Tired when high? Help!


New Member
Hello, I've smoked for around a year now, very actively, but my friends have recently started saying that I'm getting boring to smoke with because I'm always so tired..

I couldn't agree more, I get the "I want to sleep" feeling and It's always like that for like the recent month or so, I've tried around 10 different strains the past month so that's not the problem.

I wonder, how can I get less tired? Because I don't want to be boring to smoke with you know..

Thanks in advance!
I drink coffee
little thc little caffee all it right with the world :)

or depending on where you get your stuff you might look into sativa dominate strains sativa gives you a more awake and creative buzz instead of the take a nap buzz
just thought i'd mention it

My day always begins with coffee and TOH(Tijuana Original Haze). It's like strapping onto a rocket. I can't stop talking to my wife as she gets ready for work. She leaves, and I start gardening. After I eat lunch I'll hit my super sativa pheno of AK-47. If I have a lot left to do ill do more TOH or the AK mixed with TOH, if not I'll hit the blueberry my wife grows which seems to me to be a 50/50 indica/sativa to me. Then am indica an night. I grow sativas constantly in my "just for me" tent.

So as mentioned above, more sativa, more motivation.
My day always begins with coffee and TOH(Tijuana Original Haze). It's like strapping onto a rocket. I can't stop talking to my wife as she gets ready for work. She leaves, and I start gardening. After I eat lunch I'll hit my super sativa pheno of AK-47. If I have a lot left to do ill do more TOH or the AK mixed with TOH, if not I'll hit the blueberry my wife grows which seems to me to be a 50/50 indica/sativa to me. Then am indica an night. I grow sativas constantly in my "just for me" tent.

So as mentioned above, more sativa, more motivation.
Man, what a recipe for chattiness, for me anyways... a haze PLUS coffee?! Whew, my girlfriend would run away... I like my Jack Herer and some light roasted kona gold, and i'm onnnn my way. A haze would make me blabber I suspect
Could just blow rails after each session. That'll wake ya up

But no - just skip on the indicas...roll w/ sativas and increase your caffeine intake like the other guys said. Get in a better sleeping routine / schedule. Start exercising. Couple miles on the treadmill and you'll feel better the next day - almost guaranteed.
if all you are getting is tired i would either take a tolerance brake or switch to some edibles no matter how much i smoke edibles still fuck me up
Tell your friends to fuck off, take a nap, wake n bake with coffee, down 4-5 jagerbombs, then show up unannounced at your friends house pulling into their driveway blastin' some southern rock!
Hello, I've smoked for around a year now, very actively, but my friends have recently started saying that I'm getting boring to smoke with because I'm always so tired..

I couldn't agree more, I get the "I want to sleep" feeling and It's always like that for like the recent month or so, I've tried around 10 different strains the past month so that's not the problem.

I wonder, how can I get less tired? Because I don't want to be boring to smoke with you know..

Thanks in advance!

After many, many years I started to get super tired after I toked. Sometimes I would wake and bake then be so tired I had to go back to sleep.

I finally got concerned enough about it and visited the doc. Turns out my blood pressure was getting too high and toking made me seriously fatigued.

Just something to look into. Check yer pressure for free at a walgreens or something.
This helps me...I'll smoke a few bowls before the party begins so I can just chill. Then when the hoes starts to come.... I'll pull out my bowl and throw some crack in that shit!!! Works for me every time.
Try harvesting sooner. Sounds to me like you are letting them go to mostly amber which gives you that I don't give a fuck look and time to much and sleep feeling. If you harvest with mostly milky you will get what I call a working high, which is much better for me as well. Save that coma shit for bed time..lol
After many, many years I started to get super tired after I toked. Sometimes I would wake and bake then be so tired I had to go back to sleep.

I finally got concerned enough about it and visited the doc. Turns out my blood pressure was getting too high and toking made me seriously fatigued.

Just something to look into. Check yer pressure for free at a walgreens or something.

^^^^ the above is sound advice, especially if 40 or older. My wife is a pediatrician, not that im a kid but she keeps my health in check, keep yours in check too. I'm 40. I'm in check.

Man, what a recipe for chattiness,

You have no idea!!!!

just skip on the indicas...roll with sativas Start exercising
Best advice!