bodhi seeds

In bodhi related news, I killed (well the heat did) an almost finished Lemon Zinger. Super disappointed but I've got a clone on the ready.

Look, I'm not sure why this thread had turned to shit. This is nonsense, and to be honest I'm not sure why people just don't use the ignore button or simply stop engaging with certain members. Granted only one seems to be overly excited to get into it with people. This has been going on for a couple months now and honestly I can't really even try with a particular member anymore. Things that shouldn't bother them apparently are personal, and I don't get why.

Anyways let's get back to some good bodhi grows that are up in here

P. S. At least she went to the hash pile, just sad to get within a week of harvest and lose a plant. This is what I get for being a good son and watching fucking dogs I don't like.
what the hell did i do to you?
Nothing. Honestly most people that he seems to have it out for have done nothing either. I try to be nice and understanding, but it gets to a point where he's threatening people's identities and simply being pissy for what ever reason.

ETA grant him a time out, it is his wish after all. Nothing personal mad but for fucks sakes dude you seem to be going after everyone. Surly for this post I'll be next.
Yes, I'm assuming we"re a male majority here so lets drop the petty preteen he said she said, my feelings are hurt bullsh--. There are people with Bodhi questions/comments getting ignored, not cool.

I'm puffing on some Strange Love at the moment. So glad I grabbed pack from HN while they were still taking cards...Got my RDWC set up rolling today also dropped mother milk, lucky charms and a SSDD. Guess you have good taste in gear as well Hank #2 :P
I guess you have to post pictures + sugar coat the description to be considered a contributor.

I will have fresh harvest/dry pics for this site in Mid sept, but on bbay I have many pictures + honest reporting. I just don't see any point in me posting the same pictures on every site.
I guess you have to post pictures + sugar coat the description to be considered a contributor.

I will have fresh harvest/dry pics for this site in Mid sept, but on bbay I have many pictures + honest reporting. I just don't see any point in me posting the same pictures on every site.
I am no fan of bbay image posting. So much more work. The people are pretty chill there and usually here isn't this bad
I'm OK with this.

I do have some advice for you (from a customers standpoint) if you're receptive to it. In your roll as Gage Green tester you would be more effective if you didn't so obviously sugar-coat everything in an effort to cozy up to the higher-ups. Every single review you write is filled with descriptors like "EPIC", "INSANE FROST", "HOLY BALLS", etc. Your credibility kinda goes out the window when you carry on like that (IMO).

THIS. As a customer I wouldn't trust Mad's reviews because of what a ridiculous little ass sucker he is to the breeders he claims to represent.
You RIU heads are ruining cannabis culture. To prove this is my last post here: Fuck all mods especially Sunni. See if I am not banned after that lol.
You fellas want to stand with Amos, who can't grow and gives zero useful info, vs Brek, who kills it and was giving us all updates on types we never ran, you prove that cannabis is the last thing on your mind. Which males these boards totally redundant to me personally, as it does any person interested in Ganja. I am refusing all tests from now on, I'd rather run my SoG than serve you lot.

PS: anybody else notice summer holidays and Christmas get real quiet around the boards? That is because most of you ARE lids, at school etc. Explains a lot.

This is a forum. It should serve as an extension of tour hobby, not a replacement for your social life. Unless you have none.

Cheers Kids, the grownups have real work to do.

Mad, you have done more damage to the reputations of the breeders you claim to represent than any amount of shitty growing could. If you look in a mirror here, you would see that you are the one behaving like a little child, making childish threats and pretending to act in your 'parents' (this case the breeders you claim to 'represent') best interests just to shine your own imaginary do-gooder badge. You shit talk everyone, regardless of whether you know what the fuck you are talking about. Giving Adro shit for testing? Who the fuck do you think you are? Every time I have ever asked B to test something, I have asked to test one strain, and he has sent me that one and one or two additional strains I didn't ask for. Does this mean he is going to cry if I don't run each of these immediately? No, it means he gave me extra beans to fucking test when I get around to it, and I know the same is true for multiple people. You need to stay the fuck out of other breeder's business, because you're little interjections are not doing them any favors. And posting that you know address information is not a good idea, it is clear that you have little to no concept of what karma is, but that is a really good example of some bad fucking karma.

As a side note, testing is not done to 'serve us lot', testing is done as a service to a breeder. This is when a cross I'm testing goes six kinds of screwy, in an otherwise stable grow, I usually just 86 the test and email the breeder and say 'hey, maybe put a pin in this one'. I probably wouldn't publicly say 'hey, this is a crazy ass hermie cross' and plaster pictures everywhere in a public forum unless they did something silly like release something that I tested and advised against releasing, however, because I test for conscientious breeders that doesn't come up.

Never have I encountered a person on these forums who needed to learn how to mind his own fucking business like Mad.

On a side note, I'm excited to see an RKU f2 male being used in some test crosses, I did my own f2 of the RKU strain and have been finding a large amount of exceptional plants.


Of course, someone should probably feel free to chime in, even though its none of their fucking business and tell me I can't grow these or use them in other crosses, as they are intellectual property of bodhi seeds.
So I have beans on the way and am pretty excited.
Anyone have any advice on phenos I should look out for with Sunshine DD, L Charms, The White and Silver Mountain?

I've never ran Bodhi before.

I gotta go get in on a long trim session.. ugh.. later ya'll..

I've run a bunch of ssdd, if you can find a sour butter or sour bubba pheno, those are my favorite in terms of taste and potency. They really pack an extremely strong punch. not the best yielding pheno in the strain, but definitely my favorite.
Back on topic, Any idea about Bay 11? Which cut of bodhi is that again? Had one get hit with some Silver 99 male pollen in 24 hrs veg and she started to flower and produce seed under 24 hr light. A lot of them ripened over the last 6 weeks and I picked out the seeds so I can throw her in flower unseeded. Wonder how they will do being that the female never really saw 12 hrs darkness. Will the seeds be normal? Higher percent of females or males? should call them early seed testers. Might be killer results?
Anyone want to try and guess, had similar that they tested?

I think that the actual seed release of Bay 11 is Ken's reworking of appalachia using his genetics, but that Bodhi's female appalachia cut was passed off as 'Bay 11' by Ken to win that cup. So the female is still flowering under 24 hours of light? I'm not necessarily I sure I would trust the seeds from that, as autoflowering can be a genetic trait, you're sure its not just seeded preflowers, but full on bud production?
The way i look at it its not how much bodhi you run or if you test for him. We all are growing his gear or are on the verge of it, thats what makes this thread... Bodhi dont care whos the biggest mofo out there! Hes for the small guy just as he is for the larger folks and this is why i support his gear over all others. But to say calicat is the only one dropping info here is bs cause i have tested at least 14 crosses for B and i know others have to. And im on almost every forum and i am aware
Of mads nature of posting
I'm sorry this thread went to shit. I'm a breeder and people like Mad that can't grow worth a shit come here and say shit like this strain hermies. You know MAD hermies can come from ENVIRONMENT. And you have the nerve to come here and run down someone's strain that they worked hard and and in a few posts ruin people from possibly buying seeds. That is called being and ASSHOLE Mad.
So can we all play nicely now and just keep on track with bodhi gear? Most peeps in here contribute solid info, the pics of bodhi's gear that are in here are great, as are the descriptions so thank you. I hope to contribute once mine start to get a little bigger.
Keep it real guys and don't feed the trolls :)