palestine, and not, Israel.
This is an all out attack against Zionists, and their
corrupt ideology, and the systematic killing apparatus they use to
suppress an under-developed location.
Operation Save Gaza, engaged.
We are anonymous.
We are legion.
We will never forgive.
We will never forget.
Expect us.

On Humanity’s side:…

Official site containing the latest attacks on Israel:


Those of you spewing lies/propaganda (Hamas using civilians as shields)
do some research and learn how Hamas was created. We highly doubt Hamas
would use its people as shields. Its just a justification for the IDF
to attack and kill anywhere & everyone (hospitals, homes, schools


I think we'll increase the risperidal to 3 mg po q day, lets take the Lexapro to 20 mg.
how are doing with your journal?
Who starts fights? Israel. see "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" by Pappé

Who keeps rejecting peace? Israel. see settlements or military order 101 from aug '67. pallies derail the peace talks with rockets, every fucking time you liar.

Who wants the US to bomb Iran? Israel. see Netanyahus statements. political rhetoric and the game of thrones you dolt. netanyahu says shit to make a message. you are a moron.

Who flouts obvious double standards? Israel. see its nuclear weapons, its chemical weapons use and human rights violations. what nuclear weapons? prove their existence or STFU

Who kills more kids than terrorists? Israel. see death tolls. pallie lies. pallies kill more pallies than the israelis do, and EVERY dead pallie is an "innocent child" if you listen to al jazeera

Here's some more anti-Semites recounting their experiences in the IDF.not interested in unsupported claims by a few loudmouth pallie sympathizers. not interested in unsupported claims by a few loudmouth pallie sympathizers.

I await your unusually long and pointless reply filled with bullshit we've come to expect, i mean we can't all see Palestinians as dog shit on Israels porch.. .
the pallies ARE a sack of flaming dogshit on israel's porch

the arabs fund their shenanigans, give them moral support, and urge them to become "martyrs" and fools like you use moral equivalence, fallacies, and regurgitated lies to continue the meme that the world is opposed to israel and supports the pallies.

YOU are perpetuating the cycle of violence.

Greetings citizens from around the world, we are anonymous.
Today, we claim victory against the fascist state of Israel.
A strong faction within anonymous has taken down over one thousand Israeli sites.
Attacks are still continuing, and are growing rampant
by the day, and the cyber aggression against the Zionist state are
stronger than ever before. We are calling upon the entire anonymous
collective, and its hidden factions, to keep attacking Israel’s
cyberspace, and to always be cautious on the sites you attack, and the
tools and equipment you use to leak or disrupt.
We need to show Gazans and Palestinians that they are not alone against this horrific evil.
To Israel: We will keep attacking you, and exposing
your lies and crimes against humanity until you propose peace for once.
Until then, anonymous and other groups will keep attacking your pathetic
wall of a cyber-security. We will be forced to unleash our entire
legion against your servers, thus banishing you from the internet.
Yet, we must stress, heavily, that this is not an
attack on Jews, or the religion of Judaism, in fact, many Jews from
around the world are siding themselves with Palestine, and not, Israel.
This is an all out attack against Zionists, and their
corrupt ideology, and the systematic killing apparatus they use to
suppress an under-developed location.
Operation Save Gaza, engaged.
We are anonymous.
We are legion.
We will never forgive.
We will never forget.
Expect us.

On Humanity’s side:…

Official site containing the latest attacks on Israel:


Those of you spewing lies/propaganda (Hamas using civilians as shields)
do some research and learn how Hamas was created. We highly doubt Hamas
would use its people as shields. Its just a justification for the IDF
to attack and kill anywhere & everyone (hospitals, homes, schools



that hit all the low notes, lies, jew bashing, declarations of premature victory, bandwagon fallacies, and of course the liar's best move in interweb bullshit propagation: "Do Some Research!"

and it ends with a twatter page and a shitload of blog links.

hilariously foolish retarded asinine stupidity in a guy fawkes mask.