
it would work but thats expensive i can get it it the grocery store for 2 bucks if you wanna buy in bulk hit up an animal feed store
thats the same type of molasses i use but I pay like $6 less than amazon at my local grocery store. Look at a whole foods store in your location they most likely will carry it.
Fuck krogers and miejers!! Went to both stores for fresh basil they didn't have it!! Straight bitchassness. They have the molasses tho
I don't understand why people insist on suggesting Grandma's, it's really NOT what you want to be using. You want Blackstrap molasses, and yes, even though it doesn't say on the front, the molasses from the amazon link IS blackstrap (says on ingredients on back).
The reason this is important is simple. Blackstrap Molasses is the final product after the third stage of processing, and has much denser nutritional content than earlier stage molasses like Grandma's. To see the difference all you need to do is look at the nutritional facts. In the same serving size, one tablespoon, Grandma's molasses has 110 mg potassium, the organic blackstrap molasses has 730mg. That ratio is representational of the trace minerals as well, which are where the real benefit of molasses is. Grandma's, and most cheap grocery store molasses, are NOT blackstrap, and are nowhere nearly as beneficial. That being said, you CAN find blackstrap molasses for cheaper than that amazon price if you have a store that sells it. Plantation brand is a personal favorite of mine, and feed stores sometimes carry bulk, just make sure it's blackstrap.