STL is about to start rioting.


Active Member
So the kid attacked the cop and tried to get his gun while the officer was still in his car. One shot was fired in the car while fighting for his life. After the kid bolted, he was shot. Not sure if he was shot in the car during the fight, or shot after he ran.
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Well-Known Member
People hate the American borne kneegrow so much that they have even ulitized a tool that was originally designed to right the devils' wrongs to promote their annoying daughters and gay sons -- afirmitive action. Trickkknowledgy by the devil at its finest. Kneegrows have known this for decades.

Then they have their police harass black teens to the point where they get angry, and the white police officer gets so scared that he shoots the innocent, unarmed black teen.
God* bless!

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
People hate the American borne kneegrow so much that they have even ulitized a tool that was originally designed to right the devils' wrongs to promote their annoying daughters and gay sons -- afirmitive action. Trickkknowledgy by the devil at its finest. Kneegrows have known this for decades.

Then they have their police harass black teens to the point where they get angry, and the white police officer gets so scared that he shoots the innocent, unarmed black teen.
God* bless!
You almost sound like the broken Buck record.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
and I quote
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm pretty exhausted, and it seems like the violence tonight has calmed down. It's time for bed.

Light a candle, burn some sage, pray to the old gods and the new that this ridiculous shit ends tonight and doesn't flare up again tomorrow.

Of all the crazy shit I've ever seen in my beloved hometown, this is the most clownshoes thing that's ever happened in my lifetime."


Well-Known Member

you can't think of any explanation why an exploited and disadvantaged population might riot after an unarmed member of their community was shot by a cop?

why do you suppose the LA riots happened?
You're a dumbass if you think a mob of rioters have the right to smash up businesses and homes as a way to get their point across. They have every right to protest a serious grievance in a peacefull manner, but no right to smash their way through neighbourhoods.


Well-Known Member
You're a dumbass if you think a mob of rioters have the right to smash up businesses and homes as a way to get their point across. They have every right to protest a serious grievance in a peacefull manner, but no right to smash their way through neighbourhoods.
And what happens when the peaceful protest is simply ignored?


Well-Known Member
And what happens when the peaceful protest is simply ignored?
Then they need to think out of the box. Protest in a city center during peak hour. Bring traffic to a halt. Disruption of commuters and commerce in the form of lost productivity and revenue will bring nation wide attention to their cause - a very worthy one at that.

Police violence/brutality IMO is systemic not isolated and US citizens are far more likely to be killed by cops rather than terrorists. During 2010-2011 the number people killed by an act of terrorism vs an act of furniture was comparable.

Since 9/11, a total of 238 American citizens have died from terrorist attacks, or an average of 29 per year. To put that in some perspective, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the average American is as likely to be crushed to death by televisions or furniture as they are to be killed by a terrorist.
The number of Americans killed each year by LEOs averages around 400 (between 2008-2010)

These numbers only seem to track "The killing of a felon by a law enforcement officer in the line of duty" it has no mention of misdemeanor offenses nor deaths in custody.

These numbers alone should be enough to warrant serious reforms.


Well-Known Member
I don't get why more cops aren't killed when something like this happens.

I'm sure St. Louis has plenty of OG's and shot callers who have soldiers that could take a pig at 300 yards. Not really a hard shot with a decent rifle.

Take a 30.06 and the vests they wear might as well be a Haynes t-shirt.

They're motivated to do so. They have the means.

But no, they'd rather break stuff.


Well-Known Member
Then they need to think out of the box. Protest in a city center during peak hour. Bring traffic to a halt. Disruption of commuters and commerce in the form of lost productivity and revenue will bring nation wide attention to their cause - a very worthy one at that.
the riots started because they were in the streets peacefully and the police came in and started pepper spraying the crowd the riots started because of that.


Well-Known Member
what is STL? and does it have anything to do with the nearly weekly press conferences a mother must make because her unarmed child was shot dead by an armed man?