rubbin charas in nepal

Not at all, you want the ripest trichomes for the highest quality and the locals would know quality, they have been rubbing for thousand of years. The effects differ because it is raw/live/undried resin that you collect. Hashish is made with dried and cured resin, very different.
I watched some rasta's on a Greenhouse vid making charra and the plant did not appear to be very mature? Yet, they pulled a significant amount from it and said they visit it almost everyother day? Unless i Misunderstood which could be very possible since there english was pretty broken.......Can you do this to the same couple of plants after they start flowering all the way through or do they require healing time?
Do you really want to smoke unripe resin???
Last year I set aside 4 plants, harvested them about a week and a half early, and turned them all into wax.
That wax had a massive difference in the high and taste compared to the rest of my clones, it was a more clear head high that lasted pretty long.
I don't know what you mean by unripe resin, it's not like it doesn't contain thc, there is just less trichomes to rub off.
Unripe resin is resin that is not totally milky with no hint of amber. Cannabinoids is made by the transformation of terpenes and phenols inside the wax membrane triggered by UV rays, when you take trichomes early all the terpene and phenols are simply not transformed.1 week and half early is close enough to get quality
Nirakar I am sorry to be the one to break it to you but this is not really clean Charas, far from the cream I smoked in the 80's. Also does your Nepali friend use water to take the resin of his hands???
its funny how when i first came to this site n put my ganja pics everyone said my ganja aint good n now u sayin the charas is no good, u just saw the video n nothin else, u neither got to smell it nor did u get to smoke it.i could make a video tomorrow of this same charas sittin in the sun n u will see it will melt in my hand n i never said its like the cream that u see from manali, i seen all dem ganja videos n i have read all dem stuff on how to grow ganja n we not here to teach nobody man we just here to share our grow, n this is how charas is rubbed in nepal, nobody is gonna sit n pluck every single leaf n take them buds out of dem stems n then rub the bud for charas like that old man u guys see in strain hunters india. bisay dai is been rubbin charas for 30 years n u sayin the charas aint good by lookin at the videos that i shot from my phone.......... just watch dem videos man n enjoy or if u dont wanna watch them i am fine with that. n i smoked nepali charas all my life, but nothin compares to wat bisay dai rubs...
n i have lived in america for 6 years paid 400 dollars for an ounce of kindbud n 40 dollars for a gram of ice water hash that was durin 02-08 so i know what u guys smokin. n i can say my bubble hash is way better than that i smoked in the US. n u can only imagine how potent the ganja n the charas n the hashish would be if every tree was seedless.. n i never tasted so many varities of ganja in the US like i do in nepal every year. u cant beat the taste of ganja thats grows here with that indoor grow of urs... n u cant never grow trees like i do...
n someday i will be growin them sensimilla trees...

just to let u know this is the kinda guy i was while i was in the USA.
thats like cnn to u guys n u all belive everythin u see on cnn. hahahahaha

i started to rub my joints on my ganja plants even before somamissiontv put their video on youtube
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Love charras! So sweet and tasty. Was in India last in 1975. Wish I could go back in time. Many thanks for the pics. Whole villages go out in the field to collect (rub) the resin come harvest time and yes life is rough out there, specially come winter.
its funny how when i first came to this site n put my ganja pics everyone said my ganja aint good n now u sayin the charas is no good, u just saw the video n nothin else, u neither got to smell it nor did u get to smoke it.i could make a video tomorrow of this same charas sittin in the sun n u will see it will melt in my hand n i never said its like the cream that u see from manali, i seen all dem ganja videos n i have read all dem stuff on how to grow ganja n we not here to teach nobody man we just here to share our grow, n this is how charas is rubbed in nepal, nobody is gonna sit n pluck every single leaf n take them buds out of dem stems n then rub the bud for charas like that old man u guys see in strain hunters india. bisay dai is been rubbin charas for 30 years n u sayin the charas aint good by lookin at the videos that i shot from my phone.......... just watch dem videos man n enjoy or if u dont wanna watch them i am fine with that. n i smoked nepali charas all my life, but nothin compares to wat bisay dai rubs...
Sorry to have upset you, I was just mentioning the cleanliness that is far from what I am used to see in India, nothing else. I have high standards because I have been lucky and seen the best in a few producing countries. We also share information here and that was all it was, the Charas shown is not very clean and may have been real good nonetheless. The old guide in the Strains Hunters is somebody I helped settle down in Malana when he came the first time in the mid 80's so you understand the quality made in Malana and Parvati valleys is what I am used to. I also have to mention that when I was in Nepal in 1980 the local I made Charas with actually did clean pretty seriously his hand.
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You really have to experience hand rubbing to realize that gloves will not do.
Are you afraid of a little dirt or dead skin?
I would give the best I have made in Cali and sale my mother to smoke some jungle Charas from the Parvati valley.
Plants that have been growing wild between 8,000 to 12,000 feet give you a truly unique resin. This is also 1 of the three potential birth place of Cannabis according to ethnobotany and where the first cannabis plant grew in a drop of nectar that fall from heaven according to Indian religion.
You really have to experience hand rubbing to realize that gloves will not do.
Are you afraid of a little dirt or dead skin?
that's kinda what I expected to hear
no, I was just curious
I would give the best I have made in Cali and sale my mother to smoke some jungle Charas from the Parvati valley.
Plants that have been growing wild between 8,000 to 12,000 feet give you a truly unique resin. This is also 1 of the three potential birth place of Cannabis according to ethnobotany and where the first cannabis plant grew in a drop of nectar that fall from heaven according to Indian religion.

haha your poor mother lol
I get the point though
id probably do the same, im sure it is magical

keep them pics/videos coming Nirakar