I will simply say this, I pay taxes and do not use the system for anything, I have a cultivation/ trafficking/posession with intent/& crossing state lines conviction in a single bam, I cant vote and am thankful for all of it. I was pretty much forced out of the job market and had to open my own business, 8 years later I am greatful this states weed laws are so fucked up because they made me adapt and overcome the obstacles I created for myself when I was young n dumb. This state is full of get rich quick bs fueled by section 8 living, food stamp cashing, scam the man type mentalities, all the bitches that think legalization will help them are felons, just like me and wont benefit financially at all. I hope the laws change, but this state will be the poster child for why legalization is wrong. We will fuck it up for everyoneHere's my gripe with that sentiment; what, exactly, is wrong with supporting the society that provides so much opportunity that we can be this successful? The idea that any of us do it alone is so laughable only the most misguided and unenlightened actually believe it. Therefore I pay my taxes with a thing called pride, to a place I think is worth supporting.
The idea that it's acceptable to cheat and evade paying taxes is indicative of the selfishness of the individual, not the moral rectitude of the act. If you don't like how it's being spent, BITCH! Since hardly anyone else does, it's amazing how much attention you'll get.
If you think our country is so far over the cliff that it's okay if no one paid taxes anymore, what does that say about your belief in country? I think those who find ways to evade paying taxes to be cowards and traitors, and nothing less than that.
It is fashionable and easy to join that gravy train. I just don't like its next stop.
If your not paying your taxes in this industry your dumb as fuck....
However I now pay a state income tax in MI, but felt that government services were much better in FL and run a lot smoother.
Oh. My. God... Florida is run like a vending machine for political families, why do you think there are so many of the Bush clan there?
Florida runs very well indeed for those with enough cash to grease the sticky wheels of... everything... and those without are left behind without a second thought. I was sickened by the Florida attitude, and that's why I came back to Colorado.
I'd go back to grow great weed, in the hopes of attracting a few cool people to hang out with.
I'm fairly young (mid-late 20's) and only have now lived in FL and MI, so I'm just speaking from my limited experience. I just think it kind of sucks that when I lived in FL I could at least drive on the roads, get my DL the same day, and get a lot of state licenses/permits the same day all while paying no state income tax. While in MI all the roads suck, I had to wait 2 weeks to get my DL licence, and a lot of state licenses and permits take forever.
I went to college for poly sci and worked for the the DNC right out of college, so I'm well versed in all that is anti bush lol
Dude. I just hired a poly sci major... as a grower. He's pretty sure he has the job of his dreams in our own little rectangle of paradise.
Don't believe me? LOL Please don't believe me- we have too many people moving here as it is!
And the state income tax just isn't that bad.
Florida is great,,,,, until ur in the system, once ur in the system you either thrive or die, thats it. If you have done time here you have seen the guys doing real time for driving on suspended, posession less than 20gs, etc. I got popped with 25lbs of arizona mids(honestly was some seeded fire ) that I was doin pretty well with, best thing that ever happened to me was getting popped, it forced me out of the shadows. I still dig the life but now I grow for me(less chance to get popped but still there), and opened 3 different stores that I wouldnt have when I was dirty. The system may suck but it does work. I pay my taxes and bitch about it, but am way better off then I was. And I had that white bitch, that dirty boy, muffins , beans etc taken care of, I dont miss it for a sevond .I'm fairly young (mid-late 20's) and only have now lived in FL and MI, so I'm just speaking from my limited experience. I just think it kind of sucks that when I lived in FL I could at least drive on the roads, get my DL the same day, and get a lot of state licenses/permits the same day all while paying no state income tax. While in MI all the roads suck, I had to wait 2 weeks to get my DL licence, and a lot of state licenses and permits take forever.
I went to college for poly sci and worked for the the DNC right out of college, so I'm well versed in all that is anti bush lol
Florida is great,,,,, until ur in the system, once ur in the system you either thrive or die, thats it. If you have done time here you have seen the guys doing real time for driving on suspended, posession less than 20gs, etc. I got popped with 25lbs of arizona mids(honestly was some seeded fire ) that I was doin pretty well with, best thing that ever happened to me was getting popped, it forced me out of the shadows. I still dig the life but now I grow for me(less chance to get popped but still there), and opened 3 different stores that I wouldnt have when I was dirty. The system may suck but it does work. I pay my taxes and bitch about it, but am way better off then I was. And I had that white bitch, that dirty boy, muffins , beans etc taken care of, I dont miss it for a sevond .
My Arizona mids were great, 350 a elbow that I dumped for 225 a quapper, I got popped in 08 so do the math. lol. Used to get northern lights n mighty mights on the canadian border for 18 an elbow, you north fl boys loved that shit.I remember that fire mids that used to come down. Haven't seen anything like it in almost 5 years. The only thing better in the mids category then that was the Canadian brick we used to get in Tally. Never saw it down in south FL though.
My Arizona mids were great, 350 a elbow that I dumped for 225 a quapper, I got popped in 08 so do the math. lol. Used to get northern lights n mighty mights on the canadian border for 18 an elbow, you north fl boys loved that shit.
I still look for that shit because a pinner knocked my ass out, 180 an oz was norm so 200 is right there. Dems was the good ol daysOh shit!!! Yeah I was in College around then. The Canadian was like 200oz and was just as fire as most west palm crippy that was also HUGE in Tally at the time.
I still look for that shit because a pinner knocked my ass out, 180 an oz was norm so 200 is right there. Dems was the good ol days
Remember 09-10 when mango/widow was huge? Hated that shit
Exactly, was postin the same thing. I hated that shit but was spoiled. After that its just been a plethora of cali bud at wholesale. I honestly enjoy growing so the shit thats here now just cant touch mine, maybe its emotional , maybe not, but im not diggin the commercial crip these days . Fuckin garbage. Iv had som great oils over the past couple years but the bud sucks.wow! and i post the widow at the same time haha
I know the D, that 120 a Q shit made me sick, just didnt dig it , a year or so later was my firlst taste of ultra sour, that shit had me locked down, still grow itwhoever was producing that Sour Diesel though in 08 was a god. Still the best bud I have ever had. People used to smell it from 100yds away when I was puffing on it.
Exactly, was postin the same thing. I hated that shit but was spoiled. After that its just been a plethora of cali bud at wholesale. I honestly enjoy growing so the shit thats here now just cant touch mine, maybe its emotional , maybe not, but im not diggin the commercial crip these days . Fuckin garbage. Iv had som great oils over the past couple years but the bud sucks.