Drying Rack suggestions.


Well-Known Member
The only reason I had started to trim wet, was because I was allergic as fuck when I would trim dry. I don't know what changed(old age maybe), But I'm not so allergic anymore. Besides, like I said, It don't cut it no mo
hey man i figured this out a while back since then i have always had weight dead on and no trouble with the cures

your plant is done...........flush it give it 24 hours more of light to use up bulk of the water then 48 hours for darkness (uses up the last of the water) by the time u open the tent the plant is about out of water/ drooping from need of water

i clip whole branches then trim the fan leaves off while holding it upside down to get access to them easier (u can hang a string from ceiling and hook onto that if fingers hurt after a few hours) .......the trim is up to u u can take off the fan leaves plus the bulk of the others or leave some on for dry trim and bho/cookie trim

but u take the branch u clip off all but 2 inches of the lower stem (leave the flowers on branch) .............put that on one of those racks i linked before shut the tent come back in 7 days (if it has been raining for 4 extra 2 days to be safe)

clip them off that and jar it up u burp the jars like 3 times and u are set ..............all the jars are on weight not going to lose anymore and the smell taste really pops after the cure 2/3 weeks

drying is all about control
temp 78 to 68
light as little as possible and never direct light
wind needs to keep moving and changing currents to remove the moisture
humidity 50% is golden zone 40 to 60 is safe (40% or lower hay smell 60% higher mold can attach)

as for your allegeries when cutting just use a room with a filtering system gloves and a mask ...............first several grows i was not able to breath out my nose ..........the ozone gen and filtering all but fixed it for me plus exposing myself to get use to it


Well-Known Member
If looking for quality, don't trim wet and screen dry.
Instead, chop plant down. Cut into manageable pieces, Pluck fan leaves(makes it easier to trim when dry), and hang to dry.
When dry, pull down, put into bins(keep an eye on the moisture), and have fun :-) yeah right lol
I used to get away with trimming wet and screening. But this is 2014, and I'm in CA.
Only stuff we screen dry these days(in those hanging screens), is our lower popcorn shit off our outdoor plants, that we ran through a trim machine.
Trust the people telling you NOT to screen dry. Or you run the risk of your bud smelling like hay, or not smelling at all. Not worth it rite. Later
Sheeeit, where were you on Saturday...before I built my rack. ;) Actually your opinion is the same as that of the guy whose methodology I have employed so far. That said, my drying space is limited so a rack was an answer to that. I still don't see how it could make that big a difference short of one being vertical and one being horizontal, if you have nice free flow of air... ??? I will run a line or two just for a comparison but I am hoping the "control" Justugh suggests rules the day.


Well-Known Member
Strings dude. Strings.

Screen causes flat sided buds. I have one of those hanging racks and use it to dry shake and larf. They work great, holds about 6 lbs of dry shake


Well-Known Member
The Rack. Ultimately it could hold 6 trays.


Rope idea worked out sweet. 8' ceiling. 32' of rope, cut in half. Two halves of 16 folded in half themselves and a zip tie used to create loop at end of each.

Once the loops made, I then laid them together out flat and marked on all four lines where I wanted the trays to be with a Black Marker...this guaranteeing an even hang. I then put the top tray on first. The lines being fed through holes drilled in the corners. I then was able to use a nail as a toggle on the bottom side of the tray, pushed through the line at the spot made by the black marker.
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now u just need to watch how much stem u leave on the flower

to little it will dry fast and have a weak smell to much and takes forever to dry ................i found this fan http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00873CICA

it moves side to side and up and down ...........it is the best fan i have found so far........the movement it does will vary wind currents


Well-Known Member
Added the other two trays I made. The unit actually had room for 6 (one above the top tray in picture and one more on bottom. I'll add one more picture of it just stacked for storage soon.


