Club 600

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
knocked up some oil last night. been reading today about the new developments in extracts. bho is so old hat now! it's all d-limonene and terp rich live sap n shit. can't see many having cash/equipment to do that stuff.

have any of you medical guys seen anything in your dispensaries? the clear and alike?



Well-Known Member
Ikea a while ago I just found them sorting through my shit as still waiting on shade, then good to go in here aswell as the tent


Well-Known Member
Does anybody here have a good dip recipe for clones being moved indoors? I want to kill everything on them. I tried neem and soap and I ended up with huge caterpillars last time. I want to go H-Bomb this time. Trying to keep the indoor grow space sterile.

Try the spinosad...supposed to get the caterpillars too :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Holy fuck I'll take some PureGold please, did ya check out the link within the link there who? Tetra labs.

Batches at 87%, damn I wish I was in a medical state to better help my girl...


Well-Known Member
Hey guys and ladies, I've been following this thread for about a week, really enjoy the pictures and helpful advice scattered thought this thread. Positive vibes are awesome too. I talk a lot about my 2x2 LED tent around here but I also have a 4x4 that I run hydro in under a 600W. I just can't run it year round due to costs of cooling the room it's in (a reason I got the 2x2, to grow year round.) I'll be firing up the 4x4 in about a month, I have some Medijuana vegging that will be going under the 600W.


Well-Known Member
I've not used a wetting agent n it worked fine. Their wetting agents suppose to be glorified soap
Soap is a wetting agent. I'm sure they all work the same. Can't blame people for putting stuff in a bottle and selling it to other folks.

Either way, wetting agents allow the stuff you are spraying to work more efficiently, letting the liquid spread out more readily. Foliar sprays will work without them... it's just an inefficient use of the stuff you are spraying.


Well-Known Member
Soap is a wetting agent. I'm sure they all work the same. Can't blame people for putting stuff in a bottle and selling it to other folks.

Either way, wetting agents allow the stuff you are spraying to work more efficiently, letting the liquid spread out more readily. Foliar sprays will work without them... it's just an inefficient use of the stuff you are spraying.
Agreed, it will work alot better with the wetting agent but it's not necessary.