Picture of your pet thread !!!

My dog isn't well. The vet sold me a very good anti allergy/ itch shampoo but the second option is pills now.

He's got bites/sores on him from either the sea, food or god knows what?

Poor dog. I hate seeing animals suffer.
My dog isn't well. The vet sold me a very good anti allergy/ itch shampoo but the second option is pills now.

He's got bites/sores on him from either the sea, food or god knows what?

Poor dog. I hate seeing animals suffer.

You can buy children's benadryl to give for relief of the itching. If I remember correctly its 1mg/kg of children's benadryl for dogs, but obviously double check canine dosing before you give it...

My dog had some horrible rash last year that she passed onto me... We were both miserable and on tapered doses of prednisone and benadryl for days lol

The steroid is what got rid of it, but the benadryl helped to make it tolerable until then...

Good luck! I hope your puppy feels better soon...
You can buy children's benadryl to give for relief of the itching. If I remember correctly its 1mg/kg of children's benadryl for dogs, but obviously double check canine dosing before you give it...

My dog had some horrible rash last year that she passed onto me... We were both miserable and on tapered doses of prednisone and benadryl for days lol

The steroid is what got rid of it, but the benadryl helped to make it tolerable until then...

Good luck! I hope your puppy feels better soon...

My vet has recommended Dacortin and Augmentine which I've bought today over the counter. The first is a type of cortisone steroid.

I'm going to get on top of this fast and no more swimming in the sea etc. at least for now.

I haven't seen him scratching since he had a huge 500mg pill earlier.
Are u in S Florida?
The ocean has a bacteria problem in certain areas.

No Im in Spain and the last shower / medicated shampoo bath he had was is Ec 1.2 water! Yuk! (couldn't even grow in that !) My bf has a beach flat. My mountain flat water is ec 0.3-0,4 which is where I'm at now.

My bf and I will do and pay whatever is necessary to fix this. Fortunately we can. We've discussed blood tests next.

Just as well I can't upload photos as you'd not think its pretty.
My dog is better already! Those drugs worked really well and I'll have to continue the course. His coat is completely smooth again, it honestly looked like he had peas under his skin!

It's a big relief and I love my vet. She's great. :)

I took some pics of him the other day on my sony camera which I'll try and upload.
Why is it that the cat can sleep by my side all night without disruption yet my bf takes my pillow at 7:30am!

Not a happy bunny so he just got evicted.

A joint of my blue rhino and a nice cup of PG and I'll be back asleep again! I'm very pissed off right now coz he keeps waking me up. Then I found the dog in the kitchen, he'd decided to have the munchies mid evening. Huge bin mess and a guilty looking dog to be found.

You just don't need it at 7:30am.
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