Help my plants are yellowing week 6


Well-Known Member
Shes cannabolizing herself bc she isnt getting enough nutes stored in her fan leaves. The typical deficiency during flower is: N, mag, cal. Its a domino effect when you have one or the other, they lock each other out. If you have some nutes, give her something that has N/cal/mag in it. Right away!


Active Member
Turn off the HPS before taking the picture! Make sure there aren't any little bugs flying around too. Gnat infestation looks like that too. Hard to tell with the lights.


Well-Known Member
Yea they are fine. You could green them up with calmag but you want the leaves looking like trash when they are done.

edit: just noticed date.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
not enough nitrogen will cause premature yellowing. usually caused by bloom nutes with not enough N in it. GL

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
what are you feeding it? You should disregard "feeding schedules" and learn about NPK. I dont know where you're from, but have you ever seen a commercial farm that lets their crops go to shit before they harvest? Pot's no different. It might be too late, but you should feed adequate nitrogen during flowering to prevent premature leaf drop/necrosis, as was mentioned above