Well-Known Member
now u just need to watch how much stem u leave on the flower

to little it will dry fast and have a weak smell to much and takes forever to dry ................i found this fan http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00873CICA

it moves side to side and up and down ...........it is the best fan i have found so far........the movement it does will vary wind currents
Wow, cool fan. You have one, then? Have you used it with your rack? Set it up underneath?


Well-Known Member
Wow, cool fan. You have one, then? Have you used it with your rack? Set it up underneath?

yah i have it set in the far back part so it hits the walls of the tent and deflects up now with the upward and downward tilt even more

i made the mistake of putting the trim(u know the fan leaves u see crystals on and sugar leaves u clip to dry bho stuff ) from the plant on the bottom rack ........the wind movement picked up the smaller dry peices and blow them around.........if u plan to do that u should incase that sections in netting like that one guys pick/link looked like ....if not then u got no worries the branches keep the flowers from blowing around and filling it up from the bottom up keeps the heavier stuff on the bottom and middle and those last few buts and top cola can sit on the top rack

i avg 4 oz per rack 35 inches round one i linked u

with it being summer time u just need a dehumitifer or keep the area u are drying in with a ac (they normally try to lvl it out to 50%)
here is a bathroom one works for me http://www.amazon.com/Eva-Dry-Edv-1100-Eva-dry-Electric-Dehumidifier/dp/B000H0ZDD2

it fills up and shuts self off u dump put it back in starts up

winter time u are going to need a humidiifer with the heat drying the air out it gets low fast

that one u can program a lvl my system 35% and the upper part was reading 50% i used warm setting to make it raise up faster .....cooler will work if your intake air is hot hot

those are the best ones i found so far for growers of our size


Well-Known Member
yah i have it set in the far back part so it hits the walls of the tent and deflects up now with the upward and downward tilt even more

i made the mistake of putting the trim(u know the fan leaves u see crystals on and sugar leaves u clip to dry bho stuff ) from the plant on the bottom rack ........the wind movement picked up the smaller dry peices and blow them around.........if u plan to do that u should incase that sections in netting like that one guys pick/link looked like ....if not then u got no worries the branches keep the flowers from blowing around and filling it up from the bottom up keeps the heavier stuff on the bottom and middle and those last few buts and top cola can sit on the top rack

i avg 4 oz per rack 35 inches round one i linked u

with it being summer time u just need a dehumitifer or keep the area u are drying in with a ac (they normally try to lvl it out to 50%)
here is a bathroom one works for me http://www.amazon.com/Eva-Dry-Edv-1100-Eva-dry-Electric-Dehumidifier/dp/B000H0ZDD2

it fills up and shuts self off u dump put it back in starts up

winter time u are going to need a humidiifer with the heat drying the air out it gets low fast

that one u can program a lvl my system 35% and the upper part was reading 50% i used warm setting to make it raise up faster .....cooler will work if your intake air is hot hot

those are the best ones i found so far for growers of our size
Yeah, I have a old Goldstar/Energy star dehumidifier that is standing at the ready. As my buds are really starting to get some shape and the humidity has been around 60% in there I am going to employ it this weekend. Planning on running it on a timer opposite my lights. (lights on at night, dehumidifier on during the day) Not sure how accurate it is yet but you can select the humidity level and it will only run if it needs to. I will have to check on a humidifier though as you say. Winter for me is going to be interesting. Thanks for the rack info.


Well-Known Member
Ok...so I like the idea of this...love to be able to snip the trunk, spin them upside down and hang them where they currently sit. Say you have a 5 foot plant...how long would it hang before you started jarring?
It depends on a lot of factors. Hanging the entire plant considerably slows down the drying time. You don't actually want any buds touching each other so you may have to cut some branches off and hang them seperately, but these will dry faster and are usually my first 'samples'. I find that if you can hang for AT LEAST 7 days before you jar the quality of the product impoves dramatically. If you don't give your plants water for 48hrs prior to chop and trim wet I've had bud that has dried out and been ready to jar in 3 days!!!!! That's no bueno IMO. Every harvest the branches I trim wet do not turn out nearly as stinky or flavorful as the buds that were left on the plant and trimmed dry right before I jar them.


