Eastern Oregon Outdoor trainwreck


Well-Known Member
I feel you. Stealth is really big with me right now. Ever since they started taxin folks $1,000 per plant lol.
Yeah i have a fire station nearby my street and the cop shop is like two blocks down that's why i started the latest i could in my area and lst it for sure won't even be noticeable I'm trying to train it to where it will have no main cola or a shorter one at least i can't wait to see my what my yield is going to be on my biggest plant from seeds and the trainwreck clone is going to yield heavy for sure going to be what get me through the winter lol.


Well-Known Member
Mine are growing too fast lol. I cant have them peaking at the fenceline haha.
yeah mine is to without lst my plant would have been a little to tall by the end of flower forsure I would rather lst keep it down to the ground my girl from seed is responding very to lst hoping to keep height under a foot and hopefully no main cola lol. Post some pics of your girls fresno.


Well-Known Member

Every thing vegging has about doubled in size in the past ten days. I will take pics this weekend. They have really taken off. A few still haven't shown sex yet though.
looking good yeah I'm still waiting on my second plant from seed to show sex it's looking female but we shall see thanks for letting me see your girls there looking great man.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. And np. I Can't wait to clear out those light dep plants. They are annoying lol. Too much damn watering dude.
yeah its going to get hot 104 here today going to have to water soon and I'm going out of town for a few days going to have to water heavy before I leave lol


Well-Known Member
yeah its going to get hot 104 here today going to have to water soon and I'm going out of town for a few days going to have to water heavy before I leave lol
Water heavy and leave a couple 1 gallon jugs of water with pin holes in the bottom around the base of the plants. This will act as a drip system while you are away. Do it right before you leave. Should work fine as long as the are on the "shady" side of the plants.
It was like 104 or some shit here yesterday. Not too bad haha. When it hits 110 then I start to worry.......and sweat profusely lol


Well-Known Member
Water heavy and leave a couple 1 gallon jugs of water with pin holes in the bottom around the base of the plants. This will act as a drip system while you are away. Do it right before you leave. Should work fine as long as the are on the "shady" side of the plants.
It was like 104 or some shit here yesterday. Not too bad haha. When it hits 110 then I start to worry.......and sweat profusely lol
thanks for the tip I will have to try that and yeah even at 106 my ladie was taking it like a champ and that why I'm glad I got local seeds already use to this climate and they were free lol.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the tip I will have to try that and yeah even at 106 my ladie was taking it like a champ and that why I'm glad I got local seeds already use to this climate and they were free lol.
Haha. All those flowering ladies in that second pic are bagseeds. Mostly Super Silver Haze bagseeds and some are some random indica bagseeds. The super silver haze is pretty damn needy. But has some fat ass buds already and still has a month to go. The indica dont care about nothin haha. Dense ass buds too.


Well-Known Member
Haha. All those flowering ladies in that second pic are bagseeds. Mostly Super Silver Haze bagseeds and some are some random indica bagseeds. The super silver haze is pretty damn needy. But has some fat ass buds already and still has a month to go. The indica dont care about nothin haha. Dense ass buds too.
yeah I got my seeds in a coffee bucket mixed with stems so I had to pick the seeds out so much fun lol but so far I'm liking the genetics of these seeds good strong growers had to tie down my biggest plant from seed again it's going to grow so much when I'm gone will update with photos when back from trip peace.


Well-Known Member
There's also those auto watering things. They're little slow drip spikes attached to a tube that you stick in a large container. I've seen them in threads here before.
Trainwreck will do you well though. I grew some of those indoors back in circa 2008 - 2009. Good on the yield side and they plump up nice and fat. By the last 2 weeks of their life we had to tie those bitches up all over the place. It looked like spiderman had a drunken fight in there with his mask pulled around backwards.
Was damn good smoke though and we made hash out of all the sugarleaves from trim + smaller popcorns.
I suggest doing so because we got flipping wrecked on that stuff.
I decided to bring a bit along while catfishing with my bud. Lost a pole because I didn't have the reaction time to catch it. It was also drug over about 15 feet of rocks and sand. I spent 10 minutes laughing my ass off. Ended up falling asleep. Woke up at daybreak to the fire being dead and my cooler ransacked by raycuns. The little guys sat 5 feet away from me and ate all my burritos. Made a huge mess. And I SLEPT through that.
So yeah whip up some hash with your trim :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
There's also those auto watering things. They're little slow drip spikes attached to a tube that you stick in a large container. I've seen them in threads here before.
Trainwreck will do you well though. I grew some of those indoors back in circa 2008 - 2009. Good on the yield side and they plump up nice and fat. By the last 2 weeks of their life we had to tie those bitches up all over the place. It looked like spiderman had a drunken fight in there with his mask pulled around backwards.
Was damn good smoke though and we made hash out of all the sugarleaves from trim + smaller popcorns.
I suggest doing so because we got flipping wrecked on that stuff.
I decided to bring a bit along while catfishing with my bud. Lost a pole because I didn't have the reaction time to catch it. It was also drug over about 15 feet of rocks and sand. I spent 10 minutes laughing my ass off. Ended up falling asleep. Woke up at daybreak to the fire being dead and my cooler ransacked by raycuns. The little guys sat 5 feet away from me and ate all my burritos. Made a huge mess. And I SLEPT through that.
So yeah whip up some hash with your trim :mrgreen:
yeah for sure I've seen those auto water things before and not just going to make hash but a little cannabis butter I make a mean batch of scratch made brownies one puts you to the point of almost being to stoned but that's good for me I'm on the autism spectrum and this year my stomach has been bad I got scoped and they said that I have way more acid than I am supposed to its unbearable even with the pot it sucks I don't really feel good till the end of the day when I smoke a lot of weed lol.


Well-Known Member
here's a pic of my biggest girl from seed the lst Is making the side branches explode up how tall can the side branches get? And i have somebody who is going to water the plant when I'm gone to so I won't be there to lst but I'm sure it will be fine for a few days lol. And i pruned a couple of leaves off that were blocking my side braches.



Well-Known Member
Oh and I forgot to post a pic of my 2nd plant from seed sex still unknown hopefully when I get back home it will show its sex I'm thinking it will be a female.



Well-Known Member
Ok back from my trip pic number 1 is my biggest girl from seed and a lot of growth has happend she is happy healthy and growing strong lst is really making the side branches shot up. had to cut and retie a few strings they were cutting into the stem on both plants. pic 2 I was hoping it would have shown it's sex by now but nope so other than that it's nice and healthy. And i will post a pic of the trainwreck clone when I can.



Well-Known Member
Took a clone off my female from seed used rooting hormone and then planted in soil and covered with sandwich baggie for make shift humidity dome I expect a 100 percent success rate with this method but probably be more like 90 lol.



Well-Known Member
Pic number one my biggest plant from seed growth is amazing I put all the side branches in the fencing they were growing up to quick lol got one clone from her good genetics had to save them and make fem seeds lol. Pic number two still no sex but I'm sure it will show soon all my plants are doing good. the trainwreck clone is doing great as well no pic of that tho lol. Pic number three I gave my female plant from seed a ouch the other day so I had to put a bandaid on it one of the strings for lst was cutting into the plant when I was cutting it the razor blade cut into the stem I'm not to worried about it it will heal lol.



Well-Known Member
Ok so my clone didn't make it put my CFL to close and burnt it I will have to take a couple more lol.and I had to take a morning shot of my plants my female is starting to explode it's that time of the year flowering stretch is in full swing for sure and my second plant still no sex which is a good sign I guess lol.

