Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
I'll just start again! (iPhone froze)

I just drove a left hand drive car for the first time in 19 years! I did well but kept looking left for the rear view mirror! Still prefer bikes though.

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Just made an open face sandwich at work... And it fell on the ground face down. Most would dust it off and eat it, but not me I'm weird about that....
I'm bringing this bitch to the bathroom and I'm going to open face fuck the shit out of it and throw it at the mirror like a MAN
I'm glad you didn't waste it...


Well-Known Member
I was gonna say something, but didn't think it was my place. Been trying not to correct people as of late, I don't think the majority of people appreciate it the same way I do.....
Haha, I know what you mean. A lot of people don't like being corrected. All I can say is I appreciate it as long it's done for the right reasons and not a "haha, you fucked up" kinda way.

Feel free to call me on anything dude.


Well-Known Member
Haha, I know what you mean. A lot of people don't like being corrected. All I can say is I appreciate it as long it's done for the right reasons and not a "haha, you fucked up" kinda way.

Feel free to call me on anything dude.
Lol! Funnily enough that's how it happened. After a few wrong turns I declared " I think it's about time your girlfriend drove!". Im a bully but at least I didn't stall it in flip flops for 20 mins!


Well-Known Member
I'll just start again! (iPhone froze)

I just drove a left hand drive car for the first time in 19 years! I did well but kept looking left for the rear view mirror! Still prefer bikes though.
I find it funny that one of the objective cases to be made for L vs R is that L allows you to shift with your 'strong' hand... And yet most Americans can't drive a damn stick. Ironic. Sorry lefties - move to the Commonwealth.

My only real experience with R was in Bermuda. Bad idea.


Well-Known Member
Cool shit I saw at a show last week....

A nifty cloning lab that will allow one to put a cutting into stasis. So imagine you want to put a cutting "on ice" for a couple of years. This nifty kit would allow you to do that. It's all very science looking with agar agar n shit. Pretty damn handy to a lot of us. Insurance against a broadmite plague or something like that. Or say you just need to take a two year break, visit a foreign country and bribe or kill some of the people there. Either way... Given refrigeration, you're golden..... Fucking golden.

I don't remember the name of it. It was in the DL wholesale booth though. I was pretty stoned. I just tried to look it up on their website but.... Well.... I'm pretty stoned.


Well-Known Member
Well if it's not about love, I'm not interested.

Was going to give you great advice like. Fuck him, buy a vibrator or you don't need no man girlfriend. All amazing advice I picked up from ricki lake in the 90's
One could pick up worse from Ricki in the 90's. WTF Gonzo? You are just getting back this week. I figured you must have come back a while ago. You are one of my faves here. Is the band getting back together fom last year's "golden [shower] winter"? Are the rats still cannibles?

Oh and Gonzo..... I'm going to be a daddy - just in case i have not mentioned it enough. How the fuck did that happen (rhetorical)? Um, in a lot of ways, Pin having a kid makes about 300% more sense than me having one. We'll find out if it is a boy or girl pretty soon. I cannot think of any boy names. I hate my real fucking name on several levels and have a desire to make sure that my progeny do not suffer for their's. And my real fucking name is Scottish ("you bastard" is the literal translation) - tho I am not.


Well-Known Member
Great news man. Congrats!! I'll have a drink to you and your fully functioning sperm this weekend!!

How you feeling bout it? I'm shit with commitment. Scares the life out of me if I'm honest. I was going to get a dog but the realisation they can live to be like 12-13 and the thought of hairs everywhere was just too much to take. Now I think about it, I'm prob not the best person for advice on pending fatherhood. Pleased for you though.


Well-Known Member
I find it funny that one of the objective cases to be made for L vs R is that L allows you to shift with your 'strong' hand... And yet most Americans can't drive a damn stick. Ironic. Sorry lefties - move to the Commonwealth.

My only real experience with R was in Bermuda. Bad idea.
True but I'm left handed! I would be wouldn't I ? Lol

I haven't got enough experience to comment yet but I prefer the gear knob in my left hand. ;)