Old Hippies Never Die


Elite Rolling Society
I am meeting some youngsters here and a few older hippies all the way back from the 60's and 70's.
(I'm surprised at the younger red necks here smoking and growing pot.)
I'd enjoy hearing from some of the old timers, who were known BACK THEN as FLOWER CHILDREN, OR HEADS, FREAKS, OR HIPPIES. I'd like to share some old stories, first trip, first smoke, first Pop Festival.

Anyone here go to Woodstock? Atlanta Pop Festival?

I am 58 years old, and I went to the Atlanta Pop Festival at age 20 in July 1970. I was a 240 lb redneck football player who often went to the races at that race track looking for a fight. I was blown away by seeing all those hippies, laying around screwing, smoking, running around naked. LOVE was what it was all about. I took my first LSD there, Timothy Leary was giving it away free off the back of a pick up truck. It was in liquid in a small one inch tall cup, in about 1/2 tablespoon of orange juice. I 'd never heard of Led Zepplin who played there, they did not have a album out yet. Smoked my fitrst joint and hash there too. 6 months later, I weighed 140 lbs. wore bell bottoms ONLY, went 13 years without a hair cut, was called a HEAD or FREAK and I dealt off Peachtree Street in downtown Atlanta, walking down the sidewalk chanting "grass, hash, LSD" to every one I met. I did Conscientious Objector Counseling and was paid by the Federal Goverment to do it.

Was anyone else here, back there then? Let's share some old days and talk.:peace:


Active Member
LOL i love it what i would have given to have ben alive back in them days man keep on rocking my hippy brother i am 30 so i cant say i have ben there but what i would give to have ben there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Elite Rolling Society
in 1970 to about '73, you could stand on the corner of Peachtree Street and 14th Street to 10th St , the hippie district, and smoke a j in front of the pigs.
You could also openly deal, we were harmless and the cops thought "who cares what they do to each other". We were all freaks, we were all bors and sisters, no matter if you was gay, black, mexican, whatever. Everyone was accepted. ANGER and HATE and Prejudice was NOT COOL.
Around 73 or 74, the bikers came for the chicks and drugs and money, the militant blacks came for the same plus to recruit and organize, , and with them came coke and heroin , and the "good ole days" of dealing on the streets and smoking at free concerts in the park without hassle were over.
We bought nichol bags for $5.00, about a matchbox full, and paid $12 to $15 for a lid, three fingers in a baggie, about 3/4 oz, the name LID came from the Prince Albert Tobacco Can size. Almost always what was called DIRT MEXICAN , full of seed, tasted like dirt, compacted, bricked, big stems, not manicured, half buds, half leaves, males mixed in too. We seldom got quality GOLD BUD, RED BUD, or MICHMICAN OR jAMACIAN. Columbian did not come around until around 1976. You could not give HOME GROWN away for free then. No one wanted it.
ACID was $5, Peoyte $5, Psysibin, (SillySibun) was $5. Hash was $5 a gram. We did drugs but we did not do dope (Coke, Heroin, Meth-Speed, Pills) A lot of heads would not speak to you if you did dope, but we all did drugs. LOL Everything from food, drugs to women was shared by all.
Those were the days!


Well-Known Member
yeah, I remember those days too. Well your a bit older than me dude. hehehe
I remember doing my 1st hit of (real) lsd about 1968 or so. I also remember seeing Led Zepplin play at the garden, tripping my ass off, & the beach boys play at another concert in ney jersey, that was my 1st time smoking honey oil.
The 1st time I bought weed was $10.00 an ounce.
I remember my brother and I, moving into an old farm that was converted into a commune, and as we drove up the driveway, seeing the naked girls walking around, thinking to myself....this must be heaven!
I was working during the weekend of the woodstock festival, my family owned a liquor store, that was accessible from an off ramp of the highway, that was heavily traveled by people going to woodstock, boy was I jealous. They were all stopping in, and filling up.
I know from some of your previous posts, that you miss those days, I do too!


