cal-mag is it really needed

That's what I thought. Being so particular about grow grammar ("calmag" is slang!), I expected more precision from jbone putting words in my mouth. :)
I want you to tell me what is organic in floranova that would make it organicish as you and him say. Calmag isnt slang, its a word for I got fucked up leaves and dont know why. Organics, floranova, lets go. Is it the calnit? The magsulfate? The copper/iron/moly/zinc?
That was just off the top of my head without even thinking twice...
The guaranteed analysis is on the website, I already know the answer so why dont you and the other retard post it up and show me what makes floranova organicish . Great, humic/fulvic, and how much synthetics? My piss contains THC, but its not weed-ish, its piss
It's a lot of synthetics. I don't care enough to go reading labels on shit I don't use nor plan on using to please you. I thought of the first thing that came to mind in there that was organic, which I am 100% correct on. Now you want to nitpick petty shit, since your upset I could name something
It's a lot of synthetics. I don't care enough to go reading labels on shit I don't use nor plan on using to please you. I thought of the first thing that came to mind in there that was organic, which I am 100% correct on. Now you want to nitpick petty shit, since your upset I could name something
Nitpicking what? I woulda said it 90% water(organic) .01% humic/fulvic(organic) so its 90.01% organic and only 9.09% synthetic, thats what I woulda said. Floranova is in no way organic, much like my piss is not THC
Nitpicking what? I woulda said it 90% water(organic) .01% humic/fulvic(organic) so its 90.01% organic and only 9.09% synthetic, thats what I woulda said. Floranova is in no way organic, much like my piss is not THC

You asked me what in it was organic and I named something organic.What I may consider organicish and what you may consider organicish are completely relative assessments, so neither can be right or wrong. End of discussion for me on this off topic subject.
You asked me what in it was organic and I named something organic.What I may consider organicish and what you may consider organicish are completely relative assessments, so neither can be right or wrong. End of discussion for me on this off topic subject.
So by your own argument, you would agree my piss is liquid THC because it does contain THC?
Im not an "experienced" grower, hell iv never actually grown, I give terrible advice
well saying not to use calmag on your ro water once a week in coco is terrible advice. Wow that 150 ppm u wasted when u were feeding clean water was really a big deal (sarcasm off). Using cal/mag may provide some un-needed minerals, but it will i no way cause a problem, and it will PREVENT any cal/mg deficiency which are both common in soil-less. There is no need to feed 5ppm (my ro water) to a plant, and 150ppm or so extra un-needed cal or mag sitting in the coco is not going to cause a buildup or any problem.

PS u guys argue like little kids
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Nitpicking what? I woulda said it 90% water(organic) .01% humic/fulvic(organic) so its 90.01% organic and only 9.09% synthetic, thats what I woulda said. Floranova is in no way organic, much like my piss is not THC

As the grow grammarian, ;) what percentage organic should a non-organic have at which it may properly be referred to as organic'ish?

Would "synthetic'ish" be more correct for something that's still 99% synthetic? That sounds absurd, doesn't it?

I thought "-ish" as a diminutive. For example, when I say my wife's momentary appearance or behavior has a girl'ish charm, I'm not saying she's a girl again. Just an attribute of.

But, I really appreciate that you recognized my qualified use of the word "organic." For a moment I thought I made more than a grammarical error. :wink:
well saying not to use calmag on your ro water once a week in coco is terrible advice. Wow that 150 ppm u wasted when u were feeding clean water was really a big deal (sarcasm off). Using cal/mag may provide some un-needed minerals, but it will i no way cause a problem, and it will PREVENT any cal/mg deficiency which are both common in soil-less. There is no need to feed 5ppm (my ro water) to a plant, and 150ppm or so extra un-needed cal or mag sitting in the coco is not going to cause a buildup or any problem.
Yep, if you are soilless you are better off starving your plants of everything but calmag once a week than feeding correctly everytime, they wont mind the fact they are missing the other 12 minerals that feeding, they arent needed, its like when I go once a week eating only carrots, my body doesnt miss the carbs n protien from the steak n taters, im with ya.
As the grow grammarian, ;) what percentage organic should a non-organic have at which it may properly be referred to as organic'ish?

Would "synthetic'ish" be more correct for something that's still 99% synthetic? That sounds absurd, doesn't it?

I thought "-ish" as a diminutive. For example, when I say my wife's momentary appearance or behavior has a girl'ish charm, I'm not saying she's a girl again. Just an attribute of.

But, I really appreciate that you recognized my qualified use of the word "organic." For a moment I thought I made more than a grammarical error. :wink:
Floranova is in no way organic, it is a synthetic
Yep, if you are soilless you are better off starving your plants of everything but calmag once a week than feeding correctly everytime, they wont mind the fact they are missing the other 12 minerals that feeding, they arent needed, its like when I go once a week eating only carrots, my body doesnt miss the carbs n protien from the steak n taters, im with ya.

are u saying u give your plants full nutes every watering?
are u saying u give your plants full nutes every watering?
No, I give my plants correct nutes at every watering/feeding. What is "full nutes"? Is that when people tell you that you need to feed at 1800-2000 ppm 3 times a week when your plants only eat 600-800ppm and then flush all the shit they didnt eat?