Positive people required!!


Well-Known Member
Our kids are grown so it leaves us able to attend concerts and live shows and travel a lot more. I am for the most part content in this stage of my life. I married late in life to a good man that makes my life easier than it's ever been. We are musical soulmates and travel to festivals and stuff like that most of the summer. I find I have less tolerance for stupidity and mean people as I sail towards middle age but I am also more at peace with myself than I've ever been.

After all, its ourselves we battle the most more than anyone else til we learn to love ourselves.

Peace and love Rosey & Yessica xo <3


Well-Known Member
Our kids are grown so it leaves us able to attend concerts and live shows and travel a lot more. I am for the most part content in this stage of my life. I married late in life to a good man that makes my life easier than it's ever been. We are musical soulmates and travel to festivals and stuff like that most of the summer. I find I have less tolerance for stupidity and mean people as I sail towards middle age but I am also more at peace with myself than I've ever been.

After all, its ourselves we battle the most more than anyone else til we learn to love ourselves.

Peace and love Rosey & Yessica xo <3
Yep, that's what I should be doing, enjoying life. Kids are grown here, have their own now and its just me in this house. I enjoy the sound of nothing most of the time but having someone to share it with would be nice. It's all good though, I'm in no hurry. I kinda enjoy being in my own skin and going my own way. It's a good feeling!! not to mention there's no one else to pick up after :D
Sweet dreams precious angel...
:) :) :)

There's a thread ALL about bustin rhymes...

I think is actually called "Busta Rhymes"

You would LURB it!
I am major music fanatic. Its my life. :) I will check it out
Hey soul sistas!! I love my music, been stuck on the stuff since I was old enough to use a radio. It just makes life so much nicer! :D

I had a nice nap and got some housework done. Now I just wonder if anyone else is around? lol!

On with it then..

Kicking off the afternoon with a bowl and some classic rock of the seventies. Its a good day! :)



Well-Known Member
So this is why there is so many jerks all over the board. All the good people come down here! Hiding wayyyyyy down on the forums! Thanks Rosie for directing me here!
Haha yeah, we hidin..lol

Naw, its all gravy bro, this is my attempt to making it better around here. Join in! post as much as you want, anything you want, long as it's positive! :)