Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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Want to reiterate what your point was to begin with?
Go reread your posts and come back with an answer.
My point was the US will NEVER be self sufficient because private corporations sell its domestic oil abroad as refined products.

You actually proved my point, saying the Corporations were lobbying to change the law to allow crude oil exports.

You got served by the best, dumbass.

Don't worry, me still rove you rong time.
My point was the US will NEVER be self sufficient because private corporations sell its domestic oil abroad as refined products.

You actually proved my point, saying the Corporations were lobbying to change the law to allow crude oil exports.

You got served by the best, dumbass.

Don't worry, me still rove you rong time.
Oh is that what you said?
You know over 80% of US domestic oil production is private and exported abroad?
For dollars too, which means your nation is essentially selling oil abroad for the worthless currency that you printed in the first place.
Self sufficiency?
Its quite well known that although crude oil can't be exported, the refined products can and are in huge numbers.

Refiners profit, America doesn't actually see more oil.

Its being lobbied for because big oil wants to export their fraking products without having to pay refiners first.

Export of crude oil from the US is ILLEGAL, whether your dumbass mug wants to accept it or not.
youre both fucking retarded.

refined petroleum products are exported by the US because we are the most prodigious and efficient refiners of petroleum in the world.

we are good at it, and other nations dont have to have refineries and all the baggage that comes with them, so they pay us to refine oil for them.

you are both labouring under the mistaken belief that Oil=Energy, when in fact the real money in a barrel of oil comes from industrial feedstocks, plastics, pharmaceutical feedstocks, plastics, etc.

fuel oil, kerosene, gasoline, propane, etc are BY-PRODUCTS of petroleum refining, not the intended product.

even if everyone on the planet switches to electric cars, oil will still be refined, just the light shit (fuels) will have to be re-refined into more useful hydrocarbons, or get dumped in a landfill.

cars run on gasoline because it's currently cheaper then the alternatives, due to it's relative abundance. if refinery processes could eliminate gasoline in favour of industrial feedstocks, they sure as fuck would, in a red hot second.

then you would be bitching about the high cost of electricity, and the evils of Big Nuclear, or Big Methanol.
youre both fucking retarded.

refined petroleum products are exported by the US because we are the most prodigious and efficient refiners of petroleum in the world.

we are good at it, and other nations dont have to have refineries and all the baggage that comes with them, so they pay us to refine oil for them.

you are both labouring under the mistaken belief that Oil=Energy, when in fact the real money in a barrel of oil comes from industrial feedstocks, plastics, pharmaceutical feedstocks, plastics, etc.

fuel oil, kerosene, gasoline, propane, etc are BY-PRODUCTS of petroleum refining, not the intended product.

even if everyone on the planet switches to electric cars, oil will still be refined, just the light shit (fuels) will have to be re-refined into more useful hydrocarbons, or get dumped in a landfill.

cars run on gasoline because it's currently cheaper then the alternatives, due to it's relative abundance. if refinery processes could eliminate gasoline in favour of industrial feedstocks, they sure as fuck would, in a red hot second.

then you would be bitching about the high cost of electricity, and the evils of Big Nuclear, or Big Methanol.
Fuck off dummy, go drive a tractor or pick fruit like youre good at.
Fuck off dummy, go drive a tractor or pick fruit like youre good at.
My point was the US will NEVER be self sufficient because private corporations sell its domestic oil abroad as refined products.

You actually proved my point, saying the Corporations were lobbying to change the law to allow crude oil exports.

You got served by the best, dumbass.

Don't worry, me still rove you rong time.

You don't understand self rule.

When WE decide to stop, we will stop selling energy to the world. It is a constant battle here against those short-sided types that would do just that, Wrong Paul.
You don't understand self rule.

When WE decide to stop, we will stop selling energy to the world. It is a constant battle here against those short-sided types that would do just that, Wrong Paul.
Are you both retarded and unable to read?

The discussion was the US might be a be exporter of oil products but is not "nearly energy independent" like Ladyboylover69 implied.

I also said its illegal to export crude oil but that refined products are sold as a way around that.

Don't try agree with Kynes, he's a farm hand, you at least are well read.
He's right, you know? There is less than 20 gallons of gasoline in a barrel of oil.

the fact is, that graph is horseshit.

exactly how much of any particular product the refinery can extract from a barrel of benchmark crude is a closely guarded secret.
every graph provided to the press is heavily modified to suit the narrative of the day.

heres another one that is similar, but as you can see, the details are incompatible

the fact is, only those on the inside of the refining industry know exactly how much of any fraction they can extract from their crude oil, or what the $ value of each fraction is.

these details are a closely guarded secret.

i have been informed by those who would know, that the mid range fractions for industrial feedstocks and pharmaceutical products are where most of the money is found.
refinery technology is firmly dedicated to getting more of that shit, at the expense of fuel oils, asphalt and coke

if they could get all mid weight fractions, and ZERO propane, gasoline, fuel oils, asphalt and coke, they would do it with eagerness.

even plastics are more profitable than fuel oils, and plastics are cheap as shit.
Are you both retarded and unable to read?

