31% of Americans Have No Retirement Savings


Well-Known Member
They will give you an IOU and make the investments *safer* at 3% a year or some such interest rate...

You dont think it is possible? If you dont pay for your own health care insurance the government will come knocking via the IRS to confiscate money from you... How much farther do they have to go to get to where I am talking about?

The last time the government got into a financial crunch it forced it's citizens to cough up all the gold in the country. It got paid back but if the country had gone bankrupt the people would have had useless paper. How much easier is it to transfer a bunch of electronic records??

I dont trust the government at all. I am not referring to one party or another anymore because they are all the same.

Jesus nlx, quit your whining, yeah, government is going to screw you. If you aren't smart enough to save anyway for your own life or figure a way to get out, then you probably deserve to be broke when you get old. Fergidsake man, you believe in personal responsibility or not?


Well-Known Member
i work for 12$ an hour 6 hours a week, 5 days a week IM FUCKING LUCKY LUCKY theres no work ehre ive been to college AND UNIVERISTY 2 FUCKING TIMES, i have education out the fucking wazoo, and i fucking work cleaning a goddamn tour train wiping down toilets ....
people like you with that higher than thou attitude fucking make me sick i can barely afford to live let alone fucking go out or save money and you put me down in the hole youre a sick fucking person who thinsk they are the best of the goddamn best
youre dsigusting i work JUST AS HARD as you did even probably more for fucking peanuts
yet you try to make me put my head down and make me feel worse than i already am
wow.. i have nothing but respect for you ur bustin ass just to live ma..... you have a b.d. why dont you relocate to somwere with more work.. like montreal or bc


Well-Known Member
wow.. i have nothing but respect for you ur bustin ass just to live ma..... you have a b.d. why dont you relocate to somwere with more work.. like montreal or bc
Why are Canada importing workers for even simple shit like truck driving (on ridiculous salaries) instead of just hiring Canadians?


Well-Known Member
Why are Canada importing workers for even simple shit like truck driving (on ridiculous salaries) instead of just hiring Canadians?
Are you talking about semis? How much does it cost to train someone and how much does it cost to import someone?


Well-Known Member
Are you talking about semis? How much does it cost to train someone and how much does it cost to import someone?
Dude, they're bringing in Irish guys, training them to drive and then sending the potato heads off in their trucks.

Same in Australia...its bizarre.

Never desired fighting a real kangaroo tho, they're sneeky fuckers apparently.


Well-Known Member
Except for those gaps of hours where I'm not.

I'm in sales. I'm always on my phone. I don't actually do anything that resembles work. I talk to people, that's all I do. Never up before 9.

Real Estate is grand.
Being in the search for a home, I can attest to real estate agents not working. Don't ever answer the phone, don't return calls or emails, fail to be there for an open house, take two days to submit an offer so I got beat out by a LOWER offer. How fucking lazy can they get?


Well-Known Member
I have not read the whole thread so bear with me if I repeat what might have been said already.

You cannot SAVE for retirement. SAVING USED to work, but the gains were all due to compound interest. The banks don't pay interest to use your money anymore, most people now have to pay fees to use the bank, there is NO INTEREST. Putting cash in a mattress is pure folly due to inflation, its akin to throwing it to the wind.

You need to INVEST wisely for retirement. Equities are a roller coaster, long term bonds are better. Real Estate, Precious Metals, Productive land are a few other things that you should probably have when you decide to retire. THINGS of value cannot go to ZERO, paper can go to ZERO, but tangible goods that people will always need do not.

Might want to think about diversifying away from the dollar, its days are numbered. The BRICS are becoming their own powerhouse and have begun to withdraw from even needing US dollars. They are all trading with each other using their own currencies, bypassing the Dollar and the USA. They have setup their own international banks and banking systems outside SWIFT.


Well-Known Member
you people a fucking jokes man
ACTING like youve never gone out and spent 20$ on a fucking night out or some shit once a month
youve gotta be fucking kidding me.

you people need to get your fucking heads out of your goddamn asses
You're the one who is broke-ass living with your parents cleaning toilets for a living. Maybe you should listen?


