Any good seedbanks in the US yet?


Well-Known Member
I need to order some beans and wondering if I can order from the US. I dont much care about specific breeders or strains as long as it's fire.
. . . they seem sketchy from what I have read. kinda looking for other options.

They seem sketchy because what they are doing is illegal. Every US bank that sells seeds is doing illegal business, hence they're likely to partake in sketchy and questionable practices.

You're on a wild goose chase for something that doesn't exist my friend. A US seedbank that will guarantee delivery, allow you to use electronic transactions, and maintain product transparency. Two of those things just cant happen because of the law, what you're looking for is not around, trust me.
Something's are better left a secret between amigos. Feel me now?

I do understand where you are coming from. You make a valid point.

FWIW, I spoke directly to the owner of one of these American based seed banks and asked him point blank if he felt that discussing his seed bank out in the open like this was something that he frowned upon. If he as a business owner feels that this is detrimental to his business or freedom, then I think we should all respect that. His answer though, was no. He has no problem with it. He is actually taking out advertising in a marijuana magazine, and he welcomes folks discussing his seed bank in threads like this.

I have no horse in this race, so I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it. Just thought I'd share the the info straight from the source.