worth the money 1000w led viper

That website has all of Evergrow's lights with a 3 year warranty as opposed to the 1 year that Vipar had. Odd.....
YOU SHOULD ALL BE BUYING AREA 51s, (Hans for the EU gang)!!!!! :).

I'm not sure I understand the fanhood of the Area 51 lights. They don't have much of a footprint, and they don't really produce that much light. 150W at the most.
You haven't been doing your homework.............naughty,naughty............where is my ruler???

Care to elaborate rather than make an ambiguous statement? We have two lights. One draws 155W and the other draws 468W. Less power, less area, and for an unknown reason more expensive. Perhaps I'm not the best at physics but......
Jah wattage in LED is nothing more than the power the panel draws and for the most part LED wattage doesn't tell you anything of the growing potential. I had a 300 watt Vipar A series panel and I replaced it with 160 or so watts from 2 Hans panels. I grow perpetual style in 3 gallon bags and have not missed the Vipars extra wattage. Yields are the same, density is excellent. That's the advantage of efficient diodes over lots of cheap bright ones. Now if you're talking about comparing panels built with the same LEDs and drivers then you can use wattage there, like how a A51 RW150 will outgrow a RW75. If you don't have PAR readings or know what diodes they are using it can be very difficult to discern a LED panels growing potential. This is why a lot of the older LED members here recommend seeing a panel's ability rather than believing a salesman.

What r friend PSU is trying to point out is that you really need to know info like the stuff I just shared with you. If I knew what I know now I wouldn't have wasted $$$$ on 4 Blackstar 240s, 2 LED Star 60x5s or even my Vipar A300. It cost me 2000.00 over the course of 3 years on bullshit budget panels to learn the above lesson.
What r friend PSU is trying to point out is that you really need to know info like the stuff I just shared with you. If I knew what I know now I wouldn't have wasted $$$$ on 4 Blackstar 240s, 2 LED Star 60x5s or even my Vipar A300. It cost me 2000.00 over the course of 3 years on bullshit budget panels to learn the above lesson.

Glad I'm not the only one.... :wall:
One year ago i didnt knew shit about growing (still dont) but thanx to the advice from the people on here I bought immediately good panels (Hans, Area51) and so far I didnt had a single problem (except me opening the panel like a savage and tearing it up) and my only limitation is my ability to understand the plant. Improving with each grow and thanx god I dont have to focus on material fucking up and I can concentrate on my growing technique. About to hit the g/w, and its only my 5th session.

Im glad I didnt had to spend more money on replacing panels because its expensive enough like that. Thats why its really worth sticking to the proven companies adviced on here IMO, even if that might sound like fanboyism at times. ... I never heard someone complaining of a broken Hans or Area51 or AT. I did for most of the other companies. Off course they're more frequently used so statistically theres more chance of it but anyway... if its not broken, dont fix it. Thats why Im sticking to them until something bad happens, hopefully never.

A happy growing noob's 0.2 eurocents.
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Your avatars worked perfectly for that conversation haha. Thanks that's more of the answer I was looking for. Blackstar apparently makes a great light. I don't think they would work well for my area though, would they? Recommends 24"x30" I'm aiming for a 4'x2'