I heard about this last week, HC isnt licensing due to possible law suits. They know its going to shit, they know its over in february. For every 10 complaints i find, i find...0 compliments or satisfactory reviews.
Apparently the LPs that are starting up want to sue HC for the delays. Basically you have a couple hundred wanna be LPs, fully submitted paper work. There are bigger and possibly better facilities going un-used. Now the wanna be LPs ask, "Why arent i licensed? mine is better and your just simply deciding not to license my facility. Why?" then who knows what HC responds with but thats what i heard. To be clear, ive heard it from multiple sources that have no relation to each other. One of my sources was someone who does work for rosebud magazine.
Also lots of moaning and groaning with the current LPs and investors. The investors hold a fair portion of the shares listed. The investors are telling the LP not to sell shares but they do anyways making the investors profit go down. In a article it said tweed reached all time highs and lows within 5 days, a classic pump and dump.