STL is about to start rioting.


Active Member
Does anyone know what happened that got the young man shot? Five pages and not a single comment about how that officer was fighting for his life while being attacked in his own squad car, trying to hold on to his firearm. Not all cops are bad. There are some that deserve capital punishment at the very least, but MOST just want to do there job and go home. Anyone know any details about why this young man was trying to grab the cops gun? If this really IS what happened, try to fight a cop and grab his gun in any part of this country and see what happens, regardless of the color of your skin. Again, i cant find any details. But one thing is for sure, this mob of looters used this tragedy as an excuse to steal shit.
Maybe it never even happened that way at all. False flags and staged tragedy's are happening all the time, and increasing. Sounds crazy but its very real. They want racism, they want us separated , they want us fighting and hating each other, they race-bait on a daily basis, they want us to believe that there is actually a two party system or that we actually choose and vote our leaders in. We are all in this together, it affects all of us. They have multiple agendas that lead to one big one. Why the hell is there not a sticky that people here can steadily contribute information so people can actually maybe start to learn things about what our government really is all about and has been about since the beginning? There are tons of people here that have seriously woken up and have done decades of research on numerous topics. The rest of the politics section can just stay the way it is, tailored for trolls and mocking. A lot of people just want to learn and also educate without having to deal with bullshit that throws every serious thread off. Just one sticky for serious educating and sharing, without any race baiting and mud slinging. Just keep that one thread clean. Even Buck could contribute in a positive way, if he decided to do so, without playing his games. JUST ONE FRICKING THREAD. Is that possible? I think it would be epic and absolutely blow peoples minds. Don't forget about the enormous number of people who arnt registered here but just come and go to learn things. Although i think riu would pick up many new accounts from people who are extremely informed and very passionate about what has and is REALLY happening to us. Don't worry, there will still be endless room for other bullshit threads that lead nowhere and accomplish nothing. Nothing wrong with having some fun. Holy fuck i am blasted out of my mind right now. I hope when i read this tomorrow it will make sense ha. o_O


Active Member
The officer pulled on him after an allegedly shoplifting items from a convenience store. I understand he was shot at 30ft after running from the squad car after the physical altercation with the officer, when it is alleged the deceased tried to grab the officers gun.

All reports I've read indicate the deceased did not successfully acquire the officers firearm nor was he armed during the incident.

The officer may have been in fear of his life but the fact the initial altercation was over and the deceased was killed while fleeing indicates the officer used excessive force and could have either used a non lethal option or waited for further officers, K9 etc to arrive to track down the suspect.

edit - witnesses to the shooting are saying he was shot while stationary, with his hands in the air, apparently the officer fired a warning shot
Holy shit, yea that's messed up to say the least. I guess he was all set for college. No criminal record, just a good kid with a promising future. So many cops that are completely out of control offing innocent people left and right. Becoming militarized. Cant even go for a drive through some states without showing your papers and getting grilled and harassed. Lots of video out there (endless) showing cops just completely out of control. And then they are rewarded for it! Ten minutes of youtube watching police brutality and the blood begins to boil. And its only increasing. These cops are being trained to do this shit and that its okay and the right thing to do!! They get commended for it! Patted on the back, called a hero because evidently shooting unarmed people is now just following procedure. Who polices the police anymore? They have been handed a free pass to basically do whatever they see fit, without consequences. Paid leave at the very most. Kelly Thomas is another great example, out of seemingly thousands.
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Well-Known Member
Does anyone know what happened that got the young man shot? Five pages and not a single comment about how that officer was fighting for his life while being attacked in his own squad car, trying to hold on to his firearm. Not all cops are bad. There are some that deserve capital punishment at the very least, but MOST just want to do there job and go home. Anyone know any details about why this young man was trying to grab the cops gun? If this really IS what happened, try to fight a cop and grab his gun in any part of this country and see what happens, regardless of the color of your skin. Again, i cant find any details. But one thing is for sure, this mob of looters used this tragedy as an excuse to steal shit.


Well-Known Member
Listen, if we have a problem we deal with it.

Yous have all these guns for "protection from tyrannical Govt", you can't even defend your lands from roving bands of unarmed, crack smoking thugs ..

