Write me a story..


Well-Known Member

Weird have things become in here as of late. I am deeply concerned for our dear giggles well being.

Me personally, someone needs to get high, just sayin'. :P




Well-Known Member
I knew I had a great recipe for cat on my iphone, but I'm lazy so I told Siri to make me a kitty pot pie. She did, because she still had black eyes from the last time I had to tell her twice. And then we all ate pussy. And loved it. Except for that one son of a bitch. You know who you are...


Well-Known Member
You guys are horrible at following directions.

Thanks meta your one cool dude!
Word, bro. I got...like...all into it an shit. I might pick it up again tonight. I kinda wanna know what's in the box, and we gotta find that pretty lady who laid you out so efficiently.