The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
u will get thru a ton of weed on it, ive tossed kilo after kilo of vape poo out lemme tell u its a security concern of its own, but the flav and its actually healthier than not vaping a being strait the whole f time
Its supposed to make your smoke go that bit further lol


Well-Known Member
well thats grow room tydied.
BP in 15litre pot along with a ZLH,
the physcosis is getting HUGGE now the temps have chilled. had to move her away form the light for the rest to catch up

that crytical with all the growth in middle i chopped it away otherday, shes groing again now, fucking weird that was

still both slow growers.
cut a couple buds of dog and hung em in drying tent, gimmi chance o get it dialled in


Well-Known Member
I wish I could post pics at min lol ... fucking mobile internet is wank....
at least my spray works ... I just took out a huge house spider with it lol ... it ran off , went upside down n curled up to die lol .... success!!
If it does that to a huge house spider imagine what its going to do to thrips aphids and spider mites lol ..... :)


Well-Known Member
Hoping these 3 turn out fem from left to right fireball,cheese suprise n deep blue x liver
u r stunting ur tap root with those pots, tall sq pots are canabis specific are are perfect for seedlings which have fast growing deep tap roots, you will loose yield if u dont take care of Seedlings ime, and r u seeing how dry u can grow em or what?


Well-Known Member
yeh i was a always told sqware pots,
then we see garys grow in pattered outside fuckers LOLOLOL

physcosis is big now zedd, just gunna let her go see how big she can get in my time frame, shes going about a inch a day atm i reckon


Well-Known Member
You got any super soil going spare?

Ive decided to dump mine n make a new batch but not got all ingredients at min.


Well-Known Member
You got any super soil going spare?

Ive decided to dump mine n make a new batch but not got all ingredients at min.
no mate i just made some yesterday and this one needs to ferment and have some teas etc, whats wrong with yours why u dumping it?


Well-Known Member
no mate i just made some yesterday and this one needs to ferment and have some teas etc, whats wrong with yours why u dumping it?
I left my tub open for a few days without realising it and red ants decided to move in :(

Plus my plants I got going now have some bugs so its just easier to start fresh .... might just get some pre nuted soil , coco and perlite just to get me started then add some teas n ammendments as needed.


Well-Known Member
I left my tub open for a few days without realising it and red ants decided to move in :(

Plus my plants I got going now have some bugs so its just easier to start fresh .... might just get some pre nuted soil , coco and perlite just to get me started then add some teas n ammendments as needed.

we know u aint gunna use coco or nothing, ur as bad as zedd for thr nerdy shit smelling stuff yo!

fuk perlite, shitty shit shit shit


Well-Known Member
imagine soil without perlite or coco, it's basically a lump of clay after two waterings.
perlite is the bollock ice, don't need it in coco like but cuttings love the shit.


Well-Known Member
u r stunting ur tap root with those pots, tall sq pots are canabis specific are are perfect for seedlings which have fast growing deep tap roots, you will loose yield if u dont take care of Seedlings ime, and r u seeing how dry u can grow em or what?
Its all I had tbh n that pic was taken just after lights out so gonna water em just b4 they pop back on.


Well-Known Member
yh i dont like coco and perlite, even wirse with coc/airpots and perlite

what was i saying when u was slating my CLONER don? what was my responce? if im gunna learn to do summert then il do it properly?

weeeellll must be me with physco clones with roots after 7 no 6 days.

my oh my

thax for doubting me tho, made it more fun and prolly helped me now fuk u very much and have a nice day

^^ thers the pics so it did happen yo!


Well-Known Member
robbie i would cover the top of the soil with a thick layer of diatomaceous earth (fuk off in advance ice lol) and the ants going in and out with get fuked and u get the silica for the plants...?