Good luck against drones and tanks.
With their tanks and their drones,
And their drones and their guns.
In your head, in your head, they are dying...
What better to supplement a corrupt police force than a corrupt civilian militia?

I mean what's a few kidnapping's, execution's, kneecappings and bombings between neighbours?


Active Member
Robert Byrd, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Michell Obama, Rev. Wright, etc. Yeah, all conservatives. Just because you refuse to acknowledge obvious racism in your party doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It does mean, however, that you are a liar.
i think it mainly has to do with idiots like that browsing fake conservative sites. go to any of the ones that actually report the news and you wont find racial talk there except when it applies to democrats and how the media wont report on a (d) making a racial remark.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what you're repping for.

In Ireland the cops are the citizens bitch in the US it's the other way around. Wake up to yourself.
what do you care eche, you live in owwwwwstrayyyyliyyya, mate?

EDIT: i'm not a fan of the paramilitary.
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Well-Known Member
what i meant is..they are human and when you are in any emergency often goes out the window..they are human.

example: ever catch yourself on fire?..did you remember to stop, drop and roll?
Actually when LEOs are in a situation like the one in Ferguson the default to their training. Military is the same. It's obvious law enforcement need to raise the bar in regards to training and assessment and revise and/or drop the overly aggressive approach to policing.

I'm just surprise the incident wasn't captured on camera, either dashcam or bodycam. With all the cash DHS injects into state and local law enforcement you'd think all cruisers would be equipment with video/audio recording devices.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit, yea that's messed up to say the least. I guess he was all set for college. No criminal record, just a good kid with a promising future. So many cops that are completely out of control offing innocent people left and right. Becoming militarized. Cant even go for a drive through some states without showing your papers and getting grilled and harassed. Lots of video out there (endless) showing cops just completely out of control. And then they are rewarded for it! Ten minutes of youtube watching police brutality and the blood begins to boil. And its only increasing. These cops are being trained to do this shit and that its okay and the right thing to do!! They get commended for it! Patted on the back, called a hero because evidently shooting unarmed people is now just following procedure. Who polices the police anymore? They have been handed a free pass to basically do whatever they see fit, without consequences. Paid leave at the very most. Kelly Thomas is another great example, out of seemingly thousands.
shooting an unarmed individual is NEVER acceptable, under any circumstances by any police.

somehow this is getting lost in the mix.


Well-Known Member
Actually when LEOs are in a situation like the one in Ferguson the default to their training. Military is the same. It's obvious law enforcement need to raise the bar in regards to training and assessment and revise and/or drop the overly aggressive approach to policing.

I'm just surprise the incident wasn't captured on camera, either dashcam or bodycam. With all the cash DHS injects into state and local law enforcement you'd think all cruisers would be equipment with video/audio recording devices.
how do you know it wasn't? because someone said it wasn't?



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
shooting an unarmed individual is NEVER acceptable, under any circumstances by any police.

somehow this is getting lost in the mix.
From the sounds of it he was trying to arm himself with the officers weapon, pretty justified in that instance.

Kinda hard to say where I stand on this as of yet since I thought zimmerman was a murderer initially but after hearing the evidence that was set out I feel differently. Probably be the same with this. Do I think the cop was justified in shooting him? Not entirely, there were probably non lethal measures at his disposal. But does that condone the huge amount of property these people are doing becsuse the police attempted to disperse a potential riot(I know it made it worse by attempting this but they are supposed to stop shit before it gets out of hand), hell no it doesnt and what is worse is as already stated they are ripping off local establishments.... talj about cutting off your nose to spite your face.:confused:

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Well-Known Member
Actually when LEOs are in a situation like the one in Ferguson the default to their training. Military is the same. It's obvious law enforcement need to raise the bar in regards to training and assessment and revise and/or drop the overly aggressive approach to policing.

I'm just surprise the incident wasn't captured on camera, either dashcam or bodycam. With all the cash DHS injects into state and local law enforcement you'd think all cruisers would be equipment with video/audio recording devices.
Cops here hate those cameras.

The city bought them and required cops to wear them. Then several instances of reported abuse came to light where it went unrecorded by the body cam.

Why? The cops were allowing the batteries to die and not recharging them.