Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014


Well-Known Member
JJ yes I am a bit cranky had a half day off this week just now got back in from work and we are getting hammered from the lighting I counted 8 fires from my house looking up at the mountain range scary then we got alittle rain so we made a quick hoop house for the deps.Then more lighting and lots of new fires.O well mother nature rules and my plants are good so I will go take a bong rip and get back in a good mood.Happy sunday everyone take care.


Well-Known Member
JJ yes I am a bit cranky had a half day off this week just now got back in from work and we are getting hammered from the lighting I counted 8 fires from my house looking up at the mountain range scary then we got alittle rain so we made a quick hoop house for the deps.Then more lighting and lots of new fires.O well mother nature rules and my plants are good so I will go take a bong rip and get back in a good mood.Happy sunday everyone take care.
View attachment 3220301 View attachment 3220302 Hot and crazy up here hottest july on record along with thunderstorms and fire all over we can see the sun but it has been orange from all the smoke.Normally we are dry but we have had some humidity as well 70 percent humidity last tuesday and 105 degrees with smoke it has been tough to work outside everyday,here is a couple of pics from tuesday and wedensday.View attachment 3220298View attachment 3220300
Abm oleanders pink flowers freewaybush super hardy

Crap, I didn't even see you sneak in there . awesome pictures. The fire sky sucks though. scary stuff. I was trying like a sob to rememeber the name of the freeway plant.... thank you.