Well-Known Member
you people a fucking jokes man
ACTING like youve never gone out and spent 20$ on a fucking night out or some shit once a month
youve gotta be fucking kidding me.

you people need to get your fucking heads out of your goddamn asses

That would get you to see the movie, no soda or popcorn though.

its been 20 years since I really went out and partied, but it was easily $200 each night.

$20 is like a 12 pack of good beer and a few friends at a local park though, which in reality is a better time than going to some smoke filled bar. Would you agree?
I find that all my best times were had when it was free, Canada has alot going for it outdoor wise, do you camp much or care to do that kind of thing?


Staff member
You're the one who is broke-ass living with your parents cleaning toilets for a living. Maybe you should listen?
i live on my own i just dont have internet at my new place and my moms out of town so i came here
i have two dipolmas theres just no work in my city
ive lived on my own since i was 17 , i left home at 17, and have always had my own place, and put myself through school and work at the same time


Well-Known Member
Well, there you go. Ask your mom if you can stay with her for a while. That will cut your expenses to nearly nothing. Pay her some form of rent. Save the rest (No going out). When you have enough saved, look elsewhere for a better job.I just hope your two diplomas are in a field that is employable. If you studied Humanities or Philosophy. you wasted your time and money. Do you have a lot of student loans to pay off?


Staff member
Well, there you go. Ask your mom if you can stay with her for a while. That will cut your expenses to nearly nothing. Pay her some form of rent. Save the rest (No going out). When you have enough saved, look elsewhere for a better job.I just hope your two diplomas are in a field that is employable. If you studied Humanities or Philosophy. you wasted your time and money. Do you have a lot of student loans to pay off?
no im a Certified holistic nutritionist but live in a small northern ontario town so im screwed
the only jobs here are the steel plant and the tube mill


Well-Known Member
What is a "holistic" nutritionist? Sounds like something needed in a hospital, nursing home or some kind of institution, meaning positions are few in bigger cities, practically non-existent in small towns. Steel mills usually pay pretty good, any chance of getting on there? Blue collar skilled trades are in increasing demand due to a shortage of skilled workers. You won't make a doctor's wages, but you'll make more than a nutritionist. Too many went to school to get degrees in white collar fields and flooded the market. I'm a skilled tradesman, and I never have trouble finding work. (Knock on wood) I lucked out and chose a career where I am not only in demand, but the demand keeps increasing.


Well-Known Member
It's 2014, employers aren't looking for over qualified employees that stumble upon their door step. "Email us your resume and we'll contact you if anything opens up"

Where I live it's more expensive to stay in a hotel, than it is to have roommates. If you risk moving away, you need to have enough money to cover at least 3 months worth of expenses, especially if you're looking for a specific job.
If life was as easy as leaving your home, staying at a motel 6, and knocking on doors, there would be a lot less poverty in the world.
Yeah, human nature has changed so much.

If you have a job lined up in another town, 1000 dollars put back, you can do it.

I wasn't speaking of the ultimate place of employment.

I was talking of finding a couple of jobs to pay the bills until you find that good job.

But ya know what, sit back and rely on monster and other job sites. People who take matters into their own hands will appreciate one less person to worry about.


Well-Known Member
Being in the search for a home, I can attest to real estate agents not working. Don't ever answer the phone, don't return calls or emails, fail to be there for an open house, take two days to submit an offer so I got beat out by a LOWER offer. How fucking lazy can they get?
Some of the people out there are pretty bad.

Like many new agents, I started at Century21. It's good training.

At least in my area, there are a lot of house wives in the crowd that do very little.

My phone is ringing always. I'm typing emails constantly.

But I schedule my activities to fill up blocks of days, as best I can.

I won't answer your call if I'm with another client.

I will return it an hour later or so.

I'm primarily a listing side agent. That is mhch less work, and just as much money.