The discussion was the US might be a be exporter of oil products but is not "nearly energy independent" like Ladyboylover69 implied.

I also said its illegal to export crude oil but that refined products are sold as a way around that.

Don't try agree with Kynes, he's a farm hand, you at least are well read.
exporting refined products is not "a way around that".

exporting refined products is how china gets the materials used in manufacturing shit with slave labour under contract from US companies to sell to the US and european markets.

the US used to make stuff, but now we only make shit that we then sell to the chinese who turn it into stuff, which we then buy back as finished goods, which is an idiotic financial strategy.

the US is far from "energy independent" since we dont build nuclear reactors, solar arrays, hydro dams, wind farms or methane reclamation plants, thanks to the sierra club and the eco-litigators.

we could be "energy independent" if we listened to science instead of feels.

there is too much profit on all sides of the issue for the US to get the hydrocarbon needle out of our arm.

the oil companies are doing quite well selling hydrocarbons as fuel, the eco-loons are doing VERY well for themselves "defending the environment" by ensuring we cant take advantage of new energy sources, the political class is quite happy with the current situation, and the press loves to have a boogeyman, and Big Oil is a perfect choice.

as to your baseless ad hominem, i'd take a farm hand's word over a drunken moslem apologist's any day.
exporting refined products is not "a way around that".

exporting refined products is how china gets the materials used in manufacturing shit with slave labour under contract from US companies to sell to the US and european markets.

the US used to make stuff, but now we only make shit that we then sell to the chinese who turn it into stuff, which we then buy back as finished goods, which is an idiotic financial strategy.

the US is far from "energy independent" since we dont build nuclear reactors, solar arrays, hydro dams, wind farms or methane reclamation plants, thanks to the sierra club and the eco-litigators.

we could be "energy independent" if we listened to science instead of feels.

there is too much profit on all sides of the issue for the US to get the hydrocarbon needle out of our arm.

the oil companies are doing quite well selling hydrocarbons as fuel, the eco-loons are doing VERY well for themselves "defending the environment" by ensuring we cant take advantage of new energy sources, the political class is quite happy with the current situation, and the press loves to have a boogeyman, and Big Oil is a perfect choice.

as to your baseless ad hominem, i'd take a farm hand's word over a drunken moslem apologist's any day.
You have me all wrong Kynes, I love oil.

Its a good income stream.

And you also basically just agreed with me against Chesusretardrice.
You have me all wrong Kynes, I love oil.

Its a good income stream.

And you also basically just agreed with me against Chesusretardrice.
your misunderstanding is on a basic level.

Oil is NOT energy.

oil is the building blocks of industry, the "energy" component is a byproduct which currently doesnt even cover the refinery's operating expenses.
gasoline, fuel oil, propane, etc. merely defray the costs, the rest of the expenses and all the profits come from the OTHER shit in the oil which is much more valuable and desirable.

cars run on gasoline for several interdependent reasons:

1: when cars were being developed, gasoline was super fucking cheap. oil refineries dumped that shit into a pit and burnt it off. it was JUNK, thus super cheap.
2: the oil industry is now heavily dependent on automobiles as their mobile waste disposal system, and a minor source of cash flow.
3: the alternative fuels are still more expensive than buying the oil industry's refuse (and they intend to keep it that way)
4: the oil industry has manipulated regulations to ensure that cars will continue to be a ready consumer of their waste by-products, so they dont have to pay to haul it away.
5: if oil refining technology makes a great leap forward, and fuel products becomes a much smaller fraction, or is eliminated as a waste by-product it will no longer be produced and sold as fuel, unless the price becomes astronomical. if they could produce all good stuff and zero "fuel" from a barrel of oil they damned sure would.
6: when fuel prices rise to a level where sacrificing some of the middle weight fractions to produce gasoline or fuel oil becomes profitable, the mutton heads bleat and cry about "gouging"
7: when fuel prices drop and gasoline production is scaled back in favour of more profitable fractions, the muttonheads bleat and cry about "price fixing"
8: the oil industry handles all the money in the world, every dollar, rupee, ruble, drachma, lira, frank, euro, pfennig, pound, and dong in existence, every 7 years or so, and they get to keep about 6-12% of it. thats not too shabby.
9:they dont give a fuck if you think they are assholes, you need them, and they are making a good return on their investments. without the oil industry, civilization would collapse.
10: all they want from you is a steady profit, and for you to keep using their waste products as fuel. since they are the only game in town, if you dont like it, you can pound sand.