Well-Known Member
i was just finding weed when sabbath came out. zeppelin, rush. my parents were well aware of what was up. i was allowed no part of it. my friends told me stories of concerts. i did smoke the herb though. high school bathroom. girls room at that. that was the smoke out room. yep, homegrown was crap. tai stick, panama red, hawiiaan gold. seeds everywhere. never really thought t plant them. no one would dare!!!! my mom found milkweed in the backyard and almost killed me. it was just a weed. she thought it was mine. a doobie was .75 cents. but according to my dad it was all laced. paraquat was out to kill you. and hippy music was from the devil. good thing my parents teachings failed. thanks mom and dad, you did your best and i'm OK.


Well-Known Member
From one silly bastard to another......I may br a bit drunk, but I'm still shaking my head trying to figure out what communists have to do with this thread?


Elite Rolling Society
We tripped on a Friday night at the Atlanta Pop Festival, and Saturday morning,we walked about 4 football field lenghts away to the stage and sat on the ground. A slight sprinkle of rain started but it wasw just a sprinkle. We was stoned and did not care. We was in about the 10th row of people sitting cross legged, on the ground close together, in a row of about 100 people. . We sat there and smoked and got stoned and some chick gave us some donuts. About noon, Johnny Winter jumped from about 20 feet above the stage to down on the stage and was playing ROLLIN AND TUMBLIN as he fell down. He was hidden behind a curtain up high above the stage. After about an hour and 5 or 6 songs, I realized I had to go pee. I turned around and there was 200,000 people sitting behind me, on the ground and there was no way to stand up cause we were so packed in together.
After about an hour, I just sat there and peed in my pants, we were already wet anyway.

anyone got any stories from back then like that one? Concerts? Trips? First Smoke?
Way of life?


Elite Rolling Society
And I got to tell ya, we were communist and we didn't know it. I was VP of SDS at school, (Students for a Democratic Society. ) We got money contributions from the Socialist Party. And almost all hippies believed in SHARING EVERYTHING, and ANIMAL FARM was a favorite Hippy story.


New Member
From one silly bastard to another......I may br a bit drunk, but I'm still shaking my head trying to figure out what communists have to do with this thread?
......after giving the geezer speech about a hippy commune......?....are you kidding me?....... lol. what do you think hippy culture is? :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I guess you got a point, I never really looked at it that way though. I think the girls had me distracted.
PS, hey, who you calling a geezer! LoL
......after giving the geezer speech about a hippy commune......?....are you kidding me?....... lol. what do you think hippy culture is? :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Communism is an economic ideology. Hippies were NOT econommic, and Orwell was certainly not a communist...


Well-Known Member
while i dont have stories as awsome as rosemans ( what a fantastic time it must have been ) ill share withyou a little jurney some buddies and ihad not long ago.
we all decded that a bit of a road trip was in order, so we packed up the cars, threw in the surfboards and hit the road heading south, looking for waves, secluded beaches and explore our coast line. (SouthEast Oz) we drove till around dusk the first day befor we stared to look for a place to camp. we didnt look super hard so we ended up finding a vacant block in some bush that was proposed for development, Block 13. after smoking doobs left right and center we tried to pich some tents, that didnt go real well. the bugs were so bad the we if you swipped you hands through the air you would surley hit hundreds of insects and bugs, we were really out bush. next morning we got to the beach and had a surf some tucker and headed futher south. We stopped at rockpools, cliffs, beaches, but the highlight would have to be the rainforest in NSW. after scoring a bunch of shrooms and a decent amount of weed we drove for 3 hours till we got deep into the nation park and walked into the rainforest to camp.
That night we heard a bird that i could have sworn was a baby crying, very freaky while we were all stoned and mildly tripping. so as we lay back trying to ignore this freaky bird. i was laying on the ground looking at the stars when from out of nowhere i got kicked in the head by my mate, who claims that my hair was snakes, (i have long dreads) after some joints to stop the head throbing we all dozzed off under the stars. this happened everyday for about 12 days as we traveled up and down the coast finding sports on the beach to camp, surf and chill out. we ended up camping next to highways, rainforests, bush, beaches, rockpools, saw nearly everykind of animal imaginable, smoked as the sun went down, and came up, lazed around in the sun listening to music, talked, played cricket, soccer fished and drank.
Dad use to tell us stories of doing the same when he was our age, listening to morning of the earth, traveling free and loving life.
We all have a bit of hippy in us.