Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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Well-Known Member
another honest Jew

Gaza’s Torment, Israel’s Crimes, Our Responsibilities

By Noam Chomsky

July 12, 2014 "ICH" - At 3am Gaza time, July 9, in the midst of Israel’s latest exercise in savagery, I received a phone call from a young Palestinian journalist in Gaza. In the background, I could hear his infant child wailing, amidst the sounds of explosions and jet planes, targeting any civilian who moves, and homes as well. He just saw a friend of his in a car clearly marked “press” blown away. And he heard shrieks next door after an explosion but can’t go outside or he’ll be a likely target. This is a quiet neighborhood, no military targets – except Palestinians who are fair game for Israel’s high tech US-supplied military machine. He said that 70% of the ambulances have been destroyed, and that by then over 70 had been killed, and of the 300 or so wounded, about 2/3 women and children. Few Hamas activists have been hit – or rocket launching sites. Just the usual victims.

It is important to understand what life is like in Gaza when Israel’s behavior is “restrained,” in between the regular manufactured crises like this one. A good sense is given in a report to UNRWA by Mads Gilbert, the courageous and expert Norwegian physician who has worked extensively in Gaza, also throughout the vicious and murderous Cast Lead operation. In every respect, the situation is disastrous. Just keeping to children, Gilbert reports: “Palestinian children in Gaza are suffering immensely. A large proportion are affected by the man-made malnourishment regime caused by the Israeli imposed blockage. Prevalence of anaemia in children <2yrs in Gaza is at 72.8%, while prevalence of wasting, stunting, underweight have been documented at 34.3%, 31.4%, 31.45% respectively.” And it gets worse as the report proceeds.

When Israel is on “good behavior,” more than two Palestinian children are killed every week, a pattern that goes back over 14 years. The underlying cause is the criminal occupation and the programs to reduce Palestinian life to bare survival in Gaza, while Palestinians are restricted to unviable cantons in the West Bank and Israel takes over what it wants, all in gross violation of international law and explicit Security Council resolutions, not to speak of minimal decency. And it will continue as long as it is supported by Washington and tolerated by Europe – to our everlasting shame

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
more bullshit from chomp chomp.

more racist doodles from "latuff"

more failure to address the issued raised

more blind ad hominem attacks and anti-semitism.

the pallies are not "freedom fighters" nor are they "victims" they are waging war on civilization, and civilization is kicking their asses.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
The body counts I cited came well respected news sources who in turn got their figures from B'Tselem & OCHA (The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs)

They DO NOT RELY SOLELY on reporting by Palestinian groups. B'Tselem is Israeli FFS, here is how they get their numbers

You don't read links or citations you just cockwaffle on, plus you're a bigoted piece of shit that isn't worthy of anything less than wheel spinning that incites that paragraph after paragraph of ad nauseam repetition of your 3 main points.
so you imply btselem doesnt multi-count "victims"?

i already went through this by the numbers before, and hove no patience for walking your stupid ass through it.

look at btselem's accounts of pallie bodycounts and see if you can spot the problem.

you will fail, but it will be funny to watch you try.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Kynes you blowhard. More irrelevant comments from a desperately lonely person.

A person yearning for human contact and validation, seeking to connect but fearful of realworld relationships that inevitably lead to disappointment and ridicule.

I see your rag-tag posse has rallied around to help you feel a little less lonely and unloved. Trudge on brave human and be content knowing that you are, in truth, useless and you will be out of our misery soon, not soon enough but soon.


Well-Known Member
Just sounds to me like another s

Well, seeing as they are in a concentration camp essentially, with little or no means to gain access to the outside world, what other means do they have to resist the seemly endless domination perpetuated upon them by Israel?
This fight began back in the 1940s. I don't justify any of it.


Well-Known Member
I was away in my farm for a few days and i remembered gaza.
I opened the tv and the palestinians were celebrating the death of 2 israeli officers raising the total to 42. (Incidentally, you are reminded that a foreign army on this land is considered occupation and international laws justifies all means for liberation)

On the other side the count is 1100+ deaths. I don't recall palestinians occupying gaza. Oh they were there already.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I posted this back in tread 510.

"I saw the death toll was only 31 people from both sides combined."

Just what I saw on the news.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Who the fuck cares?

45 dead on the Israeli side, 3,889 dead on the Palestinian side (1,681 civilians -not including the GHM's estimate-)

How could anyone side with Israel on this bullshit when the numbers are staring you right in the face like that?
Citation needed.
And it better not be from CNN.


Well-Known Member
I'm denying the numbers and or Wiki.
I hear body counts from a few different sources.
Non I believe.
So you don't accept the body count, why are you commenting as if Israel is totally right in this situation?"

Do you think the US should support Israel "no matter what, forever"?

Yes or No?