Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Just read up pages of left handed stuff which made me laugh,all stemmed from me driving a left hand drive the other day! Lol

Sunni, stop swearing unless you can do it in an undetectable language.

When I went out with my Dad I'd swear in his language to save his embarrassment in front of people.


Staff member
Just read up pages of left handed stuff which made me laugh,all stemmed from me driving a left hand drive the other day! Lol

Sunni, stop swearing unless you can do it in an undetectable language.

When I went out with my Dad I'd swear in his language to save his embarrassment in front of people.
well i try to catch myself but it can be hard i generally dont swear AT others i just kinda end up saying it


Well-Known Member
Nicee!! Lefties can't play pool…I get the logistics of hitting the sides of the table (strategically speaking) all wrong

But that's mainly because of the depth perception and being awkward as fuck.

I am right-handed. But when it comes to sports of hitting things, catching things, kicking things, throwing things, aiming things, and hitting stuff with other stuff - may as well be NO handed....

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
its an extemely strong cigarette with like no filter
export A greens are a very rich tasting cig whats high in nicotiene, probably my favorite kind, and the filter is the same size

The older I get the more compassionate I get. It's trippin me out.

Like when I see someone that looks helpless , dorky or nerdy I always feel like helping that person out. Like in life or just boost their ego or something.

I never used to give a shit about anything period.bongsmilie:blsmoke:

I still don't give a fuck about a lot Random shit from my random shit .....

i've always been like that. i never got a laugh out of anything hurtful


Well-Known Member
i've always been like that. i never got a laugh out of anything hurtful
Well I mean I like a good failblog here and there. But it's like all of a sudden I feel like the grinch at the end of the movie. Heart is thawing out.

Like for example today (granted I had a super wake-n-bake so I was extra in a good mood) I saw this guy walking into work. Early 50s , had the whole 40 yr old virgin swag , dorky power walk like "gosh I hope no body is mean to me today " look (I mean bad enough I even stereotype and even think people are nerdy or dorky ) but this guy had the Jean shorts above his knees , and the Jean shorts that are way over drastic with extra pockets , loops for your hammer , long thick cotton socks , new balance shoes and t shirt tucked in.

I couldn't help
thinking ...."damn I hope this dude has a good day"
-I wanted to put my arm around him and say "good job pal, don't let anyone put any salt in your game. You do you"

But the weird part being I don't know this guy. Maybe he is a trained in mma and can kick anyone's Ass. Maybe he's a pedafile ? So all I said was "morning bro" gave the nod.

Weird or is this normal human behavior ? Or was I just stoned. But I felt I wanted to channel positivity. I'm going soft