Playing the waiting game...and losing


So, I'm new to the area, completely new to growing, but not new to smoking. I just moved here from Ga about a month and a half ago and haven't seen a bud since I left home. It's heartbreaking really, but I kept myself busy unpacking boxes and such to keep my mind off of it. It worked for a while, but now that I've gotten all settled in and planted my first batch of seeds, I've found myself going crazy not wanting to wait one more single second! I guess knowing the end is in sight (about 2 months from now because I, of course, opted for the fastest growing strains I could get my hands on) has magically made my patience go up in flames!

So what does everyone else do while waiting for harvest time? I know Alaska has so much to offer! So far I've visited the Byron Glacier, hiked a couple of random trails with the fam, and just plain vegged out. Any other ideas?
Welcome to RIU and the Alaska Sub.
Do you plan on vegging your seedlings any before going into flower ? That can easily increase the total time another 2-4 weeks (sorry :sad:), but as a rule the yield more than justifies the extra wait.
As for things to do - I'm guessing you're in Anchortown so you should wait for someone local to chime in.
My chosen play activities are Hunting, Fishing, 4-wheeling, etc...
Nice to see a lady in here. :cool:
Welcome aboard GApeach! Glad to have another AKer on the boards! Are you medical or just a smoker? Theres a lot of good folks on here so just keep communication open.

Starting is the most stressful!! I WANT IT NOW!! haha your just gonna have to get yourself some nugs and relax til shes ready! Love it and itll show the love back! :bigjoint:

There's lots to do around anchorage of your here. Lemme know what ya like to do and ill come up w some idears for ya
Welcome to RIU and the Alaska Sub.
Do you plan on vegging your seedlings any before going into flower ? That can easily increase the total time another 2-4 weeks (sorry :sad:), but as a rule the yield more than justifies the extra wait.
As for things to do - I'm guessing you're in Anchortown so you should wait for someone local to chime in.
My chosen play activities are Hunting, Fishing, 4-wheeling, etc...
Nice to see a lady in here. :cool:

One of the seeds I planted is an auto (candy kush) and it's supposed to finish around 65 days. I'm hoping that one will do its thing and give me some smokable patience for the rest so I don't end up rushing them all. This harvest is going to last me a while so I would like it to be quality stuff, but after going a few months without smoking I'm guessing it's all going to hit me pretty hard regardless. Lol

My hubby has done some fishing up here and loves it (can't go wrong with this scenery!) but swears there are no fish in Alaska! Haha
Welcome aboard GApeach! Glad to have another AKer on the boards! Are you medical or just a smoker? Theres a lot of good folks on here so just keep communication open.

Starting is the most stressful!! I WANT IT NOW!! haha your just gonna have to get yourself some nugs and relax til shes ready! Love it and itll show the love back! :bigjoint:

There's lots to do around anchorage of your here. Lemme know what ya like to do and ill come up w some idears for ya

Thanks for the warm welcome! Most of the time smoking is recreational for me, but I have killer migraines that like to pop up every so often that completely take me down and then it's definitely my med of choice.

As for what I like to do, I'm mostly a home body. I wouldn't call myself the adventurous type, but I'm only going to be here 2-3 years so I need to make the most of it while I have the chance. I think if I waste the time I have here I will regret it so much when I leave!! So I need the 'Alaska for beginners' list haha
Fuck I hate migraines! I get em as well and takin the docs pills sucks... that AK48 ya got go8n should knock those down for ya!:blsmoke:

haha theres so much! From small hikes (I can hook ya up w some good ones) to the saturday market (damn good people watching!) I spend a lot of my time in big lake playing on the water.
How long has it been since youve smoked?? I go crazy after a day or so! Keep you head in here (the ak forums) and youll make some friends and get some goodies im sure :-)
Fuck I hate migraines! I get em as well and takin the docs pills sucks... that AK48 ya got go8n should knock those down for ya!:blsmoke:

haha theres so much! From small hikes (I can hook ya up w some good ones) to the saturday market (damn good people watching!) I spend a lot of my time in big lake playing on the water.
Oh yeah! I forgot about the market. We went one Saturday and it was pretty good. Haven't been to big lake get but it sounds like fun!

