Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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stop getting talking points from faox news moron

You say that like it changes what I said. You cannot refute it so you demand that I end my argument... LOL!!!

HAMAS is shooting rockets, HAMAS is building tunnels under Israel but somehow it is all the fault of Israel because obviously the Palestinian people are peaceful...

The religion of peace is a lie. It is only peaceful if you are a follower. If you are a Christian then beheadings, forced marriage and other fun things await at the hands of the extremists while most of Islam sits passively by not even speaking up...

Religion of peace my ass....
Unfortunately those came before my time. I'd love to try one. They don't exist anymore I don't reckon.
Israel has a land dispute and it gives Palestine the right to shell innocent civilians? Women and Children??
Israel is occupying land it does not own, in contrast to international law. Israel has killed 10x more civilians than HAMAS’ rockets. Stop listening to Hannity.

Since 2001 HAMAS rockets have killed 21 Israeli civilians.

Israel ALONE has killed upwards of 1400 Palestinian CHILDREN. This does not include killed or injured civilian adults.

When they try to flee, they’re fired upon.

And then Israel retaliates and it is their fault that Palestinians die?

Don’t believe everything Hannity says...

You keep excusing the bad behavior on one side yet hold the other side responsible. Do you realize that your position cannot bring peace?

Israel has never given serious support to a two state solution nor peace. This is evident from at least 1857 onwards.

You say that like it changes what I said. You cannot refute it so you demand that I end my argument... LOL!!!

I‘m just sick of schooling you on the factual errors in fox’ reporting. You buy their shit hook, line, sinker.

HAMAS is shooting rockets, HAMAS is building tunnels under Israel but somehow it is all the fault of Israel because obviously the Palestinian people are peaceful...

Israel is occupying land illegally and slowly squeezing the life out of Palestine. Read the wiki cables. This is a new take on genocide in the social media age.

The religion of peace is a lie. It is only peaceful if you are a follower. If you are a Christian then beheadings, forced marriage and other fun things await at the hands of the extremists while most of Islam sits passively by not even speaking up...

Religion of peace my ass....

Hold on... Comparing ISIS to Palestinians? No comparison moron – STOP with the hannity crap.
You buy into the rhetoric preached by HAMAS and have the balls to say I am the one listening to lies? LOL!!!

40,000 christians are on a mountaintop in Iraq because ISIS will kill them if they come down. If they stay they will likely die due to exposure. THANK YOU RELIGION OF PEACE!!!

In the same country, ISIS militants are taking Christian women and forcing them to convert and marry Islamic men. THANK YOU RELIGION OF PEACE!!!

What happened to those 400 school girls that were taken hostage? THANK YOU RELIGION OF PEACE!!!

Why did Palestine and HAMAS start shelling Israel moments after the cease fire. BECAUSE THEY ARE THE RELIGION OF PEACE!!!

You are deluded....
You buy into the rhetoric preached by HAMAS and have the balls to say I am the one listening to lies? LOL!!!

40,000 christians are on a mountaintop in Iraq because ISIS will kill them if they come down. If they stay they will likely die due to exposure. THANK YOU RELIGION OF PEACE!!!

In the same country, ISIS militants are taking Christian women and forcing them to convert and marry Islamic men. THANK YOU RELIGION OF PEACE!!!

What happened to those 400 school girls that were taken hostage? THANK YOU RELIGION OF PEACE!!!

Why did Palestine and HAMAS start shelling Israel moments after the cease fire. BECAUSE THEY ARE THE RELIGION OF PEACE!!!

You are deluded....

A Militant Jihadi group is now the poster boys for Islam?

Fuck me...

Westboro Baptist must be their Christian equivalent.

Am i right?

Am i right?

A Militant Jihadi group is now the poster boys for Islam?

Fuck me...

Westboro Baptist must be their Christian equivalent.

Am i right?

Am i right?

Show me where the religion of peace is being peaceful...

You are losing the argument so you bring FOX news into it? Trying to deflect from the argument?

I havent seen the Westboro baptists behead anyone recently...
Show me where the religion of peace is being peaceful...

You are losing the argument so you bring FOX news into it? Trying to deflect from the argument?

I havent seen the Westboro baptists behead anyone recently...

I'm loosing the argument? We were talking Palestine/Israel and you start making veiled comparisons between Palestinians and ISIS.

You only started the religion of peace garbage when you couldn't defend your ASSertions. This is what happens when you're "home alone" doing heroin watching fox...
I'm loosing the argument? We were talking Palestine/Israel and you start making veiled comparisons between Palestinians and ISIS.

You only started the religion of peace garbage when you couldn't defend your ASSertions. This is what happens when you're "home alone" doing heroin watching fox...

Your assertion is that if people cannot agree on a land treaty that it is ok for one side to start lobbing shells into the country of the other side and whine about how few casualties the Israeli's are taking.

I am arguing with a madman.

HAMAS's platform is the destruction of Israel. HAMAS is an islamic terrorist organization. HAMAS was voted to lead Palestine and HAMAS is in the process of shelling Israel...

But hey, Israel is putting up a building where it shouldnt... I totally get it now... NOT!!!

Your assertion is that territory is worth human lives and then decry the lives lost because the people that are getting killed are not the people you want to get killed. It is pretty disgusting if you ask me.

You are not winning the argument, HAMAS is not winning the argument, and Palestine certainly isnt winning the argument. What the hell, it never stopped them either.
Your assertion is that if people cannot agree on a land treaty that it is ok for one side to start lobbing shells into the country of the other side and whine about how few casualties the Israeli's are taking.

I am arguing with a madman.

HAMAS's platform is the destruction of Israel. HAMAS is an islamic terrorist organization. HAMAS was voted to lead Palestine and HAMAS is in the process of shelling Israel...

But hey, Israel is putting up a building where it shouldnt... I totally get it now... NOT!!!

Your assertion is that territory is worth human lives and then decry the lives lost because the people that are getting killed are not the people you want to get killed. It is pretty disgusting if you ask me.

You are not winning the argument, HAMAS is not winning the argument, and Palestine certainly isnt winning the argument. What the hell, it never stopped them either.

My assertion is the Zionists then Israelis have never wanted peace. Their earliest documents and speeches clearly state this. Their goals from the beginning have been to drive out the native Palestinians and replace them with Jewish settlers. Did alcohol make you this stupid?
Doer is not only a dick but a misguided, ignorant pig-fucker. Again, go fuck yourself micky
See, you keep on proving my point. Maybe where you come from there are pig fuckers, I have personally have never seen one. Which one oinks more, the pig or your brother?
Only when forced to retort to inane comments. Like Israel is only defending itself? Why should it have to? Maybe it has to do with it's policy of placing the indigenous population of an area, in essentially concentration camps. The saddest part is the Israelites think it alright. Well, even though Hamas is insane, Israel is not far behind, if they think beating the shit out of Gaza will improve anything. They are culpable also.
This really isn't about Israel defending itself from crude rockets from Hamas or whoever, that is jst an excuse.

Anybody with half a brain knows this is about Palestinain solidarity, when Fatah and Hamas announced they were going into a coalition government the Psychotic Israeli Government went completely berzerk and started this masacre
You guys just woke up yesterday and just like all the world Zombie youts, just itching to hate.

In my day, we hated the Democrats and considered the Pubs meaningless.