10 hans 85w or 1 AT600

BML SPYDR 600 has an actual 3 x 3 footprint and is passively cooled

I had excellent result from my first harvest

$999 and you can select your own spectrums

See my thread for details
I guess you guys weren't rubbing the magic lamp hard enough, but I'm here now.

I don't know what's up with the code. It lasted way longer than I thought it ever would. They were just at the max yield show and had some show specials. I wonder if that is what is messing with the code.
at600 was $1997
at200 was $849
at120 was $399...basically giving away.
You can always call and say you were there and saw the show specials but had to catch a flight back to where ever and couldn't come back in time.
Or honestly like scotch said...Just call and explain your situation...multi units always is ammo for a discount. Plus they are nice guys and do want you to have the best product...an at600.

I was at the show and saw many other LED's some brands your guys have never seen yet...I will share those somewhere else later. I saw the spider 600 and 1000 too. From everything light I saw and measured, and from what I know about who wasn't there...AT still is king imo. It's the only literal 1 for 1 replace meant for a 1K hps in performance and use. Hang it at the same hight, and grow the same size and style you did before. Get the same yields from less watts. And increase your potency and flavor in the process...facts right there...I will post the lab results soon but it has happened...again.
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ima give them a call first thing tomorrow. i have to scale down my grows using hids to avoid unwanted attention from the electric company. if i could get better results at half the wattage is like a no brainer + having a lifespan of 50000 hrs im saving $ all over the place.
just wish i wouldve ran into your thread earlier
I guess you guys weren't rubbing the magic lamp hard enough, but I'm here now.

I don't know what's up with the code. It lasted way longer than I thought it ever would. They were just at the max yield show and had some show specials. I wonder if that is what is messing with the code.
at600 was $1997
at200 was $849
at120 was $399...basically giving away.
You can always call and say you were there and saw the show specials but had to catch a flight back to where ever and couldn't come back in time.
Or honestly like scotch said...Just call and explain your situation...multi units always is ammo for a discount. Plus they are nice guys and do want you to have the best product...an at600.

@ Greengenes707

Do those prices apply to all customers, including europeans ordering by mail, or only those at the show?
I'll sure would love to get an AT120 for that price tag...
@ Greengenes707

Do those prices apply to all customers, including europeans ordering by mail, or only those at the show?
I'll sure would love to get an AT120 for that price tag...
Just state side for those who went to the show. Or someone who can pretend well enough that they were at the show.
Or you can call/email them and work things out though.
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GG707, you know I am a huge admirer of your grows, BUT, without being brand specific, I do not see where a centralized concentrated light can compare to one that spreads its' spectrums EQUALLY over a 3 x 3 area

How can a small footprint light compare umoles at the perimeter?

Tell me where I'm wrong
GG707, you know I am a huge admirer of your grows, BUT, without being brand specific, I do not see where a centralized concentrated light can compare to one that spreads its' spectrums EQUALLY over a 3 x 3 area

How can a small footprint light compare umoles at the perimeter?

Tell me where I'm wrong

Here is my take in it and this might be a little squirrelly...

Your statement/question has some inferred conditions/opinions...
#1...you said concentrated...as if TOO concentrated. Or that it is a bad thing agaist what the plant wants...
And #2...that spreading it makes it better suited for the plants and canopy.
You have assumptions in your mind and are keeping you from looking at what matters...WHAT DO THE PLANTS WANT!!! and what is getting that.
Then #3... since you are asking me specifically right after an apache recommendation and BML reference...it seems that you are saying/thinking the AT600 is the concentrated and the bml is the spread light

Prioity #1- Meet the plants requirements...700-1200µmols peak and 300µmols outer edges.
Priority #2- To spread that light as much as possible with out over doing it and dropping under the threshold of great growth.
Priority #3- To get that light to meet the requirements from as far away from the plants as possible...this translates to penetration.
I would rather hit 1000µmols and have smaller coverage than try to spread it and have it fall to 500-600µmols. The results under the properly lighted area should surpass the half ass lighted canopy.
I would also rather have a panel hitting 1000µmols peak and 300µmols edge from 24" than a light hitting 700µmols for most of the canopy form 12".

Blending is important and more distance from canopy to lamp allows for the best light interaction IMO. As well as increasing penetration power of the light assuming it keeps the same intensity, but from higher up.

This can also all be looked at from the true PPF(total possible output) numbers of each lamp...good luck finding/getting them though. But if available would show to a degree the capability of the lamp.
With theses 3 covered the light should not be too concentrated or too spread. Anything other than doing that is compromising to a degree somewhere.

And now to take this to a brand specific example because that is where it needs to go...
BML vs Apache.

BML is 36"x36"...
Apache is 32x30 roughly...
Now which one are you saying is spreading the light and which is concentraded...?
As much as an AT seems concentrated...it's fucking big in physical size and is "spreading" the light better than you think...while also being untouched in intensity and penetration.

Unless you have a specific light vs light your would like to ask about...your question isn't really going to get a direct answer since the concepts of being "too" anything is subjective unless you look at what/how it is meeting the plants requirement.

And also you can take as many readings all over the canopy...add them up...and get an idea of which canopy/situation is receiving more photons on the canopy...even if not perfectly even.