What is up with this?


Well-Known Member
Nute. burn will burn just about all the leaves. First thing I would do is check Ph. could be a lock out or it could be the plant is pulling N out of the old leaves to feed the new leaves. I have seen plants do this if they don't have enough Nitrogen in the soil. Other thing it could be is the plant is in flower so all energy goes in to flowering and the old fan leaves are just naturally dying. If you look at the buds and small leaves they look fine.
The above is just my opinion


Well-Known Member
What should I give her then I've got some Epsom salts ? Or is it N deff I flushed today so have to wait a few days won't i?


Well-Known Member
Containers are a problem creator when plants get to max size in any container, I would transplant that thing carefully. I have a few in pots etc, they get very hot, also the roots get cramped, causing pretty much the same issue til I transplanted them. Transplant and flush, the new soil should feed her.


Well-Known Member
Personally, i would throw it some calmag @ 5ml/g, with maybe 5ml/g of nitrozyme also. Or 1 drop/g superthrive.. What im trying to accomplish with the nitrozyme or superthrive would be delivery of a bunch of trace elements. In small amounts!


Well-Known Member
Getting no better had to bring inside due to bad weather worried about mold issue, under 600hps. Been flushed any ideas am going to get some cal-mag tomorrow.p



Well-Known Member
StinkyBud, the new growth looks good. I am new to growing pot but the plants are teaching me what they need.
Is it possible that your plant is just maturing and using up her fan leaves for nutrients to grow the buds? I have found one of my plants is an ugly mess, lives up to her classification of a weed. But, I smoked one of her bottom buds and pow..its strong, potent. So, she lives but is the ugliest thing in my garden.
My point....IS it possible your plant is fine and this is what she's going to do no matter how much you intervene to make her look like you think she should look?