Well-Known Member
In my experience a 5' plant chopped and hung in a minimum 50% realitive humidity environment would take at least 7-10 days. Drying screens or racks are ideal for larger operations because they greatly decrease drying time and practically take up no space. They are not the best for preserving smell/flavor IMO.

I say hang the entire plant and trim dry, but like I mentioned before I do remove branches and leaves-you don't want anything touching. Air should surround every bud so some light trimming is in order before the plant and some branches get hung.


Well-Known Member
In my experience a 5' plant chopped and hung in a minimum 50% realitive humidity environment would take at least 7-10 days. Drying screens or racks are ideal for larger operations because they greatly decrease drying time and practically take up no space. They are not the best for preserving smell/flavor IMO.

I say hang the entire plant and trim dry, but like I mentioned before I do remove branches and leaves-you don't want anything touching. Air should surround every bud so some light trimming is in order before the plant and some branches get hung.
Thanks ...was hoping for your return here. How is that coma working out? ;) This being my first grow...I am thinking that if I can swing it that I will rack some, string some, and upend one or two as you describe.


Well-Known Member
I trim wet then let it dry until it feels dry to the touch could take four days in 45% humidity in the dark preferably . then i cut it off the stems and jar it for a day then feel it again usually it will moisten back up. so I leave the lid off for a few hours. repeat daily until you know its dry or if its too wet lay it out for while. you dont want it crispy but you want it to be smokeable once you know its dry you store it for at least a month burping the jar once in a while some of my summer crops get stored up to six months. Its important its dry enough because if it molds you ruin everything and that shit eats thc. If you store and allow it to cure all the smells really come out.


Well-Known Member
dave when u get finished your project

i found 2 i was looking at doing for fun ..........u might enjoy or someone else

motor bike
a bike with a 80 cc 2 stroke motor ..........just need a helmet and legal since it is a bike frame ....get one with some gears on it u can pull 50 65 miles a hour with it

http://pursuingnothing.com/documents/2005/I-Hacked_com Taking Advantage Of Technology - DIrtY MIRT (Do It Yourself Mobile Infra Red Transmitter).htm

this is the tool the cops and fire ppl use to trigger green lights ............that tells u how to build one out of parts u can get from radio shack (i live in the country i mean a 30 foot deep shit pit is less then 1/4 mile from my front door but i still have to go tho 5 traffic lights just to get home because Yuppies moved out here to Mc mansions and greedy ass ppl rezoned farm land into homes craming in 1500 homes in a area that has not seen any upgrades since i been alive 34 years) .............so fuck them i seen cops blow tho lights and all that then get out of the car and go in the store if they do not listen to the rules then why should i

so it something that could save u a bunch of time a year ...............both of the ideas


Well-Known Member
You get what you pay for with the scoots. stay away from towtow and always look at reviews. some low end bikes have one piece carbs and you cant clean them.


Well-Known Member
I bought this this past spring ive only spent $20 in gas this summer LOL!
i got a baja sc50 tuned it up to 80 cc can pull my ass up a steep hill at 35 .....now it in the shop i need it to do 40 up a hill and i can use it for most things
fricken parts for the gy6 u think would be cheap but exhaust was 119 alone carb was 60 bucks

if u really want too i know where u can get a gy6 engine pre built and big bored out for 379(80 cc short case) they also have 100 cc gy6 long case then u have the 150cc to 180cc

the bike motor i think would be fun on a mountain bike and to tool around the deer paths ........get one with 5 or 10 gears u basically have a dirt bike u do not need insurance on or any paperwork with the state


Well-Known Member
Thats why i got mine I dont need insurance,plate or endorsement. I hear i can get a 70 cc head kit for it. I smile every time I pump gas 85mpg.