Full legalization/decriminalization in a year or less in the US

Legal/Decriminalized nationwide or??

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bud bootlegger
i mean,think of the layoffs at the beer companys,hospitals,logging companys for paper production,tobacco farms/companys...taco bell would def be doing alot of hiring tho:-D
ehh, i'm not sure if weed were to become legal tomorrow, people who like to drink would suddenly start to smoke weed.. ime, most people who want to do drugs, do so regardless of the fact that they're illegal.. not everyone of course, but a huge part of people smoke weed now and don't really gaf about it being illegal..
i'm also not sold on hemp taking over the paper industry as i have read that's why hearst was so against it.. he had just purchased all new equipment to process paper into pulp i do believe.. so yeah, obviously the equipment to convert hemp into pulp and trees into pulp is different enough that it'd cost huge amounts of money for say boise paper products to convert everything over to hemp..
i lol about taco bell, i agree on that point.. :D
my $.02


Well-Known Member
I think it was rory, but somebody mentioned the prisons losing dough by extension of their losing inmates...good thought and to strengthen the point, one of the strongest lobbies in this country is the correctional facilities workers lobby (prison guards lobby). Now, does anyone think its a good idea for our prisons to be privatized thereby economically incentivizing incarceration*? Imagine, then, what it does to have every prison guard have an economic stake in the number of prisoners en toto in the USA.

*I recognize that we already have private prisons, the point was made rhetorically to emphasize how much worse it is to have people lobbying on the hill for ways to put/keep people in prisons.


Well-Known Member
racer,im just saying it would be an impact that was felt by said entities..i know many people who say they wouldnt drink as much or not at all if they could smoke as much as they wanted..
think of the pain med company's loss due to ailing people not wanting to take opiates..or anti anxiety meds ect...the list goes on...


Well-Known Member
Y'all are tripping, or have never been here, if you think that states such as Alabama or GA or MS will legalize...the corruption in our state government is insane, and the feds are washing their hands of this y'all. They already said that, just let the states decide....I don't even understand what these assholes do! Like gay marriage, they are too damn afraid to lose their cushy jobs by supporting it and changing the constitution... Instead gays have to change it state by state...BTW I'm not gay. Just stoned and I think Congress's job was about the United State, and they need to get their heads out of their asses and stop paying attention to Iraq, that's NOT INYOUR JOB DESCRIPTION. NOW LEGALIZE IT AND STOP PUSSYFOOTING AROUND..I want a healthy America. And here is our savior, lehgo
End Ranttttt


Well-Known Member
shit is happening, and happening practically day by day
florida has a pretty sweet MMJ proposition for november
allows MMJ for chronic pain, that's close to california/colorado MMJ
if florida goes MMJ, anything is possible


Well-Known Member
Lol no...not at all...they are not like the rest of the south at all...its one of the biggest states in the US, and think about how diverse of an area it is from north Florida to the keys and jimmy buffet type people...plus Florida has one of the largest senior populations with high med needs in the country and they actually have a loterry....we are getting cbd legalization everywhere but that's just so the people in power can say look we legalized the medicine nowgo away...


Well-Known Member
Lol no...not at all...they are not like the rest of the south at all...its one of the biggest states in the US, and think about how diverse of an area it is from north Florida to the keys and jimmy buffet type people...plus Florida has one of the largest senior populations with high med needs in the country and they actually have a loterry....we are getting cbd legalization everywhere but that's just so the people in power can say look we legalized the medicine nowgo away...
no question florida has been its own kind of southern state
but still, not so long ago you could get tasered there for a lit joint
and the cbd bill is a separate, been passed already i think, the Charlotte's Web stuff
but the november prop is full on medical marijuana with the right to grow


Well-Known Member
a truly noble, yet unrealized idea. I agree with racerboy71, not in our lifetime, but who knows, they might get it right if they can pull the resources together to make it happen.

One can only hope.




Well-Known Member
Well the time has come for me to post this thread. I have been for last couple of years following the trends of our useless government and it's decision making regarding cannabis. Following the money trail has led me to believe that the DEA and Fed's have been losing their foot hold on a twenty + year useless waste of taxpayer dollars known as the "Drugwar" and now that they have lost their ability to convince people of a lie hence we will see legalization or at least decriminalization nationwide.
Just a guess...If I'm wrong, if by 6/5/2015 nothing has changed then feel free to come back to this thread and let me have it! XD


im from the future fag!!!!

guess what???

obama was in fact the anti christ

Tacos are now used as currency

and bacon is outlawed