STL is about to start rioting.


Well-Known Member
Why are you a child molester?

Remember now.. denying it makes you a coward. And a child molester.
way to stick up for the holocaust denier. stellar standards there.

so we have a group of four people on this forum who are using our website as a platform for holocaust denial and white supremacy. their group is found here:

in this group, four member, nietzschekeen, slavenomore, shotgun420, and echelon1k1 engage in holocaust denial, white supremacy, planning white "revolutions" and the like.

this kind of garbage has no place in any society, and all it does is sully up our website. it brings negative attention to our website from the wrong people, and by doing nothing to get rid of this garbage we are implicitly endorsing it.

at first, i thought a little public shaming would get these assholes to scurry away, but instead they have come back with even more disgusting and offensive garbage.

let's let these assholes know that they are not welcome here.

more outright holocaust denial:

here they are spreading their bigotry against peaceful american muslims:


Well-Known Member
Oh, so now I'M a sock puppet, too?

So who am I?

You are pathetic.
That seems to be his way. He keeps calling me bigbush or something.

It's like his go to attack, "I don't have a point so I'm going to call this person out as someone who used to post here who doesn't anymore. "

Like having a second user account somehow lessens the validity of your argument.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
So you can prove that earnest here is the same person, right?
he cant even prove his own claims.

all of his "evidence" points to deleted posts, only his own accusations remain.

he could claim those posts said anything he wished, that anyone he wishes to defame was a "member" and that they were plotting with 7 foot tall reptilian aliens to destroy the earth using the HAARP array and Orgone generators.

he has repeated that claim so many times nobody believes it. he drags that shit up and hurls it at anyone who opposes his opinions.

it's just Joe Mcarthy's Magic Satchel Full Of Communists, Progressive Style.

But But But... the seriousness of the charges!
If these allegations are true...!!
Better to simply assume you are a racist bigoted homophobe member of the Aryan Nation, and a child murderer than run the risk of allowing you into this forum!


Well-Known Member
3 minutes ago
W Florissant - Protesters are being asked to disperse or they will be arrested

gotta love the police cuz the most important amendment in our constitution is being thrown out


Well-Known Member
3 minutes ago
W Florissant - Protesters are being asked to disperse or they will be arrested

gotta love the police cuz the most important amendment in our constitution is being thrown out
to be fair though, rioting can be a public safety concern.

as long as it remains peaceful though they should allow it.


Well-Known Member
Last I checked marshall law was NOT in effect since when can the cops just lock people up that gather in one place while showing no intent of violence??

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Well-Known Member
Last I checked marshall law was NOT in effect since when can the cops just lock people up that gather in one place while showing no intent of violence??

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I547 using Rollitup mobile app
the police can obviously do what they want whenever they want. it's being proven that you no longer have the freedom to assemble.


Active Member
to be fair though, rioting can be a public safety concern.

as long as it remains peaceful though they should allow it.
gerund or present participle: rioting
  1. take part in a violent public disturbance.
    "students rioted in Paris"
    synonyms:rampage, go on the rampage, run riot, fight in the streets, run wild, run amok, go berserk;More
    informalraise hell
    "the miners rioted"
    • behave in an unrestrained way.
      "another set of emotions rioted through him"
    • archaic
      act in a dissipated way.
      "an unrepentant prodigal son, rioting off to far countries"
because rioting means to be peaceful... :wall: