Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
So on THAT note....

I got my IUD birth control removed, because I didn't like the idea of a foreign body in me that prevented me from getting my monthly "gift".

NOW my boyf and I are going to have to start using Con....cond....Con-Dome's?

I don't know - we never used them before.

So what's good? Recommendations?

I haven't BOUGHT any of those things since I was in high school. And fav dome-hats?
lol i just realized what u were talking about

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
my friend had a fity bag of reg and we meet up with my other friend and he had a bag of this crap. we rolled up a 2 paper joint and a normal size one and smoked 2 more normal size ones of reg on the way home. barely even stoned it was pretty shitty but then again i can't complain i payed 10$. Went back to his house then and smoked 1g J of kush that got me fried


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Well-Known Member
brown dirt weed what dosen't even smell like weed, felt bad for him, he got 7 for 70$ i think, not even worth that
I'm Canada - and I always thought that EVERYWHERE in the states was just flooded with weeeeeds...

I DID listen to A LOT of Snoop Dawg growing up...so that may be where I got my "information" from.

Doggie Styles - still probably my fav album!

I pride myself in being able to sing (rap?) this from start to finish...