And it's been a little over 2 months since I've smoked. I'm the same way. I usually start getting pretty testy when I'm getting low (even before I run out), so it's been insane going this long!! I just keep thinking about the light at the end of the tunnel.! Haha

And being on here helps. There's always a ton of good reading!
If you get adventurous and get out of Anchoragua, we could play a unique game of Alaskan Geo cashing with a cool goodie package at the end of a fun trail.
This sounds cool !
Gotta GPS ?

Treasure hunt! Woohoo!

That def does sound like fun!! :)

Sadly, I actually had to google 'geo caching' and am feeling like I've been living under a rock or something! What a cool concept. Apparently they have tons of them in Alaska for sight seeing purposes. Who knew?!

And I definitely own a GPS. I'm a girl with absolutely no sense of direction, so I would never make it without one. I just don't understand how people managed to navigate new cities before? They are *such* a lifesaver!!
A 'real' gps, huh? I didn't know there were different kinds. I figured they could all go off road if you wanted them too. Doh! Haha

Would you believe it if I told you I'm not a blonde in real life? Lol
If you get adventurous and get out of Anchoragua, we could play a unique game of Alaskan Geo cashing with a cool goodie package at the end of a fun trail.
This sounds cool !
Gotta GPS ?

THIS is a helluvan idea...:clap::clap::clap: Can't believe I haven't thought of it before!

I want in on the ! And will be happy to stock a Kenai Penninsula cache or two...:joint::joint: Maybe a "Take-a-nug, leave-a-nug" policy would be in order?!?! What a way to make geocaching worth it!
This :idea: reminds me... Years ago I'd just arrived at the summit of Trapper Peak in MT with a couple friends. We'd already scraped the dugout clean on the ascent and while stoked to be atop a high point we were lamenting being out of weed. Hidden under a rock in the summit cairn was a PVC tube with a summit register... and a well-used deer antler pipe! It was 100% clogged and empty but after some McGuyvering with a Leatherman we'd scraped enough resin (and antler shards) back into the pile to fill the bowl. We'd just burnt that refurbished fucker down when another party arrived at the summit... with a fat J, plus a donor for us for later on the descent. After that great experience I've tried to "give back" a bit, and when I've had "extra" on summits sometimes I'll stash a small nug in it, always wondering who/what/when. Fun stuff!:hump::hump:
THIS is a helluvan idea...:clap::clap::clap: Can't believe I haven't thought of it before!

I want in on the ! And will be happy to stock a Kenai Penninsula cache or two...:joint::joint: Maybe a "Take-a-nug, leave-a-nug" policy would be in order?!?! What a way to make geocaching worth it!
This :idea: reminds me... Years ago I'd just arrived at the summit of Trapper Peak in MT with a couple friends. We'd already scraped the dugout clean on the ascent and while stoked to be atop a high point we were lamenting being out of weed. Hidden under a rock in the summit cairn was a PVC tube with a summit register... and a well-used deer antler pipe! It was 100% clogged and empty but after some McGuyvering with a Leatherman we'd scraped enough resin (and antler shards) back into the pile to fill the bowl. We'd just burnt that refurbished fucker down when another party arrived at the summit... with a fat J, plus a donor for us for later on the descent. After that great experience I've tried to "give back" a bit, and when I've had "extra" on summits sometimes I'll stash a small nug in it, always wondering who/what/when. Fun stuff!:hump::hump:

This is all coming together so nicely! Someone should start a new thread for all of the adventurous AKers and see who else would be down for this. As soon as I have some green of my own I'd love to do some cache swapping. I love how this idea evolved! Awesome!!

I've never climbed a mountain, but I live at the base of one that is supposed to have a nice little hike to the top. I can only imagine what it must feel like to be able to look over such a view with a nice smoke. I've only ever smoked at home really (paranoid, much? Lol) but this has now definitely been added to my AK to-do list! :)
I smoked on a beach in a cave in mexico and left the pipe lighter a LOT of mexi brick weed and a note saying to "leave more weed and the pipe" if found at the back of the cave! I always wonder what happened to it!!
Yours might be able to go off road GA but if you use it for directions theres a good chance it doesnt. We can make the first couple easy to find w simple directions and no gps needed